Friday, May 21, 2021

Erroneas Concepciones Del Papa En Cuanto A La Concepcion Y La Historia De La Ciencia El diez de Noviembre de 1979 La Academia Pontifical de la Ciencia sostuvo una reunion en Roma en honor de centenario del naciemiento de Albert Einstein.La reunion supuso la primera vez en la historia de la Iglesia,desde la formacion de su Academia de Ciencia,gue un papa habia presidido una sesion de este tipo. Esta reunion de la Academia Pontifical de la Ciencia tiene probablemente mas importancia para las delaraciones del papa en cuanto a la ciencia,Galileo y la Iglesia que para la conmemoracion del centenario del nacimiento de Albert Einstein.Discutiendo el caso de Galileo y la iglesia el papa Juan Pablo II se refirio a la Academia de la siquiente manera: ''Senor Presidente,usted correctamente dijo gue Galileo y Einstein caracterizaban distintas eras.Todo el mundo reconoce la grandiosidad de Galileo asi como la de Albert Einstein,pero mientras que hoy en dia el Colegio de Cardinales en el Palacio Apostolico rinde honores al segundo,el primero se vio obligado a sufrir mucho - no lo podemos negar - a causa de hombres y organizaciones Eclesiasticas.El Concilio Vaticano ha reconocido y deplorado interferencias injustificadas......'' Y asi la iglesia comenzo a reconocer oficialmente la precision de las medidas y puntos de vista de Galileo y los astronomos renacentistas que eventualmente permitio(con la precencia de gran cantidad de energia combustible fosilizada), la prospera navegacion del eqiuipo observatorio dirigido hacia los planetas del systema solar. Ahora que el presente papa ha perdonado a Galileo por decir a la iglesia que la Tierra esta en orbita alrededor del sol,es hora de decirle al papa que la otra mitad o cuatro quintos de la cosmologia de Aristotles que fue aprobada por la iglesia es ahora inadecuada.El concepto de los cuatro elementos(tierra,fuego,aire y agua)era la otra mitad de la teoria Aristoteliana que mantiene que el mundo es el centro del universo,y que fue adaptado por la iglesia de Tomas Aquinas en el siglo trece. Aunque los astronomos renacentistas desafiaron,(unos siglos despues),con exito la teoria geocentrica del universo sostenida por Aristotles y la iglesia los atomos no han sido descubiertos.Por esta razon,los Cuatro Elementos permanecen intactos mucho tiempo despues de la muerte de Galileo en 1642. El decrubrimiento de atomos en estos ultimos siglos ha transformado totalmente nuestro concepto de los elementos.Los primeros elementos, 'tierra' y 'aire' estan ambos compuestos de un variedad de elementos.Ahora sabemos que incluso el antiguo 'agua' puede puede ser dividido en los elementos hidrogeno y oxigeno.Y el elemento 'fuego' se concive ahora como una forma de radiacion. ¡ Justus Von Liebig,el padre de la quimica agricola del siglo 19,y los otros quimicos pioneros hicieron de los Cuatro Elementos de Aristotles lo mismo que los astronomos renacentistas hicieron de su concepto del universo - lo demoleron ! Liebig,en un principio,remarco que para que los plantas utilizen en su crecimiento el carbono dioxido,del aire,deben tener las adecuadas cantidades de nitrogeno,fosforo, y potasio en la tierra.Desgraciadamente popularizando el concepto 'N,P,K' de la agricultura quimica moderna,Liebig abrio las puertas para apoyarse en exceso en el consumo de la energia intensivo combustible fosilizada en la extraccion de fosforo y potasio asi como en la producion industrial de fertilizantes de nitrogeno. Ahora sabemos que por cada orbita de la tierra alrededor del sol,(un ano), el papa,cada miembro de la iglesia catolica y cualquier persona del planeta consumen en su comida y excrementan de sus cuerpos aproxidamente medio kilo de fosforo y varias cantidades de nitrogeno, potasio,calcio,hierro y otros microelementos.Generalmente todos estos elementos vuelven a los rios y mares incluso a los vertederos municipales sin haber usados por vez segunda enriqueciendo aun mas las industrias de fertilizantes las cual vendieron a los granjeros por mayor precio , a costo de los recursos minerales nutritivos no renovables de la tierra. Debemos ser concientes de la necesidad que hay de conservar nuestros cada dia mas escasas reservas de fosfatos para futuras generaciones.No hace mucho tiempo los Estados Unidos era exportador neto de petroleo pero ahora somos importadores.La misma situacion podria darse con los fosfatos si nos negamos a aprender del pasado. Algunos investigadores han sugerido el que nos hagamos dependientes de importaciones de fosforo de la misma forma que importamos petroleo,de un pais como Marruecos,el cual tiene unas reservas de roca fosfatica bastante grandes. Cuando los prevalecentes combustibles fosilizados,el gas metano en particular son estinquidos ,solo las bacterias y las algas azul y verdes que utilizan fosforo,potasio y microelementos en agricultura y aquacultura podran ser buenos candidatos para fijar nitrogeno atmosferico a la fertilizacion agricultural. Tanto el intercambio de granos,como el directo intercambio de fosfatos apresura el exterminio de nuestras limitados reservas de roca fosfatica en los Estados Unidos,la cual proviene principalmente de los operaciones mineras de Florida.Los depositos de Idaho estan tambien siendo minados en el presente y Armand Hammer(ahora muerto desde este escrito)de la compania Occidental Petroleum ha echado ojo a los terrenos publicos cerca de Ojai,California para despojar las minas de fosfatos.El senor Hammer fue tambien el que obtuvo mayores ganancias de nuestro intercambio de fosfatos para potasio con los Sovieticos. Aproxidamente un ano despues de que su Academia Pontifical de Ciencia expusiese su discurso sobre Galileo, el papa Juan Pablo II criticando lo que el llama metodos artificiales anticonceptivos hizo simultaneamente un notable informe sobre agricultura moderna.El papa dice : ''Hay ataques hacia la fecundidad misma con propositos que la etica humana y cristiana debe considerar ilicitos......En vez de incrementar la cantidad de pan sobre la mesa de un humanidad hambrienta como podrian hacer hoy en dia los medios de produccion modernos ,se piensa en disminuir el numero de aquellos sentados a la mesa por medio de metodos contrarios a la honestidad. Esto no es digno de la civilizacion. La aparente ignorancia del papa con respecto a la historia de la ciencia y a la technologia agricola moderna le impide ver las desastrosas consecuencias de su poliutica de crecimiento de la poblacion incontrolado en generaciones futuras, las cuales se encontraran sin comida en la mesa y sin los recursos para obtenerla.Esta ignorancia muestra tambien que el papa de hoy no tiene mas experiencia en los campos de la ciencia agricolade planificacion poblacional o del control natal que el papa de Galileo en el area de astronomia. El aparato gubernmental 'General Accounting Office' de los Estados Unidos estima hace decadas que nuestras reservas de fosforo en Forida quedaron exterminadas en cual quier momento el siglo que viene(este siglo).Esto conlleva inevitablemente hacia una crisis de la poblacion y alimentos que para hacer menor, comparativamente ,nuestra crisis de petroleo. Los elementos que subvencionan la vida del papa,sus feligreses ,y el resto de los habitantes del planeta son una fuente finita.A menos que el papa se de cuenta de la seriedad del flujo linear de elementos a traves suyo y de sus feligreses,sera en parte responsable por contrubuir al colapso de la agricultura moderna. Para finalizar,el presente papa esta tan confudido con respecto al movimiento de atomos a traves suyo y de sus feligreses como lo estaba el papa de la epoca de Galileo con respecto al movimiento de la tierra y los cuerpos celestiales.Basandanos en la rapidez con la que nuestros fertilizantes quimicos estan siendo agotados,el presente papa no tiene tre siglos para revisar sus opiniones sobre la agricultura moderna y los medios anticonceptivos.Lo que todavia esta por ver es por es por que la Academia Pontifical de Ciencia no le aclarado al papa este desastroso movimiento de los atomos.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. Warning On Covid 19 Vaccine Crimes Against Humanity

In February, 2021, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, M.D. and a number of his colleagues warned the European Medicines Agency about the potential danger of blood clots and cerebral vein thrombosis in millions of people receiving experimental gene-based injections. Since then, two of the four injections have been suspended or recalled in Europe and the United States for just that reason. In this episode of Perspectives, Professor Bhakdi explains the science behind the problem, why it is not just limited to the products already suspended, and why in the long term we may be creating dangerously overactive immune systems in billions of unwitting subjects. Perspectives on the Pandemic | "Blood Clots and Beyond" | Episode 15

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Jordan Belfort wolf wall street general ratkovich mvsi

wolf wall street general ratkovich mvsi My reply to Rubin Report fawning and flattering interview of criminal Wolf of Wall Stree scheister JordanGelfort and his historic coverup of Air General and intelligence officer Sir Force General Ratkoitch's obvious role.Covered up by mainstream media as well. Who could believe anything this self adrandizing con artist says '? However sometimes one learns more by paying attention to what he and his fellow con artists never wrote or mentioned,most particulary no mention of Air Force Major General Ratkovitch whose name is on all the Socrates and MVSI filings involving these sick morons who promote themselves as ethical geniuses.I doubt rich people were conned by him and that most victims were not very sofisticated or experienced investors. When the movie Wolf On Wall Street came out articles appeared about the Italian American attorney who was the only one to go to prison and his daughter whose article led to the attorney mentioning a General who used to bring her gifts. I figured out this General was Air Force Major General and 'intelligence' officer Edward Ratkovich.Below is a link to posts about him and MSVI from 1998 as well as one of my blogs about him that Google is so good at hiding on its search engine even though I use their own blogger service since all the sites I used to use shut down. ............... Technology StocksMVSI - AN UNDISCOVERED GEM ..............................................

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Video Proof Of Joe,Hunter Biden Treason With China Against America:Ride The Dragon


The left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment knew how the Vice President of the United States was compromised, but refused to protect the United States by reporting the corruption that materialized.  The press ignored the corruption, instead in 2016, it focused on a false narrative planted by Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton, that then Donald Trump won his election and defeated Hillary Clinton by colluding with Russia.   Obama and Biden initiated a coup d’état to remove President Trump from office before he was even inaugurated.  The above listed video is an in-depth documentary, uncovering the dangerous relationship Joe Biden has with Communist China and the anti-American business dealings Hunter Biden entered into with Communist China

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt    USN(Ret)/Former FBI




Riding The Dragon: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets



By Capt Joseph R. John

For the last 15 years, America’s intelligence agencies have been concerned about the threat posed to the National Security Interest of the United States by Communist China Fifth Column.  The Communist Chinese Dictatorship views itself as being within striking distance of enabling the Socialists Democrat Party to defeat President Donald J. Trump and of having a much more friendlier Biden Presidency to come to power.  A Biden Presidency would not be as aggressive as the Trump administration has been in dismembering the Chinese Communist Fifth Column that has been operating in the United States for 20 years.  If Joe Biden is elected, China will win in its goal to change the Constitutional Republic to a Socialist State.

The US Constitutional Republic is at a “Point of No Return”, because if Biden/Harris are elected, many of the freedoms granted by the US Constitution will be eliminated or dramatically changed by the Socialist activists and Progressives appointed to key positions in the Biden Administration, by Biden’s handlers.  The Biden-Red China connection is a very serious threat to the National Security of the United States, and the Rule Of Law governed by the US Constitution.  Joe Biden  and his son Hunter have been recognized as two of the world’s strongest cheerleaders for Communist China for decades.

If the Nation elects Biden/Harris, China will be able to infiltrate various Washington Government Bureaucracies, like the Obama administration facilitated the infiltration of supporters of The Muslim Brotherhood into every US Government agency.  Biden’s coziness with China and his willingness, during the 8 years he was Vice President in the Obama administration, to help ship manufacturing operations of 60,000 companies to Communist China, resulted in the loss of millions of America’s jobs which was a major disaster for the American worker.

  1. Joe Biden championed a special trade status for Communist China as well as Communist China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, which cost the United States to lose 60,000 factories and millions of manufacturing jobs.
  1. Joe Biden is quoted in a New York Times story saying in 2001: “The United States welcomes the emergence of a prosperous, integrated China on the global stage, because we expect this is going to be a China that plays by the rules.” (Communist China has never played by the rules and has continued to steal proprietary knowledge and trade secrets from US Companies).
  1. The New York Times story also quotes Joe Biden welcoming Communist China’s emergence as, “a great power, because great powers adhere to international norms in the areas of nonproliferation, human rights, and trade.” (For 75 years, Communist China has had a terrible record on Human Rights.  It oppresses millions of its citizens, interns thousand Muslims and other ethnic minorities in concentration camps, has eliminated all of Hong Kong’s freedoms, oppresses Christians in Communist China, and uses high tech equipment, provided by Silicon Valley companies, to spy on and control its entire population).

In 2013, Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, was hauled around on Air Force Two so then Vice President Joe Biden, could help Hunter make lucrative business deals with foreign powers like Ukraine and Communist China to benefit the Biden family.  Hunter openly “joked” about getting Beijing to help his father become the next US President.  Joe Biden corrupted the Office of the Vice President by working with Communist China to help facilitate Hunter’s ability to strike very lucrative business deals with Communist China.

That “collusion” will compromised Joe Biden’s ability to deal effectively from a strong position with the most dangerous Communist threat and enemy of the United States.  It is a well-known fact that Communist China intends to destroy the US Constitutional Republic.  Biden allowed himself to be compromised, while Communist China was aggressively building up its military strength, while stealing US Military secrets from the US, stealing business propriety secrets from US companies, and while not skipping a beat in becoming the most serious military threat to the very survival of the United States and its ally, Taiwan.

Hunter’s small company, Rosemont, was given $1.5 Billion to create a Chinese Equity Fund entitled Bohai Harvest RST (Shanghai) Equity.  Hunter then got involved in many investment deals, outlined in the below listed video, including investing in companies under investigation by the FBI because they were stealing US Nuclear Secrets from the United States, and with companies intending to take control of rare earth minerals to the detriment of the US, and in order to serve the interest of the Chinese Communist Military.  Many of those deals would be detrimental to the US Armed Forces and the National Security Interests of the United States.

The shocking hidden story, of Joe Biden being compromised, has been covered up by the left of center Main Stream Media establishment.  The hidden relationship between the Biden family and the Chinese Communist Government at a time when Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, is still being hidden by the Main Stream Media establishment today.  In his own words, in the below listed video, Joe Biden states that he doesn’t see Communist China as a threat.

Biden’s son, Hunter, who has never been trained to manage investments, nor has he ever had the experience of dealing with the complexities of doing business in Communist China, yet flew into China on Air Force Two and was given a deal by Communist China that no one else in the world has ever received in history, not Goldman Sachs, J P Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, B of A Securities, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, etc.: those firms do not believe that an inexperienced Hunter, or his small company can manage such a massive investment portfolio  Please click on the below listed link to watch the documentary about how Vice President Joe Biden was compromised, how he colluded with Communist China, in the corrupt dealings, that led to Hunter Biden’s receipt of $1.5 Billion.



The left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment knew how the Vice President of the United States was compromised, but refused to protect the United States by reporting the corruption that materialized.  The press ignored the corruption, instead in 2016, it focused on a false narrative planted by Obama, Biden, and Hillary Clinton, that then Donald Trump won his election and defeated Hillary Clinton by colluding with Russia.   Obama and Biden initiated a coup d’état to remove President Trump from office before he was even inaugurated.  The above listed video is an in-depth documentary, uncovering the dangerous relationship Joe Biden has with Communist China and the anti-American business dealings Hunter Biden entered into with Communist China.

The infiltration of the US Military Industrial Complex by Communist Chinese companies operating in the US is being supported and facilitated by Douglas Emhoff, Kamala Harris’s husband.   Douglas Emhoff  is employed by DLA Piper, the firm is the consultant on behalf of a bevy of Chinese Communist Party-owned companies and the firm employs former Chinese Communist Party Officials.  Douglas Emhoff has served as a partner in the firm’s Intellectual Property and Technology Practice Sector, and its Media, Sport, and Entertainment Sector since 2017.

Hunter Biden’s US Navy Commission was revoked and he was kicked out of the US Navy for failing a cocaine drug test. After a yearlong affair with his brother’s widow, Hunter divorced his wife, who was the mother of his three daughters, then he married his brother’s widow. WHO DOES THAT?  Over the course of his divorce, Hunter drained hundreds of thousands of dollars from the couple’s assets by “spending extravagantly on his own interests (including drugs, alcohol, prostitutes, strip clubs, and gifts for women with whom he was having sexual relations with).  He left his wife and three children with no funds to pay legitimate bills.  It actually was worse than that; a stripper accused Hunter of being the father of her illegitimate child, and it appears Hunter is paying the stripper some funds as a result of a lawsuit.

Jill Ashley Biden Krein, Joe Biden’s daughter, was arrested several times on drug charges.  While Joe Biden was Vice President of the United States, Jill Ashley Biden Krein was videotaped snorting cocaine, but with the pressure applied by Joe Biden and the compliance of the left of center liberal Main Stream Media establishment the cocaine snorting incident was covered it up and that video did never saw the light of day.  Jill Ashley Biden Krein hid out in the Vice President Biden’s Delaware home until things calmed down.

Caroline Biden, Joe Biden’s niece, stole $100,000 through a credit card scam, aka, GRAND LARCENY, but she was able to cut a deal with New York DEMOCRAT prosecutors and got off scot-free without jail time or probation, because of the influence of Joe Biden.  That was her second arrest.  She was able to deal her way out of her first arrest too, because of the influence of Joe Biden.  Caroline Biden has been to drug rehab numerous times.

Since 2013, Joe Biden has been championing Communist China while minimizing the military threat they pose to the survival of the US.  Communist China intentionally compromised Joe Biden by giving $1.5 billion to the Biden family.  Biden colluded with Communist China while arranging for his son to receive $1.5 billion from Communist China, the plan was to invest the funds in US companies that would support the Communist Chinese Military.  Joe Biden is not mentally fit to handle the heavy daily rigors of The Office of President of the United States, and would be a serious danger to the National Security interest of the United States if he ever assumed The Office of President of the United States, because he is controlled and influenced by Far Left Radicals, Marxists, Socialists, Progressives, and the Organization For Action!


Copyright by Capt Joseph R. John.  All Rights Reserved.  The material can only posted on another Web site or distributed on the Internet by giving full credit to the author.  It may not be published, broadcast, or rewritten without the permission from the author.

Joseph R. John, USNA ‘62

Capt    USN(Ret)/Former FBI

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

San Diego, CA 92108

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Citizens Journal.

Monday, January 18, 2021

 Dear SEC

It has been many years since I first contacted you in 2003 to say that I was defrauded by a penny stock called Endovasc and CEO David P Summers who turned out to be a Washington D.C. banker who did not reside in Montgomery,Texas at all as he claimed but was running his banking businesses' in Maryland and Virginia etc.To my knowledge he got his idea to lie about Endovasc shares being 'naked shorted' from Agora Inc. and National Taxpayers Uion founder  James Dale Davidson and  he first posted to the internet a press reñease in November 2002 claiming that Endovasc shares had collapsed in share price not because of his and NTU-Agora founder James Dale Davidson's ,'s  illegal pump and dump of its shares just as Genemax had done while Davidson was its CEO at about the same time.Both stocks were removed from the original legal complaint against Agora and Porter Stansberry by Utah SEC attorneys Brent Baker and Karen Martinez and if I remember correctly James Davidson's name was removed from the litigation at that time as well, And even if they had remaing in the the litigation with Standberry and the uranium compsny USEC it would have been incomtent at best not to have further charged them all at that time for disguising their illegal pump and dump frauds for makung false claims of 'naked shorting' in order to draw attention awaw that they were really illegal pump and dump scams with shares the SEC was failing to audit in the first place.Taser stun gun and Rudy Giuliani's Bernie Karik would and many other share dumpling companies would later later use the SEC'S LOOPHOLE TO CLAIM THEY WERE VICTIMS OF NAKED SHORT SELLING AS A WAY TO DUMP INNUMERABLE WORTHLESS SHARES ON THE VICTIMS-INVESTORS AS A SORT OF GET OUT OF JAIL FREE CARD.

I do not believe it a coincidence that SEC attorney Baker retired from the SEC shortly after and received employment from's Patrick Byrne who would buy a one page ad in the form of a letter to W.Bush  warning of the dangers of 'naked short selling and promoting his NCANS or National Association Against Naked Short Selling that seemed to replace Davidson's NAANS or National Association Against  Naked Short Selling that Davidson was now disappearing all traces of from the internet.It is my sincere belief that had Brent Baker and Martinez prosecuted  James Dale Davidson  for making fraudulent claims about his penny stocks Genemat that also lied about having a vaccine adainst cancer and Endovasc that colluded with corrupt Stanford University professors to have discovered how to use nicotine to generate new blood vessels that ex Agora Inc and Porter Stansberry would have been closed long before Rivera bacame an employee there.In fact I wouyld like to know if the SEC has any copies of the Rebound Report that Rey Rivera wrote for Stansberyy before his traguc demise and whether or not they maked mention pf and penny sticks that claimed to be victims of 'naked short selling'. Did Stansberry destroy all his copies ?

As you know I could go on and on but my main reason for writing to you after all this time is in the interest of real investor education and stock market hidtory into the true origen of the term 'naked short selling or 'naked shorting'.Austin Bud Burrell of the apparently SEC protected penny stock pump and dumps CMKX Diamonds and USXP who threatened to torture and murder me for asking wrote that USXP was rgw first stock to have made this claim but the first I ever heard of it was in 2002 Endovasc that I was invested in made the claim about the same time as Genemax that were both connected to Natiuonal Taxpayers Union and Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson.If this is true then the term was never a legitimate term ubtil SEC Chairman Chris Cox and Inspector General sex maniac David Kotz legitimises it by claiming the Fannie Mae and even Goldman SDacs shares were being 'naked shorted¡ I suppose by Patrick Byrne's 0Sith Lord' whoever ior whatever that mught be,in 2008 !

Is it really true then that the term was created not by legit stock brokers or securities experts but by penny stock fraudsters or do you knpw of earlier origens or more legitimate securities experts who used it previos to penny stock sheisters act I couldn't believe it when Byrne and his semi-anonymous penny stock gang began claiming that Novastar Financial was being naked shorted becauseit waspaying dividends at the time and if its share were being 'naked shorted' or counterfeitted then surely some investors would have come forward and stated they had been conned into buying counterfeit shares and were thus not receiving their dividends.This never happened ! Sames goes for Fannie Mae.Had shares of Fannue Mae or Goldman Sachs been naked shorted which all the con artists said meant they were cvounterfeit shares then no dividends would have been paid.To my knowledge terms such as shorting and short selling were and remain legitimate and understandable terms as well as covering shorts' nut the terms naked shorting and naked short selling and covering ones shorts go back at least ti befire the depression era while the term naked short selling can only be traced back to the lastcouple of deades and the origen can only be traced back to penny stock fraudsers and stock share money launderers whose sole purpose was to cover their tracks NOT their legit shares!

Ex Businessweek writer Gary  Weiss who I at first trusted after he wrote one of his last articles for Businessweek about Genemax and its 



Monday, December 28, 2020

Agora,Rey Rivera,Stansberry,P.Byrne,Bud Burrell Torture,Murder Threats - 'Naked Short Selling' Lie

Agora,Rivera,Stansberry,P.Byrne,Bud Burrell Torture,Murder Threats - 'Naked Short Selling' Lie

I,(Tony Ryals), have already posted Porter Stansberry's email  trying to lure me to Baltimore  in 2005 ,one year before the death of Rey Rivera.Below are torture and death threats to me from a cowardly Mr.Bud Burrell on the now disappeared website where he promoted the lie that  the share price collapses of his myriad SEC protected penny stock fraud,money laundering penny stock pump and dump scams were really because they were victims of 'naked short selling' a term first promoted by Agora Inc.'s James Dale Davidson around 2002 with Canadian stock fraudsters Grant Atkins and Brent Pierce.Vancouver was once a center of this kind of fraud using penny stocks incorporated mainly in Nevada and to some extent still is

Before that stock brokers and professionals only said that if a stock is 'shorted' then the shares must be covered or bought or loaned to them in advance meaning by law the shares must be 'covered''.The term naked shorting was createdv soley for the purpose of confusing inexprtienced investors such as myself.

I believe it no coincidence that Agora and J.D. Davidson's NAANSS    or National Association Against Naked Shorting,began around 2002,was replaced by's Patrick Byrne's  NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Shorting in 2005 beginning with a full page ad in the CIA's's Washington Post warning about the dangers of 'naked short selling' in an open letter  addressed for some reason to President  W.Bush himself.It is also no coincidence that the term 'national' is so cynically used in their lobby group's names or that James Dale Davidson and Bill Bonner's first lobbying group was and is the National Taxpayers Union in Alexandria,Virginia only a few blocks from the main SEC office .They are all 3 really in the interest of international globalists with offshore and City of London interests and NOT to help American investors or taxpayers whatsoever.

Even Steve Forbes has been a president of Davidson's National Taxpayers Union and James Dale Davidson was,like Bill Clinton,a Rhodes scholar and co-author of scam investment books like 'The Sovereign Individfusal' recommened LOM or Lines Overseas Management Bermuda which both Davidson and the Lord William Rees-Mogg which they both had an investment in  as a place to avoid U.S. tax's.A little known fact is that Davidson's stand in as NTU or National Taxpayers Union president,John Berthoud,died inexplicably at a relatively young age,only one year after Rey Rivera.He was found by members of the NTU at his home where all we are told is that he died 'in peace'.He would have been well aware of James Dale Davidson's financial frauds and that Davidson  used the NTU office to promote some of his penny stock scams out of that office.Then of course so would the corrupt SEC and the FBI.

James Dale Davidson began his 'naked short selling' lie with a penny stock fraud called Genemax which claimed to have a cancer vaccine developed by corrupt University of British Columbia professors and then added Endovasc with Stanford University's ethically challenged researchers Chris Heeschen and John Cooke who claim to have discovered and patented nicotine to stimulate angiogenesis or blood vessel formation.Both Genemax and Endovasc were part of the SEC Utah case against Davidson and Stansberry but were removed from the litigation,probably because Stansberry and Davidson made some under the table deal with SEC attorneys Brent Baker and Karen Martinez who removed their all mention of the biotech penny stocks Genemax and Endovasc from their litigation against James Dale Davidson and Porter Stansberry and never even mentioned that they were outright lieing about their shares being 'naked shorted' much less that the term itself was totally made up and fraudulent,simply made up by penny stock fraudsters to disract from their SEC protected illegal pump and dump scams ! In fact  Brent Baker resigned from the SEC shortly after and received a job or bribe from Patrick Byrne and immediately began  claiming that and other corrupt public companies were victims of 'naked short selling'.

SEC attorneys Brent Baker and Karen Martinez who turned up in the press claiming that Rey Rivera may have been murdered by angry Agora or Stansberry newsletter purchasers were themselves guilty in the death of Rey Rivera because had they truly thrown themselves into shutting down Agora Inc and Stansberry and Davidson's unending penny stock promotions Stanberry and Agora would have been out of business and Rivera would never have been lured to Baltimore to live in the first place and Stansberry would never have emailed me in 2005 trying to lure me to Baltimore to shut me up in 2005 just a year before Rey Rivera met his grotesque fate.

(Below are comments or lies by Bud Burrell to the SEC who already knew when he posted them to that he was involved in and profiting from major penny stock frauds and money launderting schemes,But Bud Burrell is not like you or me and like's Patrick Byrne,is protected by both the SEC and the FBI)

Comments of B. Burrell on S7-19-07 -

Jul 13, 2008 — From: Bud Burrell Affiliation: 40 year veteran ... and must be read by people. I encouraged a 72,000

Below is Bd Burrell's threat to me.:

Bud Burrell's Front and Center

Tony Ryals ,NotoriousBasher,NAMBLA member, Serial Pervert, Convicted Fraud
Felon,Confidential Informant
22 Written by: bburrell
2/22/2008 7:55 PM

Tony Ryals has been rumored to be everything from a transexual
imposter, to a serial pervert and worse, to a member of NAMBLA (North
American Man Boy Love Association), to a convicted felon, to a roll
Confidential Informant (the USG never met a felon they didn't love if
he was a roll), and far worse. These many malicious and vicious
rumors are unfortunate even if proven not precisely or completely
true. That is no different than his stories....

I know many would love to have very rough conversation (look up this
in a dictionary) with him/her over about a week, or a month, but it
would be a waste of time in any event. Besides, it would be too much
fun, very undisciplined.

Someday in the future, his/her veil will be ripped away, and the enemy
predators can feed on his/her liver. That would be more fun than a
barrel of monkeys to watch. The clock ticks every moment on this dirt
bag's very existence.....

Years ago, I developed a little Buddhist displacement concept called
"My Short List". Being a rather high risk bet for an untimely death,
I took the names of the small number of people I have found to be
without redeeming human virtue, to be used in the last few weeks of my
time, with the plan to send some scouts on ahead to check out the
terrain. Of the nine men and one woman on that list, only two
survive. I can't claim credit for this, since God has beaten me to
them. It is the nature of the physical risks faced by all really
negative borderline sociopaths (the 1% that are so broken they can't
be fixed) that their own bodies tend to turn on them very hard.

Enjoy your perversions while you can. The clock is ticking on your
worthless existence. You have chosen the worst enemy of all, God.
You can't win. Where you are headed, they don't read wills.

Ms. Tony , With hugs and kisses from all your admirers and detractors, ESAD.

Everyone re-post this link as many places as you can. It is the key
to good search engine positioning/standing and we certainly want to
get to the empty bottom of this barrel of waste that represents Ryals.'

Copyright ©2008 Bud Burrell


Mark Mitchell who is or was yellow financial journalism writer for Patrick Byrne who is Geico billionaire by inheritance and or Overstock scam centenaire by frtaud  who claims that Warren Buffet is his 'rabbi' also led the pump and dump manipulation of Novastar Financial ponzi sceam,very similar on a smaller scale to Fannie Mae , that claimed its shares were naked shorted as well or counterfeitted even though that was impossible because no one ever claimed they never received their dividends so there scientifically no shares that were counterfit or naked short or someone would have turned up and proved they held counterfeit shares proved document that they never received their dividends which no one ever did until the scam fell apart.This was the first fraud where the fraudsters of Byrne's NCANS claimed a dividend paying stock was a victim of share counterfeitting or naked short selling......


And speaking of City of London globalist connections - Bud Burrell who claims to be such an American 'patriot' andf West Point grad and probable Viet Nam eramoney launderer,has a convicted attorney with Rothschild connections.

Anthony @ Equity Investigations, Dear Anthony, Message ...

May 13, 2010 — BUD BURRELL'S ATTORNEY FINED $591000 IN BOILER ROOM SCAM. ... Andrew Greystock, a former investment banker at NM Rothschild & Sons Ltd. and senior partner of Atlantic ... Andrew Greystoke Tel: 020 7616 2888


Below Patrick Byrne who more recently claimed to attend a White House meeting with Trump which may or not be true has also bragged of bribing Hillary Clinton with millions of dollars for the FBI and Obama ! I do believe he has had very coorupt relations with FBI for many years and they know all about and aided and abetted his fraudulent claims.about 'naked shorting selling' just as the Securities Exchange Commission has..

More recently this Byrne claimed-bragged that the FBI used him as a 'honey trap' for a young Russian woman accused of spying for the Russian government.I would guess this young woman would provide quite a different story had she not been deported after being given a prison sentence where she is said to have been on good behavior and helped other women serving time in the same prison.

"Rabbi" Warren Buffett advised ex-Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne

Aug 22, 2019 — Patrick Byrne, who resigned as Overstock CEO Thursday following several explosive comments including that he helped with various ...


Below Byne's paid dirty tricks financiaL writer Mark Mitchell of Columbia School of Journalism attacks s me in 2006 after I was mentioned by both the New York Post and The New York times for what I had been blogging about the CIA and stock fraud..Deepcapture.con  is the main stop naked short selling website set up by BYRNE TO PROMOTE THE LIE THAT OVERSTOCK.COM AND SO MANY FRAUDULENT SHARE SELLING COMPANIES WERE VICTIMS OF 'NAKED SHORT SELLING'.Its shares have risen recently mainly because it promotes bitcoinhs and it promotes cyber currencies.Abd of course the stock market itself is ballooning and price-earnings have lost all meaning,

The Story of Deep Capture here

 I began working on a version of this story in January 2006, while serving as an editor for the Columbia Journalism Review, a publication tasked with upholding the standards of the American media.....

By Mark Mitchell

There are a few journalists whom we have not yet mentioned.

One is Chris Byron, a columnist for The New York Post. Byron has insisted that phantom stock is not a problem. He has accused Patrick of being a conspiracy theorist. And he has written a column, “Gagging the Market,” in which he argues that Amr Elgindy’s prosecution for bribing FBI officials and manipulating stocks is a threat to the free speech of short-sellers and their media allies.

In April 2006, while the Media Mob is at the height of its anti-Patrick Byrne hysterics, Byron publishes a story alleging that a “CIA front operation continues to funnel agency money into penny stock and micro-cap companies in Wall Street’s murkiest back alleys.”

The only source Byron names in his story is the “tireless complainant,” Tony Ryals.

Tony Ryals lives in a hut in Guatemala. On most mornings, he walks to a nearby internet café and begins writing – sometimes for stretches of more than 24 hours. He has, indeed, become one of the most widely published human beings on the planet. It seems almost impossible to achieve such prolificacy – thousands of long-winded screeds, most of them posted on Indymedia, a collection of websites that publish anything by anybody.........


What Bud Burrell did not tell is he was a paid consultant of USXP and did not disclose his compensation he received from the scam.

Bud Burrell: "The first company that I am aware of that actually made a documented complaint on naked short selling in its stock was a company called Universal Express. And it has been roundly slandered by the SEC. It's been sued. They have actually been the only company to actually sue the SEC in federal court. And the bottom line is, they're now going to 11th Circuit. And could I tell you something? "

Naked Shorting – The Real Bad Guys

I got a very interesting email a few minutes ago. I cant say I have fact checked it exhaustively. I havent. Im sure the Naked Shorting Sithmeisters will weigh in with their comments about any perceived or real inaccuracies. Facts can never get in the way of a war, so every side and every word will be spun by all those with something at stake.

Personally, the only thing I have at stake is the ongoing entertainment value of all of this. My 20k shares short of Overstock will continueto do just fine.( Patrick Byrne, if you want to lend me any of the shares you own and have taken possession of, I would be happy to borrow them and short them).

But I digress. Here is the information I received. You can do your own research before coming to any conlusions. Im sure the comments to this blogpost will be very, very interesting.

Ive been following your blog and have been particularly amused by your postings about Patrick Byrne, and the mysterious people behind the anti-naked shorting movement.

Ive spent quite a bitof time tracking a vast network of corrupt executives, financiers and brokers who route discounted shares of obscure U.S. companies overseas through sham private placements and venture capital deals and then resell them to foreign investors at marked up prices, through unlicensed securities boiler rooms

A few weeks ago, I learned that shares of one such company, Private Trading Systems Inc. of Scottsdale, Ariz. (Pink sheets: PVTM), were being offered to European investors by an apparently fictitious brokerage calling itself Anglo Swiss Consulting (fictitious in the sense that it is not registered with any nations regulatory agency and that its Internet site is something of a Potemkin storefront.)

When I looked into Private Trading Systems, I noted that its chairman, chief executive, treasurer and corporate secretary is none other than C. Austin Bud Burrell, whose dire warnings about naked shorting have been featured at, on the Bob OBrien blog and similar Internet sites.

Burrell also has been a litigation consultant for John OQuinn, the Texas lawyer representing in its suit against Rocker Partners, Gradient Analytics and other defendants who allegedly undermined the companys stock through nefarious shorting activities.

Its worth noting that shares of Endovasc Inc., another company that is part of the anti-naked shorting coalition, also were sold by a foreign boiler room known as Bellador Advisory Services.

Theres another interesting aspect to Private Trading Systems. According to the Form 10-12 that Private Trading filed earlier this month with the SEC, its biggest shareholder, with a 43.2 percent equity stake, is T.P. Ramsden.

The filing said Ramsden controlled the rights to the technology behind the trading system that the company is developing to allow institutional investors to privately trade securities, instruments, or any financial asset that is capable of being converted to electronic form.

What Private Trading Systems SEC filing did not say is that T.P. Ramsden is Terry Ramsden, once a highflying British bond trader, who pleaded guilty to investment fraud in the 1990s and later was convicted of bankruptcy fraud. He was sentenced to 21 months in prison, and served 10.

Ramsden is making a comeback of sorts, and has raised eyebrows in British investment circles by taking positions in several small public companies whose shares have moved upward after his arrival (Hansard Group is one example).

I offer this tale as yet another example of the kinds of activities that members of the anti-naked shorting coalition have been engaging in, while claiming that it is their detractors who are involved in dishonest undertakings.

Feel free to use this information as the basis for a new blog post

Let the comments begin............................


I blogged on the now defunct and partly archived websites about the now mainly bitcoin promoting scamster Max Keiser using his connections with Al Jazeera to promote the naked short selling lie I asked the rhetorical question,Just how in Arabic does one say 'naked short selling' ?

Sometime after the 2008 stock meltdown mainstream U.S. business news sources reported that Germany's Angela Merkel claimed that Eurobonds were themselves being 'naked shorted'.If so no one came forth to prove it by showing they held Eurobonds that were counterfeit and not paying their dividends however humble the interest would have been by that time,I also don't read in German and so don't know if she said 'bedect' for uncovered and 'bedekt' for covered or if she just said 'nact' for naked.However it does indicate the world wide power of the internet to manipulate brains around the world andon't know how to say it in Korean either,d the power of the people behind the naked short selling lie.It has even appeared ib Spanish news but not very successfully as 'corto desnudo'' and in Korea as well although I don't know Korean either.

While began in the U.S. and Canada with penny stock sheisters it crossed over to the UK when a bank called Northern Rock was claimed to have collapsed because of 'naked short selling'.This also was a complete lie of course.....

portland imc - newswire archive - page 51 - Portland Indymedia

Does Max Keiser and Al Jazeera in Arabic have a translation for 'naked shorting' or 'naked short selling' (a term used only by and for a U.S. penny stock scam) ...

If you google search my name and -  'ryals' - you will find many of my comments and requests to the U.S. SEC to investigate all the fraudulent sleazy companies selling their worthless stocks while claiming their low share price was caused not by their companies poor business practices or mainly illegal pumps and dumps,but because some unidentified source,(Patrick Byrne called it a 'Sith Lord'!),was 'naked shorting' them and prosecute them,And yet not a single of of the mainly non-dividend paying penny stocks was charged for making a fraudulent claim ! Even Taser stun gun company whose insiders such as Rudy Giuliani's ex NYC police commissioner were selling-dumping countless shares on investors were never brought to justice.

And when dividend paying bank and brokerage stocks began collapsing in2008 corrupt SEC Chair Chris Cox released a press release on the SEC's own 'investor education' website itself claiming that all these financial firms were victims of the mysterious 'naked shorting' financial crisis.No mainstream media even questioned the claim or pointed out the term 'naked short selling had never been a part of stock or Wall Street until penny stock fraudsers,particulrly A gora Inc's James Dale Davidson introduced it and had it spammed over myriad penny stock touting websites starTing in 2002 ! BEFORE THIS EVERYONE SIMPLY SAID SHORTING SHARES AND COVERING THOSE SHORTS - WHICH HAD TO BE DONE WITHIN 3 DAYS OF THE TIME THEY SHORTED.

So in actuality no new term,particularly,one that was put into SEC and stock market jargon by known but protected penny stock fraudsters,was even needed.What they called 'naked shorting' was really shares that were not covered which was already illegal or against SEC regulations and as loing as the SEC and market makers were following rules set up,since the depression era or in fact before,then no problem existed in regards to counterfeit shares,The crime and corruption was in allowing crimuinls to get away with fraudulently claiming that shares were being `naked shorted' while insiders orchestrated massive pump and dump scams which they themselves dumped often without even declaring they were issuing new shares into the market or float unaudited in the first while this claim was being made on a largesclale from shortly after 9/11 to 2008 the SEC DID OCCASIONALLY FINE OR SLAP THE HANDS OF INSIDERS OF THESE COMPANIES FOR ISSUING SHARES WITHOUT DECLARING OR REGISTERING THEM AND ALLOWED THEM TO JUST CONTINUE PROMOTING THE LIE THAT THE RESUTING COLLAPSE IN SHARE PRICE WAS DUE TO 'NAKED SHORTING'.

Besides ex SEC Chairman Chris Cox and ex Utah SEC attorney Brent Baker,SEC Inspector General David Kotz was perhaps the biggest promoter of the 'naked short lie.He was caught in flagrante 'naked shorting' one of the female SEC attorneys in a bathroom or on a desk of an office in the SEC headquarters while other SEC attorneys were busy taking advantage of one of their many perks - ,i.e., watching porn on their SEC internet connected office computers.

SEC Enhances Investor Protections Against Naked Short Selling


Washington, D.C., July 15, 2008 - The Securities and Exchange Commission today issued an emergency order to enhance investor protections against "naked" short selling in the securities of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and primary dealers at commercial and investment banks.

The SEC's order will require that anyone effecting a short sale in these securities arrange beforehand to borrow the securities and deliver them at settlement. The order will take effect at 12:01 a.m. ET on Monday, July 21. In addition to this emergency order, the SEC will undertake a rulemaking to address these issues across the entire market.

Goldman, Sachs Group IncGS
Royal Bank ADSRBS
J. P. Morgan Chase & Co.JPM
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.LEH
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.MER
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc.MFG
Morgan StanleyMS
Freddie MacFRE
Fannie MaeFNM