Was British Nazi collaborator Chamberlain also aiding Rothschild investments in Spain during Spahish 'civil war'.?
It was only a few years after Rothschild's death that Byron wrote his celebrated lines about the power of finance:
Who keep the world, both old
and new, in pain
Or pleasure? Who make politics
run glibber all?
the shade of Buonaparte's
double daring?
Jew Rothschild and his fellow-
Christian Baring!
Unlike the Barings, the Rothschilds continue to push on with their banking business; they announced the other day a closer integration of their European operations. Until now most attention has been paid to the founder's five brilliant sons - the five arrows on the bank's crest - who, leaving behind one of their number in Frankfurt, established businesses in London, Paris, Vienna and Naples, of which those in London and Paris still survive. But the founder, Meyer Amschel Rothschild, born in 1744 in a dilapidated tenement in the Jewish ghetto of Frankfurt, was arguably the greatest Rothschild of all..............The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild - Red Ice
23 ago. 2005 - The German word for 'red shield' is Rothschild. ... significance of the Red Shield (Five Arrows - The Rothschild Archive
The five arrows remain an enduring symbol of the Rothschild name. The first appearance of a bundle of arrows representing the family was in the Austrian patent ...
House of Rothschild

[PDF]Leon Blum and the Spanish Civil War
Apr 17, 2012 - The decision of Leon Blum not to intervene in the Spanish Civil. War is one which has given rise to numerous commentaries and explanations ...Neville Chamberlain and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–9: The ...
by GA Stone - 2013 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
Neville Chamberlain's role in the Spanish Civil War is a neglected subject in the history of the conflict. Yet he wielded considerable influence over Britain's ...Neville Chamberlain and the Spanish Civil War, 1936–9: The ...
Neville Chamberlain's role in the Spanish Civil War is a neglected subject in the .... and French prime ministers Léon Blum, Camille Chautemps, and Edouard ...Non-intervention in the Spanish Civil War - Wikipedia
Two influential figures in non-intervention: the British Neville Chamberlain (left) and the French Léon Blum (right). During the Spanish Civil War, several countries followed a principle of non-intervention, ..Jewish Studies at the Turn of the Twentieth Century: Proceedings of ...
European Association for Jewish Studies. Congress, Judit Targarona Borrás, Ángel Sáenz-Badillos - 1999 - History
This brings us to a second conclusion: Edmond de Rothschild shared the illusion of his ... 30 Leon Blum (1872-1950), first President of the Front Populatn (June ...Return of the Rothschilds: The Great Banking Dynasty Through Two ...
Herbert R. Lottman - 1995 - Bankers
Socialist deputy Leon Blum summed up the case against Maurice de Rothschild. Both the charges and the counteraccusations called for annulment of the ...Baron Guy de Rothschild - Telegraph
Jun 14, 2007 - Baron Guy de Rothschild, who died on Tuesday aged 98, was the head .... Léon Blum's Popular Front of 1936, with its self-declared war on The ...The Untold Inner Life of the First Politician to Embrace his Jewishnes ...
Jul 30, 2015 - No portrait of Léon Blum,” Pierre Birnbaum posits in a new ... but in the grand tradition of Edmond de Rothschild, Bernard Lazare, and André ..The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812-1941 - EH.net
The book reviewed here, The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812-1941, is a ... (Almadén - Wikipedia
Almadén is a town and municipality in the Spanish province of Ciudad Real, within the ... Almaden minestopped working in 2002, due to the prohibiton of mercury .... of the Rothschild family firms had previously purchased the quicksilver mine in ... 82,000 mercury flasks was reached in 1941, just after the Spanish Civil War.The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812–1941 | Request PDF
Request Book PDF | The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812–1941 ... the House of Rothschild had extensive investments, particularly in the mining and railway sectors. .... markets after the American emancipation to the Spanish Civil War.The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812–1941
Miguel A. López-Morell - 2016 - History
Perhaps fearing for his life, he beseeched Robert Rothschild to look after his family in ... miningproduction levels were maintained throughout the war (Table 10.7). ... output in Spain during the Civil War* ThE hOuSE OF ROThSChIld In SPAIn, ...Spanish-American War: Trial Run for Interventionism
Aug 10, 2012 - U.S. Secretary of State John Hay called the Spanish-American War of ... Harriman, Carnegie, and Rothschild — were gaining a stranglehold on our economy. .... and divers, it concluded that a submerged mine sank the Maine.Philipp, Prince of Eulenburg - Wikipedia
Philipp Friedrich Alexander, Prince of Eulenburg and Hertefeld, Count von Sandels (12 ...... PrinceHohenlohe-Schillingsfürst stayed on as chancellor until he resigned in favor of Bülow in October 1900, but ..... in a homosexual relationship with the Austrian banker Nathaniel Meyer von Rothschild who liked Eulenburg so much ...DOC]Rothschild investments in Spain, 1856-1930 - Economic History Society
by MA López-Morell - Related articles
This paper deals with the investments of the Rothschild House in Spain from 1855 to ... That was the case of railway (1855), banking (1856) and mining (1868) ... the protectionist period in 1891, which worsened in 1920 and later in the Franco era. ... back to the financing of the Wellington army during the Independence War.spanish civil war rothschild
The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812-1941 - EH.net
Niall Ferguson, in his two books on the The House of Rothschild (Money ... regime that followed theSpanish Civil War (1936-1939), and the emergence of a new ...Spanish Civil War and the House of Rothschild - Freedom Portal
www.freedomportal.net › Freedom Portal › Library › History & Civilization
Apr 15, 2007 - 20 posts - 4 authors
DESCRIPTION: Here is the flag of the Falange political movement during the Spanish Civil War. The Falange was an authoritarian organization ........................................
PDF]The Rothschild Network of Commodities: Quicksilver and the Mexican ...
by A Parra - 2016
European countries, during the wars in Europe. 2 .... Figure 1: Packing warehouses for quicksilver inAlmadén, Spain. ... American markets, in many sectors.Review of The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812 ... - ResearchGate
Aug 1, 2018 - Full-Text Paper (PDF): Review of The House of Rothschild in Spain, ... Brief review of the operations of the Rothschild Bank in Spain, from the Peninsular War to the .... enues and monopolies, most notably the Almaden mercury ... history and is currently completing a study of Anglo-American think tanks.The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812–1941 | Request PDF
Request Book PDF | The House of Rothschild in Spain, 1812–1941 ... “La comercialización del Mercurio de Almadén durante el Siglo XIX y el primer tercio del S. XIX”. ... markets after the American emancipation to the Spanish Civil War.Contact Us ‹ FAQs :: The Rothschild Archive
Between 1793 and 1815, Britain was almost continuously at war with France, ... the rights to the output of the Almadén mercury mines in south-west Spain. At the
In 1835, during the First Carlist War, the mine was leased indefinitely to the Rothschild Bank. The price paid was high, but one of the Rothschild family firms had previously purchased the quicksilver mine in Idrija (now in Slovenia) from Austria; thus the firm had a monopoly on quicksilver (until discovery of New Almaden in California). Volume was expanded and the metal sold at a substantial markup returning a substantial profit to both Spain and the firm. Spain reclaimed the mine in 1863.[2]
In 1916, a special council was created to operate the mines, introducing new technology and safety improvements. A record production of 82,000 mercury flasks was reached in 1941, just after the Spanish Civil War. The price for mercury decreased from a peak of US$571 in 1965 to US$121 in 1976 making economic planning difficult. In 1981, the Spanish government created the company Minas de Almadén y Arrayanes to operate the mine. In 2000, the mines closed due to the fall of the price of mercury in the international market, caused by falling demand. However, Almadén still has one of the world's largest mercury resources.
Alamden is now a World Heritage Site, Heritage of Mercury. Almadén and Idrija. A museum has been built, including visit to the mines (areas from 16th to 20th century).
The five arrows remain an enduring symbol of the Rothschild name. The first appearance of a bundle of arrows representing the family was in the Austrian patent for arms of 1817 that placed the brothers on the first rung of the nobility. In 1822, the brothers advanced yet further in the ranks of the Austrian nobility, becoming barons of the Empire.
Five arrows appear on the English grant of arms for which Nathan successfully petitioned in 1818 on behalf of himself and all his brothers and their descendants. Nathan's design incorporated a lion (rejected by the Austrians) grasping in its paw a bundle of five arrows.
Many members of the family began to adopt the motif of the five arrows. It appears in letterheads, on bookplates, on porcelain, in jewellery and in countless other decorative ways. Letterheads survive from the mid 19th century which show that some individuals preferred to see the arrows pointing upwards, in spite of the official description of the arrows approved by the Austrian heralds of arms. Although this was purely a matter of personal choice, a cross-channel split of opinion began to develop! The French family and bank gradually adopted 'arrows up' for all uses of the symbol, while the English remained faithful to the 'arrows down' version. So, within the Rothschild group of business, 'arrows down' are used for N M Rothschild & Sons, its subsidiaries and companies in which it has the predominant interest; 'arrows up' for Rothschild & Cie Banque, its subsidiaries and companies in which it has the predominant interest.
But why arrows at all?
The clue is in the work of Moritz Oppenheim, the "painter of the Rothschilds". A sketch in oils depicts the story told by Plutarch of Scilurus who, on his deathbed, asked his sons - five are depicted by Oppenheim - to break a bundle of darts. When they all failed, he showed them how easily the arrows could be broken individually, cautioning them that their strength as a family lay in their unity.
Five Arrows - The Rothschild Archive
The five arrows remain an enduring symbol of the Rothschild name. The first appearance of a bundle of arrows representing the family was in the Austrian patent ...
House of Rothschild

What do you think of the Fascist Party using the symbol of the "big Joo?"
Personally I find it quite disturbing.
From your initial post:
The Falange flag was flown proudly next to the Reichskriegsflagge on that day. The flag we offer measures 59 x 34 inches. It is in mint condition with the Falange arrow yoke designed by Jose Antonio, himself. There are five arrows representing each of the five early kingdoms of Spain drawn together in the yoke of national unity. We don`t know for sure how old this flag is, but we do know it is the legitimate flag of the Falange Party and it is no souvenir piece.
Which came first? The Falange version, or the Rothschild version?
Likely the latter.
Perhaps the entire thing is as simple as Antonio, having seen the Rothschild version, modified it slightly, gave it the history he wished it to have to make it meaningful to his cause, and adopted its use.
I can understand your consternation at the similarity, however, I wonder if the scenario of events as I surmised them were factual, the consternation of the Rothschilds at their symbol being put to use by the Fascist cause!!
This does not, in any way detract from the fact that the Rothschilds were well noted for financing BOTH sides, in any war they were involved with!
No matter who won, they still made money.
Benito Mussolini is quoted as having said: “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”.So, even the postulated counterpiece of fascism, communism, is, in fact, state fascism where the dictatorial state owns the corporations instead of capitalists. In fact, fascist Illuminati controlled the central banks – and thus the Soviet Union.
Let us not forget that “Nazism” was an acronym for “National-Sozialismus”.
Let us not forget that “Nazism” was an acronym for “National-Sozialismus”.

Left Edmond de Rothschild coats of arms with the 5 arrows of 5 Amschel Mayer Rothschild sons and the ravenous eagle which

Looking just above the eagles head you will see 13 pentagrams within a cloud. The pentagrams are arranged in the shape of a hexagram – or greater Seal of Solomon. The hexagram is a powerful tool used by pagans to invoke Satan. It is also the sign of Anti Christ with 6 points, 6 angles and a hexagon (666). The Great Seal of the US with the above eagle is a present from Mayer Amschel Rothschild to his New World.
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