9/11,WTC Widow Ellen Mariani:War Criminal Barack Obama covers W Bush Regime 9/11,NY WTC Mass Murder of Americans
Judge Ferdinando Imposimato has stated publicly in writing that 9/11 was just like the CIA's 'strategy of tension' carried out in Italy.
Imposimato, the Honorary President of Italy's Supreme Court, is to refer the 9/11 crimes to the International Criminal Court.
"The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq," Imposimato declares in a letter published on 10 September 2012 by the Journal of 9/11 Studies. - Quote from www.aaangirfan.com
And when Zionist prostitute Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro,stepson of Indonesian mass murderer Lolo Soetoro and whose role model is Idi Amin,leaves the White House you can be sure his offshore accouints are as filled or more so than Hillary and Bill Clinton or those of Mitt Romney but perhaps not quite so full as the masters of war who dictate to him from the City of London or Israel or even the Jewish Russian mafia billionaires who he and Hillary have allowed to use Guantanamo as a baes for trafficking cocaine from South America or perhaps even heroin from Afghsanistan under the guise of bringing more supposed Al Qaeda or other victims who somehow got got up and roundeed up in their phonny war on terrorism.But like W Bush and the Zionists they protect including those at the higfhest levels of the Israeli government as well as the BP Rothschild crime family of the UK who have the corrupt dim whitted inbred British royals under their thumbs
and the Israelis Menachem Atzmon and his Shin Bet boys of ICTS International - the perpetraitors of 9/11 -
go unprosecuted and are protected by the murders Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama becuse this has nothing to do with phony Republican or Democrat politics but over a coup that occured in the U.S. on or before 9/11/01 in which mass murders,war criminals and international money launderers who have absconded with tens of trillions of U.S.dollars stolen into their offashore account maintain their dictatorship and terrorism against us for as long as they can.Had we met Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro when he worked with the CIAand thus Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda whern he worked for the CIA ib Pakistan in the 1980's,probably in money laundering with major CIA-Saudi bank fraud such as BCCI,he would have been the first to assure us that Osama was our friend and the Bush family's 'business' partner.But now he taskes credit for killing Osama which is only another outrage because if his incompetent American military had him under arrest and subdued why would you just kill him when he could be intyerogated at much greater benefit to the American pubkic than just killing him !? I thibk we all have an idea of why W Bush regime prostitutes Barry Soetoro or Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton wanted to shut him up.
Below is a link and quote from 9/11 widow Ellen Marian's lawsuit website re her ongoing legal battle as well as from aaangirfan website with the opinion and action of Italian Judge Ferdinando Imposimato,the kind of judge we can only dream of ever having again in the W Bush,Barack Obama Zionist and corporatist controlled U.S.Supreme Court and lower court system.Ferdinando Imposimato,the Honorary President of Italy's Supreme Court,is the kind of judge we should have had presiding over the U.S. 9/11 cases instead of the Zionist scum and Israeli prostitute who dare pose as an American named Judge Alvin Hellerstein wqhose son himself immigrated to Israel just after 9/11 and lives on the blood spilt of Palestinians on Palestinmian occupied lands and has actuall as a lawayer been in the employ of the Rothschild crime familty itself that aside from Adolf Hitler and the Nazis is the real founding family of Israel,even though of course trhis shameful scum called the Rothschild crime family are themselves white racist Zionists and not in anyway 'Semites' any more than any of the white racists occupying Palerstine lyingly claim to be !
I advise anyone who is unaware to make thmselves asrethat Barack Obama covered up for Menachem Atrzmon and the Israelis of ICTS International during his owen first term in office when they being in control of SchipholAirport at the blessings of Queen Beatrix and the Rothschild crime family who stil have petroleum interests in that bought country,allowed the so-called Islamic 'crotch bomber' to board flight 253 on Christmas from Am,sterdam to Detroit wqith his so-called 'croch bomb' that led Janet Napolitano's and Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro's Homeland Security Department to buy more Israeli airport 'security technology' from 9/11 implicated Israeli American criminal Michael Chertoff's facist Israeli clients !
Meanwhile a real American patriot,Ellen Mariani,wqho shows Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro for the phony 'I killed Osama bin Laden' liar and Zionist and Saudi royal and Rothschild prostitute he is because she is rthe onmly one really fighting Israeli masss murderere and money launderer Menachem Atzmon and the whole Israeli Mossad and CIA and UK MI 5 and or MI 6 for THAT MATTER by daring to go to court against them regardless of the intimidation and financial costs to her rather than allow Menachem Atzmon and the Israelis of ICTS International who failed in guarding the safety of her pilot husband and his passangers on the fategfull day of 9/11/01.And just because you domn't hear of her plight and of her bravery on Israeli controlled U.S. television from Zionist prostitute Wolf Blitzer or the 'white Semite' Ruperrt Murdoch's Fox News does not maker the fact any less real.Nor because you don't read about it in the NY Times that aided the cover up of 9/11 and the U.S.government and Israeli role in mass murdering Americans on 9/11/01 as well as probable Saudi role considering al the trerrorist suspects were from there even though the Israelis provided no Logan Airport Boston video surveillancer to sahow they everboardeerd in the first place as wqell as EurOpoean NATO involvement .Yes Europeans are victims of the facist perpetreaitors of 9/!! as well and so far the very Hague international vriminal court that the brave and moral Italian Judge Ferdinando Imposimato submitted another 9/11 comnplaint to has a sorry history of covering up all U.S.and NATO war crimes perpwtrited in rthe NAME OF 9/11 SINCE IT OCCURED.Still he deserves our thanks as does the brave and dedicated Ellen Mariani who really deserves an answer directly from Barack Obasma himself !
War Criminal Barack Obama covers W Bush Regime 9/11,NY WTC Mass Murder of Americans
While I unfortunately have little hope or enthusiasm that the traitorous and corrupt U.S.Supreme Court is a
venue for justice for Ellen Mariani and all other Americans who have suffered incalculabe damage and injury one way or the other from the mass murderers of 9/11 and the war crimes that were commited thanks to our Zionist controlled media and particularly the NY Times lies about WMDs in Iraq,I guess I'm for giving it a try if that's what Ellen Mariani wants.Personally an independet grand jury or even better a jury trial by her and our peers the American public that doesn't buy CIA and Zionist prostitute Barrack Obama's or W Bush's lies andd war crimes would be best.
9-11 Widow Plans to Appeal to Supreme Court
by Christopher Bollyn
September 1, 2012
9-11 widow Ellen Mariani wants to take her case to the U.S. Supreme Court and is trying to raise the necessary funds to do so. A legal defense fund has been established to raise the $11,000 she needs by September 11, 2012. A press release about her plan to get a Supreme Court review can be read here.
Mariani lost her husband, Neil Mariani, on 9-11. She was the first 9-11 relative to file a wrongful death lawsuit. All of the 9-11 wrongful death cases were settled out of court. Not a single 9-11 family who wanted to have a trial to determine who was accountable for their loss had their day in court. Every case was settled in out-of-court agreements that left every 9-11 relative gagged. Nobody can talk about anything.
Mariani, an outspoken fighter for 9-11 truth, was removed from her own lawsuit by lawyers who were actually working for the airlines she was trying to sue. Mariani is now trying to take her case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Mariani's case shows how the judge, Alvin K. Hellerstein, and her lawyers had blatant conflicts of interest and colluded against her.
Ellen Mariani's case is important to all of us. Please help raise the funds so she can take her case to the highest court in the land.
See: Ellen Mariani Legal Defense Fund at:http://marianilawsuit.wordpress.com/committee-for-the-ellen-mariani-legal-defense-fund/
Press Release about plan for a Supreme Court Review at:http://marianilawsuit.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/news-release-of-ellen-mariani-ldf-1b.pdf
Background Reading:
A 9-11 Widow's Quest for Truth, Bollyn.com, August 2, 2005http://www.bollyn.com/a-9-11-widows-quest-for-truth/
Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit, Bollyn.com, May 10, 2010http://www.bollyn.com/judge-hellersteins-unethical-connection-to-key-defendant-in-9-11-lawsuit/
Widow's Motion Exposes 9-11 Judge's Ties to Israeli Defendant ICTS, Bollyn.com, May 2, 2012http://www.bollyn.com/9-11-widows-motion-exposes-judge-hellersteins-ties-to-israeli-defendant-icts/
Contribution Deadline Extended
Update for 9/12/12: We had a deadline of 9/11/12 to collect $11,000 to facilitate an appeal to the US Supreme Court (as discussed in our August 30, 2012 News Release). We got a very late start in this fund raising effort and we only raised $822. As it stands right now we have not been able to raise enough funds to file the appeal. However, Ellen Mariani’s attorney, Bruce Leichty, has submitted an application to the US Supreme Court for an extension of time to file his appeal. We should have an answer by early next week. If the extension is granted and if it grants enough time – at least 45 days – then we will be able to continue our fundraising effort. If the foregoing pieces fall into place AND we are able to raise the $11,000 (including what we have already raised) by 10/22/12 (or a bit longer if we are granted an extension of more than 45 days) then Bruce will proceed with the appeal to the US Supreme Court. Hopefully all this will happen! (Remember that even if we are ultimately not able to appeal to the US Supreme Court Ellen still needs money and any donated funds will be put to good use because she will still be facing significant additional litigation in New Hampshire state court.)
Also, we want to give a big THANK YOU to all the generous people who have donated so far. Ellen and Bruce and the rest of us appreciate your help.
Also, we want to give a big THANK YOU to all the generous people who have donated so far. Ellen and Bruce and the rest of us appreciate your help.
We need help to get Ellen Mariani to the US Supreme Court
All (or almost all) 911 plaintiffs who sued for wrongful death after having lost a family member on 911 – hundreds of cases – were routed through Judge Alvin Hellerstein’s federal district court in New York. He has pressured and/or manipulated ALL of them to settle out of court, without a trial. Ellen Mariani’s case was settled over her strong objections by a corrupt lawyer, John Ransmeier, who was working with Judge Hellerstein. Mariani is the last plaintiff still fighting to keep her case alive (technically she has not been a plaintiff since 2004) and get an actual trial, something Judge Hellerstein and the federal courts and the powers that be do not want. Why don’t they want that? Because a trial acts as a formal investigation into the facts of what happened and creates an official, credible record for the public to review. A trial nominally gets decided not by the government but by a jury of citizens, so the powers that be may not be able to control the outcome. Mariani’s latest filings show clear conflicts of interest on the part of Judge Hellerstein. He has connections and associations with several of the defendants. They also show gross conflicts of interest involving attorney Ransmeier. Judge Hellerstein has repeatedly rebuffed Ellen Mariani’s efforts to revive her case. Her best (and possibly last) opportunity now is to file an appeal with the US Supreme Court. But she is very short of funds and needs money quickly in order to do so. Please read our August 30, 2012 News Release for more information and please chip in and donate.
Click here to read an article by James B. Phillips, J.D., which describes additional details about improprieties in the court’s handling of Ellen Mariani’s case.
Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 ...
www.bollyn.com/judge-hellersteins-unethical-connection-to-key-def...Cached10 May 2010 – Who is Barack Obama? The Cure ... 9-11 Judge is Connected to Rothschild-Funded Mossad Culprit ICTS It is very ... 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani ... 9-11 Defendant's Ties to Judge Ignored by - Christopher Bollyn
www.bollyn.com/judge-hellersteins-ties-to-9-11-terror-suspect-ignor...Cached12 Jul 2012 – Who is Barack Obama? ... Ellen Mariani, the 9-11 widow who filed the first wrongful death lawsuit related to the terror attacks of September 11, ...Widow's Motion Exposes 9-11 Judge's Ties to - Christopher Bollyn
www.bollyn.com/9-11-widows-motion-exposes-judge-hellersteins-tie...Cached2 May 2012 – Who is Barack Obama? ... Ellen Mariani, the 9-11 widow who filed the first wrongful death lawsuit, is the last one standing in what can only be ...
War Criminal Barack Obama covers W Bush Regime 9/11,NY WTC Mass Murder of Americans
From aangirfan.com :
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Judge Ferdinando Imposimato has stated publicly in writing that 9/11 was just like the CIA's 'strategy of tension' carried out in Italy.
Imposimato, the Honorary President of Italy's Supreme Court, is to refer the 9/11 crimes to the International Criminal Court.
"The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq," Imposimato declares in a letter published on 10 September 2012 by the Journal of 9/11 Studies.
Bologna Bombing - part of the CIA's Strategy of Tension.
Ferdinando Imposimato is the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and a former Senator who served on the Anti-Mafia Commission in three administrations. He is the author or co-author of seven books on international terrorism, state corruption, and related matters, and a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy.
italian top judge imposimato: icc to investigate 911
Operation Gladio involved the Strategy of Tension.
Here is Judge Imposimato's letter (http://www.journalof911studies.com/resources/2012-September---Imposimato-letter.pdf):
The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq.
To put it briefly, the 9/11 events were an instance of the strategy of tension enacted by political and economicpowers in the USA to seek advantages for the oil and arms industries.
Italy too was a victim of the “strategia della tensione” of the CIA, enacted in Italy from the time of the Portella della Ginestra massacre in Sicily in 1947 until 1993.
There is much evidence of this strategy, both circumstantial and scientific.
The reports of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), November 20, 2005, set forth ... its conclusions....
World Trade Center 7 also collapsed - in a way that was inconsistent with the common experience of engineers.
The final NIST report claimed that the plane strikes against the twin towers were responsible for all three building collapses: WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7.
All three buildings collapsed completely, but Building 7 was not hit by a plane. WTC7’s collapse violated common experience and was unprecedented.
The Pentagon's Operation Northwoods was to involve the US government carrying out acts of terrorism on US soil.
The NIST report does not analyze the actual nature of the collapses.
According to experts at the Toronto Hearings (Sept. 8-11, 2011), the collapses had features that indicate controlled explosions.
I agree with architect Richard Gage and engineer Jon Cole, both highly experienced professionals, who have arrived at their conclusions through reliable tests, scientific proof, and the visual testimony of people above suspicion, including firefighters and victims.
The authoritative theologian David Ray Griffin has described very precisely why the hypothesis of controlled demolition should be taken into consideration. Various witnesses heard bursts of explosions.
According to NIST the collapse of Building 7 was due to fires provoked by the collapse of the twin towers. Chemist and independent researcher Kevin Ryan, however, has demonstrated that NIST gave contradictory versions of the collapse of Building 7...
David Chandler, another expert witness ... pointed out that many available videos show that for about two and a half seconds the acceleration of the building cannot be distinguished from freefall...

Peter Dale Scott, another witness at the Hearings, demonstrated that there was a systematic CIA pattern of withholding important information from the FBI, even when the FBI would normally be entitled to it. Furthermore, there is additional evidence against George Tenet and Tom Wilshire.
According to the former White House chief of antiterrorism, Richard Clarke (interview given on French and German TV as part of a documentary by Fabrizio Calvi and Christopf Klotz, August 31, 2011 as well as the interview with Calvi and Leo Sisti, “il fatto quotidiano”, Aug. 30, 2011) the CIA was aware of the imminent attack of 9/11.
Moreover, since 1999 the CIA had investigated Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hamzi, both Saudis who were associated with the American Airlines plane that hit the Pentagon.
The CIA had been informed that Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hamzi had arrived in the USA in early 2000.
It is legitimate to deduce that Tenet, chief of the CIA, and Wilshire, according to Peter Dale Scott a “key figure” in Alec Station blocked the efforts of two FBI agents—Doug Miller and Mark Rossini—to notify the FBI center that one of the participants in the Kuala Lumpur meeting, al-Mihdhar, got a US visa through the United States consulate in Jeddah.
Professor Scott, basing himself on Kevin Fenton’s research, mentions 35 different occasions when the hijackers were protected in this fashion, from January of 2000 to September 5, 2001.
With reference to the earlier of these incidents, the motive of this protection was evidently, according to Fenton, “to cover a CIA operation that was already in progress.”
Further circumstantial evidence against Tenet and Wilshire is the following.
On July 12, 2001 Osama bin Laden was in American Hospital in Dubai.
He was visited by a CIA agent.
This information was given to Le Figaro, which also reported that bin Laden had been operated on in this hospital, having arrived from Quetta, Pakistan.
This information was confirmed by Radio France International, which disclosed the name of the agent who met bin Laden—Larry Mitchell. Tenet and Wilshire, aware of the presence of bin Laden in the United Arab Emirates, failed to have him arrested and extradited, although FBI and CIA documents held him responsible for massacres in Kenya and Tanzania.
State terrorism in Turkey.
Insider trading is further strong evidence against the CIA, FBI and the US government. Articles by Professor Paul Zarembka, as well as by Kevin Ryan and others, prove such insider trading took place in the days immediately prior to the attacks. Yet this insider trading has been denied by the FBI and the 9/11 Commission.
Additional evidence against the CIA and the US administration is the following. Atta, at least since May 2000, was under CIA surveillance in Germany, according to the 9/11 Commission, both because he was accused since 1986 of attempts against Israel and because he had been surprised while purchasing great quantities of chemical products for use in explosives in Frankfurt (The Observer, Sept. 30, 2001).
He was investigated by the Egyptian Secret Service and his cellular phone tapped. On November of 1999 Mohammed Atta left Hamburg, went to Karachi, Pakistan and then to Kandahar.
Here he met bin Laden and Sheikh Omar Saeed (Homeland Security Global Security.org, “Movements of Mohammed Atta”).
After June 2000 the USA continued to monitor Atta, intercepting his conversations with Sheikh Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, considered the director of 9/11, who lived in Pakistan.
Strong evidence that the CIA was aware of Atta’s irregular movements from the USA to Europe and within the USA is the declassified CIA document sent by the Agency to G.W. Bush (President’s Daily Brief). This document, dated August 6, 2001, says: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US.” It continues:
“Clandestine, foreign government, and media reports indicate bin Laden since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the United States. Bin Laden implied in U.S. television interviews in 1997 and 1998 that his followers would follow the example of World Trade Center bomber Ramzi Yousef, and ‘bring the fighting to America.’
After US missile strikes on his base in Afghanistan in 1998, bin Laden told followers he wanted to retaliate in Washington, according to a foreign intelligence service.
An Egyptian Islamic Jihad operative told an agent of a foreign intelligence service at the same time that bin Laden was planning to exploit the operative’s access to the US to mount a terrorist strike….
A clandestine source said in 1998 that a bin Laden cell in New York was recruiting Muslim-American youth for attacks.
This document proves that the CIA, FBI, as well as President Bush, knew by August 6, 2001, who had operative access: Atta. No one enjoyed such access to the US as Atta. But the CIA, FBI and Bush did nothing to stop him.
I have collected in Italy evidence that the Iraq War was decided on by the U.S. government before the 9/11 attacks with the help of the Italian Secret Service.
According to Michel Chossudovsky, the 9/11 attacks were used as a pretext for war, having had as background the many years of CIA creation of, and support for, the terrorist network now known as al Qaeda. Today there is a danger of a new “preventive war” against Iran by the USA.
This could be terrible for the people of the world and could even destroy a large part of humanity.
The only possibility for achieving justice is to submit the best evidence concerning the involvement of specific individuals in 9/11 to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and ask him to investigate according to the articles 12, 13, 15 and 17, letters a and b, of the Statute of the ICC, recalling also the preamble of the Statute:
Recognizing that such grave crimes threaten the peace, security and the well being of the world,
Affirming that the most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole must not go unpunished and that their effective prosecution must be ensured by taking measures at the national level and by enhancing international cooperation,
Determined to put an end to impunity for the perpetrators of these crimes and
thus to contribute to the prosecution of such crimes,
Recalling that the duty of every state to exercise its jurisdiction over those
responsible for international crimes, …
Ferdinando Imposimato
Lawyers for 9/11 Truth Member to Refer 9/11 to International Criminal Court

9/11 eleven years later: The truth is out there...but where's the justice ...
7 hours ago by wbradleyjr1
Despite the steady progress of 9/11 truth, there has been no corresponding progress toward 9/11 justice. Every major lawsuit against actual perpetrators of 9/11, notably those of Ellen Mariani, Stanley Hilton, and April Gallop, ...
January 31, 2004 – Ellen Mariani – Phil Berg | The Scott Horton Show
31 Jan 2004 by webmaster
Philip Dru interviews Ellen Mariani, whose husband, Lewis, died in the September 11th attacks, and her lawyer, Philip J. Berg, about their RICO act lawsuit against George W. Bush, which alleges his complicity. Audio Stream ...
- References9/11 eleven years later: The truth is out there...but where's the justice?
1 day ago by Kevin Barrett
Despite the steady progress of 9/11 truth, there has been no corresponding progress toward 9/11 justice. Every major lawsuit against actual perpetrators of 9/11, notably those of Ellen Mariani, Stanley Hilton, and April Gallop, ...
More results from truthjihad.com blog911 Victim Ellen Mariani Open Letter To The POTUS | Scoop News
27 Nov 2003
This ''open letter'' is coming from my heart. I want you to know that I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat and that this is not an attempt to ''bash the Government''.
More results from Scoop NZ - Site Wide Most Read - References9/11 11-year deception * Updated News | flybynews
5 days ago by flybynews
Thanks so much, Jon, for carrying Ellen Mariani's story. She's been battling the courts for Justice since she lost her husband on 9/11. Now, as you know, she's formed A Legal Aid Defense Fund, to help her with expenses.