Willie Brown who made Kamala Harris and SF Mayor and now Governor Gavin Newsom also made mass murderer Reverend Jim Jones and was mysteriously warned in advance of 9/11 not to fly that day.....
Willie Brown who made Kamala Harris and SF Mayor and now Governor Gavin Newsom also made mass murderer Reverend Jim Jones and was mysteriously warned in advance of 9/11 not to fly that day.....
Another Einstein or MLK?
Brown legitimized Jones by publicly comparing him to Martin Luther King (and Albert Einstein). That’s right, Brown said that, during a testimonial dinner fawning over Jones in which the then-assemblyman served as master of ceremonies. Jones would go on to kill more African Americans than any Klansman in history,
He continued, “And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.”
For Sugar Daddy, Mum’s the Word
In accordance with Harris’s stated wishes, Brown largely keeps mute about the relationship. But earlier this year, he broke that silence — sort of — for 137 words in a newspaper column.
“Yes, we dated,” he wrote. “It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.”
Letter: Jim Jones was powerful figure among SF Democrats ...
Letter: Jim Jones was powerful figure among
SF Democrats
He was revered by Willie Brown,Kamala Harris, Jerry Brown, Harvey Milk, Phil Burton and more.
Born in Utopia: Kamala Harris, Willie Brown and Jim Jones
Part I of II on Kamala Harris' links to the deadly, looney left

Willie Brown and Kamala Harris, two decades ago.
Willie Brown has been staple of California politics since the early 1960s. He omits any mention of his sixtysomething-twentysomething romance with Kamala Harris during the mid-1990s in his 2008 autobiography Basic Brown: My Life and Our Times.
Harris took money donated by the mayor of San Francisco and raised under the signature of the mayor of San Francisco. But she called her association with Brown “an albatross hanging around my neck” in a successful 2003 run for county district attorney. They both seemingly entered a pact, implicit or explicit, to avoid discussion of the strange courtship.
Baby, Won’t You Buy Me a Mercedes Benz?
But the transactional relationship — one imagines something other than Brown’s height or hairline attracted Harris — proved anything but an albatross. Brown, technically married but open about his open relationship, gave Harris a new European car during their affair.
Aside from handing her an expensive BMW, Brown appointed her to two patronage positions in state government that paid handsomely—more than $400,000 over five years.
So Peter Byrne wrote in a lengthy 2003 SF Weekly profile of Harris. He continued:
In 1994, she took a six-month leave of absence from her Alameda County job to join the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.
For Sugar Daddy, Mum’s the Word
In accordance with Harris’s stated wishes, Brown largely keeps mute about the relationship. But earlier this year, he broke that silence — sort of — for 137 words in a newspaper column.
“Yes, we dated,” he wrote. “It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.”
Brown appointed Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, where she served until 1998, attending two meetings a month for a $99,000 annual salary.
He continued, “And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.”
Another Willie Brown Protege, the Rev. Jim Jones
Want to know another career Willie Brown really, really helped? That of Jim Jones, the Peoples Temple pastor who orchestrated the deaths of more than 900 of his followers in Guyana in November 1978. I document this claim in my book Cult City: Jim Jones, Harvey Milk, and 10 Days That Shook San Francisco.
The same transactional relationship he later enjoyed with Kamala Harris, trading off power in exchange for favors, Brown vigorously pursued with the eager partner Jones. From Brown and other city leaders, Jones received legitimacy, immunity from press and prosecutorial scrutiny, and powerful perches for himself and others in his flock.
From Jones, San Francisco’s powerful received conscripted campaign volunteers, rent-a-rallies priced right at free, letter-writing campaigns on behalf of their causes, and a clergyman counted on to mouth progressive platitudes to cameras as he wore a collar.........
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