The Vatic Project: 9/11 and Zion: What Was Israel's Role? Part 1 of 2
21 hours ago by Vatic Master
So when Netanyahu said the very next day, 'This is very good for Israel”, he wasn't just blurting out something indiscreet, he was publicly congratulating the various agents who had worked so hard. .... The airline security company responsible for the shocking security lapses at both the Boston and Newark airports on 9/11 is a wholly-owned subsidiary of an Israeli company (ICTS) headed by men with clear ties to Israel'smilitary intelligence agency, Mossad: Huntleigh, USA is a ...
Israel did 9/11 – ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD
21 hours ago by admin
Silverstein was personal friends with Zionist media-magnate Rupert Murdoch, formerIsraeli president & infamous Zionist war criminal Ariel Sharon, as well as Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu. Silverstein was such .... Another point indicating ICTS'scomplicity is that a few hours before the Patriot Act was voted on, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11 immune to lawsuits. This would .... He had it made at a good law firm after leaving law school. Why the ...
On 11 September 2012, Egyptian protesters climbed the walls of the US embassy in Cairo, tore down the American flag and burnt it.
They were protesting against an anti-Islamic film.
"Although it was not clear which film prompted the protests, Egypt’s al-Azhar mosque, a seat of Sunni learning, condemned on Tuesday a symbolic 'trial' of the Prophet organised by a US group including Terry Jones, a Christian pastor who triggered riots in Afghanistan in 2010 by threatening to burn the Koran.
"According to the Standupamericanow website, Mr Jones and others were due to take part in an event on Tuesday called 'International judge Mohammed day' in Florida. It was to be carried live on the internet."
- Why do People suddenly remember that offensive home made film now when it was produced several months ago ?
- Why was the first one to air the video publicly rude Khaled Abdullah on Salafist (CIA) TV channel Al Nas ?
Note the otherwise disreputable mediaite.con website posts that Romney confused the U.S. consulate in Benghazi with the U.S.Embassy in Tripoli.What the U.S.Ambassador was doing at the consulate at such a crucial time when all heil is breaking loose,supposedly over a little known or publisiced rant about Islam and why only CIA suspect Islamic 'news' sites promoted the film in the first place is also a mystery.Surely the U.S.,Israel and its CIA could have gotten the Egyptian Islamic brotherhood they are so close to not to give it publicity couldn't they on their television in Egypot couldn't they ?
Romney Incorrectly Identifies U.S. Consulate In Benghazi ... - Mediaite ...Cached
1 day ago – During his speech earlier today condemning the attacks in Egypt and Libya, Mitt Romney ended up making a few errors in identifying the ...
also from this site with link.:
Here is the link to the Department of State web site, with a complete list of All U.S. embassies, consulates, and diplomatic missions world wide. There is one in Libya, obviously in Tripoli. And I will state right now that I have that Embassy page saved and captured, in case someone decides to bury this by faking Benghazi in for a while.
To further bolster this fact, Here is Google Maps of Benghazi Libya. Delete Benghazi Libya from the search window, and type the word EMBASSY or CONSULATE there. Because one does not exist in Benghazi, it will throw you to an alternative location near you. Here is the Wikipedia list, no doubt soon to be faked, it will happen fast here Wont last long and if any fakes get thrown in, well, there are TONS of lists out there, and I will just snag another. They can't bury this lie.
And if this "Benghazi embassy" was around 4 months ago, how long before that did it exist? Why are they calling it an "embassy" in this article, and a consulate/mission in the current rip? How long would it take the state department, Wikipedia, and all other web sites, including ones that update daily, to show this "mission?" Is (a minimum) of four months enough?Oh, I know, it was run by OSAMA BIN LADEN, and therefore was not a favorite, and he is crazy, which is why it has been called a CONSULATE, an EMBASSY, and a "DIPLOMATIC MISSION" in the various reports, three representations so different that they are not the same thing at all! That works in fiction I guess!
US ‘was warned of Libya embassy attack but did nothing’
A bit more from aaangirfan with link:
Friday, September 14, 2012
Inside Job ... - Daily Mail / Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination
The Independent, citing diplomatic sources, has reported that the US State Department knew, up to 48 hours ahead of the attacks, that the compounds in Benghazi and Cairo could be hit.
"However, none of the diplomats in either city were given warnings."
It has been revealed that "the Benghazi consulate was not protected by
the contingent of Marines that usually safeguard embassies."
If you place the Hebrew news article from Israeli Ynet news at the link below into a Google translate
from Hebrew to English,this translation is what you get:,7340,L-4280317,00.html
As you can see from trhe rough Google translate translation the makewr of the film is an Israeli American who made the terrorist provocation film by deceiving the actors involved into believing they were making somethiong entirley different and then dubbing over quotese meditated to cause the most encitement to hate he could.Someone should begin to do videos depicting the Jewish hate and thought crimes oftheir very own
It is a known fact that Israeli government terrorists and money launderers of ICTS International Menachem Atzmon and deceased Ezra Harel and Shin Bet agents were in control of Logan Airport Boston on 9/11.They could have been charged with criminal negligence in the death of 3000 U.S.citizens or residents and stock fraud at the very least by our own government but were protected.Then one month after 9/11 they let their own agent Richard Reid 'the shoe bomber' to board an American Airlines flight from DeGualle Airport in Paris France for Dulles Wshingrton,D.C. with his 'shoe bomb' and only as recently as Christmas 2009 thewy in control of Schiphol Airport allowed Mutallab the Nigerian 'crotch bomber' to board flight 253 to Detroit !And still no arrests of these criminals and murder suspects who are allowed to continue in control of airport 'securiity' !And Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro says or plagiarizes killer moron W Bush and says we need to 'connect the dots'! Ha!
But in regards to the Israeli who made this film in the U.S. in California the Israeli YNET News even gives us a name and has apparently interviewed or been in contact with him to release the data below and he is obviously not an Egyptian Coptic Christian as the main stream media has tried to spin it after all Hell broke loose as a result of this film that was premeditated to induce terrorism did its job against Israel's enemies in the U.S.government itself who are disrespected all the more they bend and spread their anal cheeks so that Iraeli Preident Netanyahu and hi Mosad boys can fuckkk them even deeper witrh their dildo produced with 'Israeli technology'. The black prostritiute Barack Obsama should where lipsict on his anus and Mitt Romney shouldd get on the first flight to Israel and give Benjsmin Netanyahu the blow job he probably has already given previously Don't tell me either of those to British Petroleum or BP Tea Party members are anything but traitors and cowards and the prstitutes and offshore money launderers that they are just as W Bush and Bill and Hillary Clinton with their hundreds of billions of sdollars in offshore accounts ! Sam Vassily should be brought back to America from Israel and made to talk at whatever cost to himself or others whether they be Israelis or Americans and we had better learn soon that Israeli Jewish terrorists are worse or have been so to us than any Islamo terrorist so far.In fact coincidentally EVERY seccular government in the Middle Est has been overthrown bvy us in the last 10 and a real Islamo-Fasciost replacement installed in their place just like we have in Saidi Arabia and Kuwait and Dubai and Qatar and Bahrain and the UAE in general ! Why !?
The U.S.Ambaador would not have been murdered like this in Libya under Kaddafi so what U.S. officials and Israelis and NATO 'leaders' installed them ? The NATO leaders deserve the same treatment that Italians gave to Musolini for all our sakes befoire it is too late !
''The writer and director Sam Vasily spoke with media from an unknown, and insisted that the tape position is: "Islam is cancer, period." He said that through the film he wanted to convey a political message. 56-year-old author identifies as an Israeli Jew, and says that he believes his film will help Israel to expose the flaws of Islam to the world. According to reports in the world, a real estate entrepreneur Israeli - American. Excerpts from the film, dubbed into Arabic, published on YouTube. Vasily said sorry to the person who was killed the night at the American consulate in Benghazi, but he blamed the security weak spot.'' -ynet news
May Movie Islam: I am an Israeli, I went undergroundProvocative film depicting Mohammed chaser supports sexual exploitationOf children, provoked violent riots in Egypt and Libya. Tonight was burned U.S. consulate in Benghazi, and works killed. Author: "Islam is cancer, period. Convey a political message 'News agenciesPosted: 12:09:12, 09:10Filmmaker scandalous about Islam provoked riots in the Arab and Muslim world against the claim that it violates the Prophet Muhammad, was in hiding for fear of his life. Reported this morning (Wednesday) news agencies. Crowds rioted last night at the U.S. Embassy in Egypt and the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and tonight confirmed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that the disturbance at the consulate in Benghazi killed an employee of the consulate.More news from:
* Jungle survived 38 years - and reunited with her parents
* That the U.S. ignored Russia's crimes in Poland
* Divorced, the killed and picking peanuts. These U.S. Presidents
* Angelina Jolie visited Syrian refugees 'heartbreaking'The writer and director Sam Vasily spoke with media from an unknown, and insisted that the tape position is: "Islam is cancer, period." He said that through the film he wanted to convey a political message. 56-year-old author identifies as an Israeli Jew, and says that he believes his film will help Israel to expose the flaws of Islam to the world. According to reports in the world, a real estate entrepreneur Israeli - American. Excerpts from the film, dubbed into Arabic, published on YouTube. Vasily said sorry to the person who was killed the night at the American consulate in Benghazi, but he blamed the security weak spot.Excerpts from the film's exciting about the Muslim world, as uploaded to YouTube:Demonstrators who marched yesterday to the streets of Egypt and Libya argue that the U.S. produced film hits the Prophet Muhammad. Controversial film among others argued that Muhammad was a womanizer who supported the sexual exploitation of children. Further argued in that there is little evidence addresses the origins of Islam. According reports in the world, the film is presented Muhammad as corrupt, "seems" to have sex and call for massacres. followers of Muhammad are a bunch of fools.In "Wall Street Journal" reported that Vasily told that for film production raised five million dollars from about 100 Jewish donors, whose identity he refused to disclose. He also said that the film some 60 actors and 45 crew members. Length about two hours, and production in California last year lasted about three months. The film promoted by Florida pastor Terry Jones, who once caused riots in the background burning Korans. YouTube can be found in section 13 of his minutes, while the full film was shown only once, to watch a few in Hollywood.Rioting outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo last night (Photo: AP)Rioting outside the U.S. Embassy in Cairo last night (Photo: AP)The image of Muhammad controversial filmThe image of Muhammad controversial filmThe American flag was torn, burned ConsulateRiots around the film started last night when angry protesters climbed the walls of the American Embassy in Cairo, and some were able to remove it from the U.S. flag and rip it. Communication tool in Egypt reported that hundreds of protesters marched on the embassy, and Reuters news agency estimated that they numbered 2,000. Photographs published on the "Do - Sunday - Saba 'were demonstrators, men and women, holding books Quran and carrying signs. a sign in English reads:" illiterates and those black heart: Islam respects Jesus and Mary. "After they removed the flag, demonstrators tore it to pieces and showed TV crews arrived. Others burned them. "We need to ban the screening of this film immediately and apologize for this disgrace," he told Reuters in a young man of 19, Ismail Mahmoud, who identified himself as a member of B"aoltras "unruly soccer fans played a role in inciting the protests against Hosni Mubarak last year. Mahmoud called on President Mohammed Mursi act.Promoting the movie: Pastor who threatened to burn the Koran. Demonstrators in Cairo (Photo: AFP)Promoting the movie: Pastor who threatened to burn the Koran. Demonstrators in Cairo (Photo: AFP)Memories riot over Mohammed cartoons in DenmarkMemories riot over Mohammed cartoons in DenmarkA few hours passed, and neighboring Libya armed militiamen broke into the American consulate in Benghazi compound and fired rockets and small arms. After a few hours the State Department confirmed that an employee of the mission was killed. Witnesses said that most of the building was on fire, and that the Libyan security forces withdrew following the heavy fire was opened at them from the militia. Apparently, the armedLooted building tables, chairs and washing machines. Although the relationship which seems clear from the events in Libya and Egypt, an American argued that the time at night, "Do not tie them."Anger in the Muslim world and Arab, and disturbances and associated violence, reminiscent of the riots somnolence in 2005, when Danish newspaper published 12 cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad. The publication of the cartoons had triggered a wave of riots in Muslim countries and Islamic extremists called on their supporters to avenge the publication.
בניצול מיני של ילדים, עורר מהומות אלימות במצרים ובלוב. הלילה הועלתה באש הקונסוליה האמריקנית בבנגזי, ועובד נהרג. היוצר: "האיסלאם הוא סרטן, נקודה. העברתי מסר פוליטי"
יוצר הסרט השערורייתי על האיסלאם
שעורר מהומות בעולם הערבי והמוסלמי על רקע הטענה כי הוא פוגע בנביא מוחמד,
ירד למחתרת מחשש לחייו. כך דווח הבוקר (יום ד') בסוכנויות הידיעות. אמש התפרעו המונים
בשגרירות ארה"ב במצרים
ובקונסוליה האמריקנית בבנגזי שבלוב,
והלילה אישרה מזכירת המדינה האמריקנית, הילרי קלינטון,
כי בהתפרעות בקונסוליה בבנגזי נהרג עובד הקונסוליה. עוד חדשות מהעולם :
הכותב והבמאי סאם באסילה שוחח עם כלי תקשורת ממקום שאינו ידוע, והתעקש כי הוא דבק בעמדתו: "האיסלאם הוא סרטן, נקודה". הוא אמר כי באמצעות הסרט ברצונו להעביר מסר פוליטי. היוצר בן ה-56 מזדהה כיהודי ישראלי, ואומר כי הוא מאמין שהסרט שלו יסייע לישראל לחשוף את פגמי האיסלאם לעולם. לפי דיווחים בעולם, מדובר ביזם נדל"ן ישראלי-אמריקני. מובאות מהסרט, שדובבו לערבית, פורסמו ביוטיוב. באסילה אמר כי צר לו על האדם שנהרג הלילה בקונסוליה האמריקנית בבנגזי, אך האשים בכך את האבטחה הרפה במקום. מובאות מהסרט שמסעיר את העולם המוסלמי, כפי שהועלו ליוטיוב: פוגע בנביא מוחמד. בסרט מעורר המחלוקת נטען בין השאר כי מוחמד היה רודף שמלות שתמך בניצול מיני של ילדים. עוד נטען בו כי יש רק מעט ראיות כתובות על מקורותיה של דת האיסלאם. לפי דיווחים בעולם, בסרט מוצג מוחמד כמושחת, "נראה" מקיים יחסי מין וקורא לביצוע מעשי טבח. מאמיניו של מוחמד מוצגים בו כחבורה של טיפשים. בעיתון "וול סטריט ג'ורנל" דווח כי באסילה סיפר שלצורך הפקת הסרט גייס חמישה מיליון דולר מכ-100 תורמים יהודים, שאת זהותם סירב לחשוף. עוד סיפר כי בסרט השתתפו כ-60 שחקנים וכ-45 אנשי צוות. אורכו כשעתיים, והפקתו בקליפורניה בשנה שעברה נמשכה כשלושה חודשים. הסרט מקודם על ידי הכומר טרי ג'ונס מפלורידה, שבעבר עורר מהומות בעולם על רקע שריפת ספרי קוראן. ביוטיוב ניתן למצוא קטע בן 13 דקות שלו, בעוד הסרט המלא הוקרן רק פעם אחת, בפני צופים מעטים באולם בהוליווד. המהומות סביב הסרט החלו אתמול בערב, כשמפגינים זועמים טיפסו על קירות השגרירות האמריקנית בקהיר, וחלקם הצליחו להסיר ממנה את דגל ארה"ב ולקרוע אותו. כלי תקשורת במצרים דיווחו כי מאות מפגינים צעדו לעבר השגרירות, וסוכנות הידיעות רויטרס העריכה כי מספרם עמד על 2,000. בתמונות שפורסמו באתר "אל-יום א-סאבע" נראו מפגינים, גברים ונשים, אוחזים בספרי קוראן ונושאים שלטים. על שלט באנגלית נכתב: "לבורים ולבעלי לב שחור: האיסלאם מכבד את ישו ואת מרי". לאחר שהסירו את הדגל, המפגינים קרעו אותו והראו את הפיסות לצוותי הטלוויזיה שהגיעו למקום. אחרים שרפו אותן. "צריך לאסור על הקרנת הסרט הזה לאלתר ולהתנצל, זו חרפה", אמר לרויטרס צעיר בן 19, איסמעיל מחמוד, שהזדהה כחבר ב"אולטראס", אוהדי הכדורגל הפרועים שמילאו תפקיד בליבוי ההפגנות נגד חוסני מובארק בשנה שעברה. מחמוד קרא לנשיא מוחמד מורסי לפעול בנושא. במאי סרט האיסלאם: אני ישראלי, ירדתי למחתרתהסרט הפרובוקטיבי, המתאר את מוחמד כרודף שמלות התומך בניצול מיני של ילדים, עורר מהומות אלימות במצרים ובלוב. הלילה הועלתה באש הקונסוליה האמריקנית בבנגזי, ועובד נהרג. היוצר: "האיסלאם הוא סרטן, נקודה. העברתי מסר פוליטי"
“Innocence of Muslims” Psyop is About Crushing Libya’s Growing Green Revolution
US Ambassador Killed: Fingers Pointing at Israel
At the same time official Israel is concealing information that filmmaker “Bacile” must have served with the Israeli army intelligence. In Hebrew media, “Bacile” presents himself as fluent in Arabic, what is to my knowledge almost exclusive to intelligence operatives in israel.
The attack on the consulate in Benghazi reminds us of the American-Israeli mossad agent Ilan Chaim Grappelli/Grapel, (אילן גרפל ), who was captured in Egypt during the revolution for inciting people to commit acts of violence.
Grapel was a war criminal who participated in the atrocities of the Lebanon “second war” in 2006, a former paratrooper who infiltrated the Egyptian revolutionaries and was causing trouble, inciting his acquaintances to perpetrate criminal acts against police stations and the military, spying on the military and the revolutionaries, photographing people and reporting to the Mossad, distributing money to some Egyptians and recruiting them to cause chaos, to steal and to sabotage public infrastructure in the country. Grapel had also been organizing a series of protest movements and preparing them to disobey orders of the military authorities after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak.
“Innocence of Muslims” Psyop is About Crushing Libya’s Growing Green Revolution
US Ambassador Killed: Fingers Pointing at Israel
The murder of the US Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens, due to riots after the offensive film attacking Islam’s Prophet Muhammad has many signs which warrant pointing fingers towards Israel. (Pic. Credit: AFP).
Without hesitation Israel declared through its official media that “Sam Bacile”, 56-year-old author identifies as an Israeli Jew, and he says that he believes that his film will help Israel to expose the flaws of Islam to the world.
At the same time official Israel is concealing information that filmmaker “Bacile” must have served with the Israeli army intelligence. In Hebrew media, “Bacile” presents himself as fluent in Arabic, what is to my knowledge almost exclusive to intelligence operatives in israel.
The State of Israel stated that filmmaker “Bacile” went into hiding on Tuesday after his movie attacking Islam’s Prophet Muhammad sparked angry assaults by Muslims on US diplomatic missions in Egypt and in Libya, where the US Ambassador Chris Stevens became one of four Americans killed in the attack.
What the speaker did not state for foreign audiences was that Israeli intelligence had protected the filmmaker since the beginning and that after having accomplished his mission he is probably now back in his Israel enjoying full protection in Tel Aviv or Herzliya or somewhere else under a pseudonym.
There are suspicions that “Bacile”, now in Israel, carried a passport with another name. The elements of the Israeli mossad and intelligence customarily carry several falsified passports under different nationalities and names. The suspicion that the film was made not by “Bacile” alone and on his own initiative, but that the whole thing was a premeditated operation of the Israeli intelligence, designed to have exactly the effects it has had until now.
According to Breitbart “the Libyan security forces hired to protect the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya moved Ambassador Chris Stevens to a second building within the consulate, then told the militant crowds where he was”. Libya has been essentially under the control of mossad since Gadhaffi was deposed by NATO-backed terrorists.
The attack on the consulate in Benghazi reminds us of the American-Israeli mossad agent Ilan Chaim Grappelli/Grapel, (אילן גרפל ), who was captured in Egypt during the revolution for inciting people to commit acts of violence.
Grapel was a war criminal who participated in the atrocities of the Lebanon “second war” in 2006, a former paratrooper who infiltrated the Egyptian revolutionaries and was causing trouble, inciting his acquaintances to perpetrate criminal acts against police stations and the military, spying on the military and the revolutionaries, photographing people and reporting to the Mossad, distributing money to some Egyptians and recruiting them to cause chaos, to steal and to sabotage public infrastructure in the country. Grapel had also been organizing a series of protest movements and preparing them to disobey orders of the military authorities after the overthrow of President Hosni Mubarak.
What Grapel did was the same scenario as in Benghazi, Libya. It is more than plausible that israeli elements had infiltrated the angry Libyan masses after showing them the film and incited them to shoot at the American embassy, where Ambassador Stevens and his team were killed. Such “false flag” attacks are the hallmark of mossad, which always play the same dirty games, putting oil on the fire, kindling hatred and inciting the unaware to perpetrate crimes.
Simply said, the offensive film made by an extremist zionist jew from the USA together with an Egyptian Copt served to kindle the flames of hatred in a region where restraint is almost unknown, preparing the terrain for “justifiable” violence.
The murder of the American Ambassador and three of his team was the logical consequence if one takes in account the guidance of the Libyan “security” team hired by the embassy. In sum, all well done, a plausibly deniable operation cooked up in the hellish kitchen of the Israeli intelligence, against their supposedly best friend and nearest ally.
According to what can be read, Ambassador Stevens had previously been a teacher in Morocco, he spoke fluent Arabic; he was very open towards the people and did not host racist prejudice against Arabs. Knowing the Israeli mentality, this may have been enough for him to become hated and ultimately marked as disposable at the jewish-dominated US Department of State.
Another possible background for this operation, also from my knowledge of the Israeli mentality, would be that they don’t know what to do to sow dissent in the Arab world since Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood won the elections in Egypt. This is strange because Morsi can be seen as a US/Western stooge who is ultimately favourable to Israel behind a facade designed to quiet his constituency.
Israel, the country which sickens everybody with their endless bellyaching about “anti-smetism” whenever their crimes are criticized, it is the same country which employs all its energy to think about ways to cause trouble and chaos for other countries and peoples.
The question is: what does israel think to do after this dirty game? It is becoming clear that israel has put this false-flag crime in scene as a cover of another big crime, or that that they want something from the Americans and will try to use this to twist their arm. What could it be that that they want? Is it the war against Iran or there is something else they want to force the USA to do? As of now, their dirty game would appear to have failed, as the whole event reeks of their participation.
Saudi Arabia paying UK trained terrorists up to $3,000/Month for ...
9 hours ago by Taj
The article also takes a detailed looked into these western supported Al Qaeda aligned terrorists by examining their ideology and history while reporting on providing details on the life of the Saudi Jihadists living inside the war zone. Story Highlights: Saudi Arabia Paying Terrorists ... The Terrorist are responding to an open call for Jihad issued to allSaudi's by the Saudi Prince Bandar Bin Sultan anointed Prophet Sheik Ahmad Al Qaseer. The rebels being trained in Turkey are Saudi ...
British Intelligence Has Named the Mastermind Behind the Deadly Attack in Benghazi–Ayman al-Zawahiri
[Just when the US spymasters have deemed it safe to bring our "Al-Qaeda" connections out into the open, the ungrateful "Islamists" stab us in the back. How dare they?!! There are opportunists lurking behind the curtain, just as there are out in front. Play with hornets' nests and you WILL get stung.]
Photo: EPA |
British intelligence services have named the Al-Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri as the mastermind behind the deadly attack on the US Consulate in Libya’s eastern city of Benghazi, which claimed the lives of the US Ambassador to Libya, as well as of three other American officials.
A source in the British armed forces’ analytic department said al Zawahiri issued an order for the attack, which appears to be a “well-planned” one.
According to the source, the militia task force comprised 20 specially trained gunmen, who used the demonstrations as a pretext to staging an assault.
Russia warns US on consequences of regime change - Int-history
12 hours ago by Omnibus Dubitandum
Those fighters, under the leadership of Osama bin Laden, went on to become al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization that Russia warned made up part of the Libyan opposition. "By now it is obvious that terrorist activity has drastically increased ...
I think that maybe he died before the reported event.
The victim’s mouth seems to be very dark from ‘death’… as a person’s mouth gets very dark and bluish… his skin under his fingernails also appear to be showing dark patches of dark bluish blood.
The first photo shows a possible laceration on his head….
and he does have a blunt-force wound on the left side if his face….
that photo is not here.. I’ll try to find it.
This man may have been killed days before this event!