London mayor Boris Johnson claims poor have low IQs and greed is good
.........................Anyone who defends Stanford University's 'IQ' Test can't be very bright in the ways that count i.e. in terms of ability to survive for very long on this planet).Just look at Asian countries who have mimicked the west and in many ways have mimicked it better than westerners.They generally score higher on Stanford IQ tests but the very western industrial technology they mimick is decreasing, not increasing, their ability to survive in the rapidly declining environment created by western industrialism , i.e. burinng fossil carbon to make metal move or do 'work' which is really just copying British 18th century technology that is in the end not only leading to extinction of chimpanzees and others primates but destabilizing and decreasing the very Asian cultures who copy the unstable industrial technology that idiot scum like deceased British Lard William Rees-Mogg and Boris Johnson think is so 'smart'.William Rees-Mogg who Margaret Thatcher made a neuvo 'Lord' just like all those decadent Eastern European 'Jewish' carpetbaggers she was allied to and with was not so smart - just politically well connected.He as well as his CIA and Rothschild crime family of Agora Baltimore using the run stock fraud money laundering operations could easily have been charged in convicted by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission if the SEC itself had not been taken over and corrupted by them.
Now we have the scumbag son(of a bitch) of deceased money launderer Lard William Rees-Mogg.If he and Boris were to die like Loed William Rees-Mogg by some miracle I'm sure that alone would increase the 'IQ' of the entire Shitty of London by a point or two.:
The cult of Jacob Rees-Mogg | Total Politics esta página
There are no BlackBerrys or iPads for Jacob Rees-Mogg. ... “Not since the days of Boris Johnson have we in this chamber been treated to such a colourful, ...Boris Johnson opens NASDAQ in NY that is controled by Zionist Jews the CIA and their decadent puppet
the Sheikh Mohamed Al Rashid bin Maktoum but we presume the Lard Mayor is too stupid to know that fact or that the Menchem Atzmon and his Shin Bet Israelis of ICTS International who incorporated in U.S.President of Vice Joe Biden's state of Delaware in 1999 and allowed the Egyptian Mohamed Atta and his Saudi Arabian goons to board flights 11 and 175 and allegedly guide those planes into theWTC in NYC were and still are running a stock fraud and money laundering operation through NASDAQ !And of course he has no idea that these same Israeli government connected thugs and money launderers were allowed and PAID to provide video surveillance for the bus that blew up at the Tavistock Square on 7/7/05.
The Lard Mayor Boris Johnson of course is not what he makes himself out to be,i.e. - an anti-Zionist because his father was himself conneced to MI5 or MI6 which is the U.S.equivalent of the CIA and is known to be a terrorism promoting entity NOT a terrorism fighting entity........They are suspect not only for involvement in 9/11 along with Isral and traitors within the U.S.government itself,but also for involvement and or coverup for those involved in the London subway and bus terrorism of 7/7/05in the Lard Mayor Boris Johnson's City of London that is controlled by the very Zionists and Jewish Russian Israeli mafia the Lard Mayor pretends to distance himself from while in fact working with and for them.
Opening NASDAQ with London Mayor Boris Johnson - Cisco Blog
15/09/2009 - I had the privilege to speak at the opening of the NASDAQ yesterday with London's Mayor Boris Johnson and Ben Gallop, head of BBC Sports ...
Mar 19, 2013 - The bombing took place about an hour after the explosions at Aldgate, Edgware Road and Russell Square on July 7, 2005. The number 30 bus ...aangirfan: Luminary esta página
25/05/2008 - Boris Johnson's father Stanley worked for MI6 (Cripes! It's Boris's dad - Times Online). What about Boris? Boris Johnson was editor of The ...Just look at Bejing,China or Japan's ongoing Fukushima nuke energy disaster if you want to see the result of a 'high IQ' - you can barely breathe the air Bejing.And other Asian countries who have followed the west's and England's 18th century use of fossil fuels to make metal move and do 'work' are not doing much better regardless of their relatively high scores on Stanford University's 'IQ' test.Yeah real clever.China and the rest of us would have been better off not plunging into industrialization and petroleum addiction that in many ways was made possible by the white Jews of the west stealing our wealth and investing it in Asia for cheap labor in the first place......
political and science rhymes: Industrialism
Sep 17, 2011 - Industrialism. Industrialism... by Tony Ryals. It started out in England, On a coal seam that seemed to have no end, And had repercussions neither Adam Smith nor Carl Marx could comprehend ...thrived in in habitats for MANY MILLIONS of years longer than naked apes- 'Jewish' or otherwise -
such as Boris Johnson, have come along to holocaust and exterminate them and destroy their habitat and to cause their extinction.In fact if not for hairless or near hairless apes such as City of London's money laundering biocidal Lard Ass Mayor Boris Johnson, chimpanzees and other mammals not to mention birds and bees,etc.,would not be facing a holocaust of proportions not seen since the demise of the dinosaur.However thanks to idiots like Lard Ass Mayor Boris Johnson bacteria are in for a big feast.
- The Guardian - 1 day agoDelivering the annual Margaret Thatcher lecture, Johnson also called ... Johnson mocked the 16% "of our species" with an IQbelow 85 as he ..
Search ResultsBBC - Who Do You Think You Are? - Past Stories - Boris Johnson
Zionist Jews Control Right, Marxian Jews The Left - Rense
Holidays in Israel: Rachel Johnson returns to the land where she ... 7, 2013 - Rachel first visited Israel almost 30 years ago with her older brother,(BorisJohnson) to work as volunteers at a kibbutz north of the Sea of Galilee. Decades later ...
William Shockley,Stanford University IQ Test and Dinosaurs
Stanford University Nobel Prize Winner William Shockley,,Stanford University IQ Test and Dinosaurs by Tony Ryals
Proved blacks were inferior and whites were best,
In the 1980's when an Atlanta paper thought he sounded like a Nazi,
He sued them in the name of biology;
Little biological proof was presented in court,
But he did win a dollar from the paper for his legal tort,
How can a man who challenges the rights of others' speech,
Himself be allowed to teach,
Lies about biology,
That puts Stanford on a par with the Church of Scientology,
Nature itself has proven that successful genes don't count on quantity,
Survival is much more dependent on quality,
At a time when dinosaurs and other complex organisms died,
Bacteria with less genes survived and multiplied,
Yes the dinosaurs did have more genes,
But the more adaptable bacteria had the means,
Even Mr. Shockley’s field of electronics that won him a Nobel,
Experienced the same fate as the dinosaurs tale,
His former colleagues at IBM,
Thought Apple and others were just a whim,
And made computers too big to compete with them,
A cell a brain or a computer in operation,
Is no better bigger when it's filled with mis-information,
It's precisely students produced by universities like his,
That has made the world the industrial mess that it is,
Toxic waste dumps lining the nation,
Are greatly a product of Mr. Shockley’s white higher education,
The chlorofluorocarbons colliding with the upper atmosphere's ozone,
Are products of university chemical engineering gone wrong,
Toxic wastes in Silicon Valley,
Are not the products of some drunk in some alley,
Asia has copied the western education of industrialization,
And scoring higher on western IQ tests is the latest sensation,
If Shockley takes his IQ test so seriously,
Asians industrialists are the best men literally,
So Shockley should withdraw the sperm he deposited at the bank,
Thaw it and pour it down the drain until it has sank,
Because in the '80's the Asian industrial man has moved up in rank,
But copying western industrialization by burning more fossil fuels,
Only increases the danger of us all joining the ranks of the fossil fools,
Regardless of or thanks to Stanford-like schools,
On a coal seam that seemed to have no end,
And had repercussions neither Adam
Smith nor Carl Marx could comprehend,
And while we fought over the delusions
of communism and capitalism - it grew,
It was industrialism that always united the two,
Now we pump oil from the earth,
And mine fossil fertilizer to give us birth,
As Bob Dylan said, "None of them along the line
know what any of it's worth",
Fossil carbon is burned, and metal is turned,
just as in England in the 18th century,
We continue with our entropy,
This basic technology,
Is still our philosophy,
Not communism or capitalism,
This technology so noble,
Even built Chernobyl,
Fossil carbon is burned,
And metal is turned,
This addiction now to oil,
Takes us more to foreign soil,
This world industrialism,
Is a new colonialism,
That can only lead to schism,
Strategic minerals outside our boundaries,
Lead o geopohtical quandaries,
Yet we go on squandering
What we should be monitoring,
Fossil carbon is burned and metal is turned,
Giving more power to the industrialists- we call it free trade,
Only magnifies mistakes we've already made,
China now rips coal from the ground as fast as it can;
Mexico pumps oil to ship to Japan,
The rest of Asia and South America have the same plan,
It ain't communism or capitalism - its industrialism,
It builds freeways for our cars,
And computers for our wars,
General Eisenhower's military industrial complex,
Remains our Frankenstein - our Tyrannosaurus Rex,
Those who would say we're in a post industrial society,
Should be tested for sobriety,
Or at least show a little more piety,
To their big, unstable brother - industrialism,
by Tony Ryals
It started out in England,by Tony Ryals
On a coal seam that seemed to have no end,
And had repercussions neither Adam
Smith nor Carl Marx could comprehend,
And while we fought over the delusions
of communism and capitalism - it grew,
It was industrialism that always united the two,
Now we pump oil from the earth,
And mine fossil fertilizer to give us birth,
As Bob Dylan said, "None of them along the line
know what any of it's worth",
Fossil carbon is burned, and metal is turned,
just as in England in the 18th century,
We continue with our entropy,
This basic technology,
Is still our philosophy,
Not communism or capitalism,
This technology so noble,
Even built Chernobyl,
Fossil carbon is burned,
And metal is turned,
This addiction now to oil,
Takes us more to foreign soil,
This world industrialism,
Is a new colonialism,
That can only lead to schism,
Strategic minerals outside our boundaries,
Lead o geopohtical quandaries,
Yet we go on squandering
What we should be monitoring,
Fossil carbon is burned and metal is turned,
Giving more power to the industrialists- we call it free trade,
Only magnifies mistakes we've already made,
China now rips coal from the ground as fast as it can;
Mexico pumps oil to ship to Japan,
The rest of Asia and South America have the same plan,
It ain't communism or capitalism - its industrialism,
It builds freeways for our cars,
And computers for our wars,
General Eisenhower's military industrial complex,
Remains our Frankenstein - our Tyrannosaurus Rex,
Those who would say we're in a post industrial society,
Should be tested for sobriety,
Or at least show a little more piety,
To their big, unstable brother - industrialism,
Britain is becoming more feudal as the elite grab more of the wealth.
VIDEO: Supporters of President Assad in Aleppo in Syria. (viabrian)

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