White House Murder,Miriam Carey:Sister Valerie Carey(PMS Expert?) vs. Father Eric Francis,United by Travon Martin Donation
White House Murder,Miriam Carey:Sister Valerie Carey(PMS Expert?) vs. Father Eric Francis,United by Travon Martin Donation
Interesting that BOTH Valerie Carey and her 5linx as well as Eric Francis' and Miriam Carey's 'kitchen hood
business' ,(hoodct.com),gave $50,000+ to the now non existent Trayvon Martin Foundation,a cause dear to Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro as well.Why did the foundation close shortly after if not BEFORE the donation or donations were received and what then happened to that one or those two donations ?Also strange that two murderous acts in Washington D.C. area with such a short time,the Aaron Alexis-Rollie Chance masacre at the Navy Yard as well as the shooting of unarmed Miriam Carey at the White House by Secret Service and or D.C.Police was blamed on both receiving electronic or radio messages or whatever ! Welcome to either the Twighlight Zone or post 9/11 Homeland Secuity Amerikkka.
I will post some tidbits I came across as well thanks to my Agora Inc nemesis Lila Rajiva who tells us that
Stamford and Sandy Hook are big 'Italian mafia' areas while ignoring the obvious Zionist connection to the Sandy Hook affair including the anti-gun lobbyist Veronique Pozner after getting all tatooed up in celebration of her son Noah's alleged shooting by Adam Lanza the son of GE Capital exec Peter Lanza celebrates his death by getting tatoos and hanging out with Chabad Lubavitch a real Jewish mafia organiztion and besides
immediately setting up her on fund raising campaign to pad her bank accounts also immediately joins Obama's anti-gun lobby and creates a separate scam to 'plant trees in Palestine - I mean Israel - on the bodies of dead Palestinians ! And lets not forget the mythical Adam Lanza even had a Jewish girfriend interviewed on Wolf Blitzer's and UK Rupert Murdoch connecteed scumbag Piers Morgan on CNN NAMED (HA),Alexis Israel ! Her mommy's name is,(don't laugh,hee,hee),Beth Israel !
Piers Morgan, CNN host, sucked into Murdoch phone-hacking ...
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Sandy Hook,Newtown,CT.:Adam Lanza Girlfriend Alex Israel ...
pal Gary Weiss hells from the state of Connecticut and wrote for the Courant ! And as for Rajiva mentioning Connecticut's links to NY Wall Street crowd that's true even AIG execs have made it a center of their crimuinal activities.But then again Israeli 'tech' and other 'public company' stock manipulators hang out there as well and the lieing Governor Malloy is connected to the UK Zionist Rothschild crime family.They are all like Peter Lanza's GE Capitol probably MUCH bigger than some 'Italian mafia' although Lila's pal Gary Weiss who wrote about the 'Italian mafia on Wall Street' would certainly be in favorr of her disinfo ! And while Lila Rajiva of CIA and Rothschild crime family Agora Inc of Baltimore has brough to my attention a tid bit or two about Valerie Carey Iwas unawre of and will quote with link,she herself remained silent about her employers' at Agora Inc of Baltimore and their stock fraud and money laundering activities and even more so about the death of Agora Inc employee Rey Rivera who took a mysterious fall from the top of the 14th floor top of the Belvedere Hotel in 2006,only only year after she emailed me that they were a legit operation and Porter Stansberry invitedd me to visit the CIA infested Agora Inc office in Baltimore to somehow prove that it was legit and Agora Inc and NTU founder James Dale Davidson wasn't there anymore ! Yes if only Lila dearest from India or wherever spenty as much time exposing her own nefarious activities with Agora and Bill Bonner who the Rothschild Zionists of NY Times who promote their scammy 'investment' books ARE SO CONNECTED TO !Remember also that like Lila Rajiva and so many right wing fascists many with CIA or City of London connections that the wing nut 'conspiracy theorist' weasel broadcasting out of Austin,Texas - Alex Jones - is also part of the Agora Inc.,Baltimore crime family and he did the voice for Agora Inc.'s and Porter Stansberry's endofamerica2001.com gold and worthless stock touting scam.
Baby in D.C. police shooting in custody battle
STAMFORD -- An application by Miriam Carey's family to take custody of the baby girl who was in the car when her mother was shot and killed last week during a wild chase in Washington, D.C., was denied Friday by a Stamford judge.
On Thursday, Valarie Carey, sister of 34-year-old Miriam Carey, came to Stamford and filed an ex parte application to obtain temporary custody of 14-month-old Erica Francis, currently in the custody of her father, Eric Francis, who is estranged from Carey's family...............
Going 'Dent'al ? Woman In DC Who Tried to Ram White House ...
[O]ne of the very first newsmen on the scene was a reporter for Alhurra (“The Free One”)TV? They shot the first video all the stations were using.
Alhurra is operated by the non-profit corporation “The Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc.” (MBN). MBN is financed by the U.S. Government through a grant from the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), an independent federal agency. The BBG serves oversight and as a firewall to protect the professional independence and integrity of the broadcasters. (link)..................................................
She has a sister, Valery Carey, who is an entrepreneur in the area of female hormones. Valery Carey's outfit is called Time Of The Month (TOTM) - a reference to menstruation cycles. Post-partum depression is part of TOTM's agenda.
Valery Carey is a "community activist," (shades of community organizer par excellence, Barack Obama) formerly with the NY police department. She notes the following on her Facebook page (italics are mine):
My partners along with the cofounders of 5Linx have donated over $57,000 to the Trayvon Martin Foundation. THIS is why I’m in Florida. — with Schmoll Reaves-Bey at Orange County Convention Center.
I have blogged about the Trayvon Martin case as an example of the kind of media-driven, racially polarizing public debate that is likely to have been contrived/fanned by the same elements that planned an Obama re-election campaign centered around race-baiting.
Valery Carey writes at her website:
"TOTM! Time Of The Month!® is not just a calendar planner to track your menstrual cycle. It’s a movement of female empowerment!"
Coincidence two:
The media is reporting that Carey thought she was being stalked by President Obama.
Her sister had apparently been involved with a group that once hosted President Obama. There is a real chance that Miriam Carey met Obama in person.
If so, could there have been some kind of relationship?
That would account for many things in this strange story.... -Lila Rajiva of Bill Bonner,James Dale Davidson,
Porter Stansberry CIA,Rothschild connected Agora Inc.
Porter Stansberry CIA,Rothschild connected Agora Inc.
Blacklisted News
WASHINGTON (Oct. 1, 2013) — First responders in the National Capital Region need to keep their skills at a high level of proficiency. Participating in Capital Shield 14 is one of the methods they used to maintain their expertise.Capital Shield 2014 is a joint training exercise in the National Capital Region, or NCR, that runs from Sept. 30 thru Oct. 3, and is hosted by the Joint Force Headquarters - National Capital Region. It brings federal, state, local and municipal agencies together to realistically test interagency operability during a crisis impacting the District of Columbia, Virginia and Maryland. It also trains and prepares the Department of Defense to provide defense support to civil authorities and employ appropriate force protection measures as requested.“The importance of Capital Shield lies in the fact that emergencies are imminent,” said Cory R. Wright, JFHQ-NCR/MDW Capital Shield Exercise director. “They happen. When will they happen? We don’t know, but the importance of knowing who will respond and what their capabilities are can contribute to an emergency within the nation’s capital.”
Valarie Carey | LinkedIn
Greater New York City Area - Author Seen on Lifetime TV, Public Speaker & Talk Show Host, National Director 5Linx, CEO at TOTM! Time Of The Month!View Valarie Carey's professional profile on LinkedIn. ... Author Seen on Lifetime TV, Public Speaker & Talk Show Host, National Director 5Linx, CEO at TOTM!
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The latest from Valarie Carey (@ValarieCarey). Mother, Author of TOTM! Time Of The Month! The Ultimate Period Planner, @myTOTM, Radio Show Host, Val's ...About - 5LINX | The Premier Home Based Business Opportunity!
Baby in D.C. police shooting in custody battle
STAMFORD -- An application by Miriam Carey's
family to take custody of the baby girl who was in the car when her
mother was shot and killed last week during a wild chase in Washington
was denied Friday by a Stamford judge.
On Thursday, Valarie Carey, sister of 34-year-old Miriam Carey, came to Stamford and filed an application to obtain temporary custody of 14-month-old Erica Francis, currently in the custody of her father, Eric Francis, who is estranged from Carey's family.
Carey's family hoped to get custody of Erica before her mother's funeral on Tuesday in Brooklyn, N.Y. A disappointed Valarie Carey said the motion was denied Friday by Judge Jane Emmons.
"I believe my niece has the right to be in the presence of her mother for one last time to say goodbye. She needs to be in the presence of people who know her and love her like her grandmother and her aunts. We need to have her there on Tuesday," said Carey, who served with the New York City Police Department for 12 years.
"This is not acceptable," she said. "As a woman, to deny the child to go to the grandmother? It is questionable."
At first, Carey said she wanted to file an injunction to delay or reverse Emmons' decision, but near the end of the afternoon, she said she would come back on Oct. 24 for a custody hearing on the matter.
Carey charges that Francis will not bring the baby to visit the Carey family in Brooklyn, and the family doesn't know where Erica is living, according to court records.
Miriam Carey, who lived in Stamford's Woodside Green condominium complex, was shot and killed Oct. 3 when she reportedly tried to breach a White House barrier. The incident has prompted a review of whether the use of force was justified by law enforcement officials.
Carey's mother, Idella Carey, said her daughter, a dental hygienist, was suffering from postpartum depression after Erica was born. Carey was later hospitalized following an incident in which Stamford police were called about Erica's welfare in December.
During an interview at the courthouse Friday, Carey said she had no idea why her sister went to Washington on Oct. 3. She also was uncertain if the trip had anything to do with the depression she fought.
"In my heart of hearts, I cannot say if that played a role in what happened in D.C.," Carey said. "I don't know what my sister was doing at the time. I don't know where my sister was going. I don't know. No one will know because she is not here to defend herself."
Carey said she still wants to know what happened to her sister and why.
"The question is, why is she dead? Why did the officer shoot? Why did they feel the need to shoot several times and continue shooting?" she said.
Carey said she believed her unarmed sister was murdered in Washington.
"It is definitely murder. She was executed," Carey said.
Carey said her other sister, Amy, talked to Francis and he refused to bring Erica to Brooklyn on Tuesday for her mother's funeral.
A statement by Valarie Carey attached to the custody application said, "The alleged father has not been present in Erica Francis' life physically for the past two months, nor has he provided financial support. The respondent Eric Francis has not disclosed his home address to the Carey family. ... The respondent is interfering with the established relationship Erica Francis has with her maternal grandmother and aunts in Brooklyn, N.Y."
The statement also said the 55-year-old Francis, who is from Jamaica, goes by more than one name and has several Social Security numbers.
"The Carey family fears he is likely to abscond with Erica Francis," the statement said.
Attorney Darnell Crosland, who is working with Valarie Carey to gain custody of her niece, said the family is trying to stop its suffering.
"The best way to do that is to make sure her minor child is in a secure and loving home, and just as important a home that the child is accustomed to," Crosland said.
Crosland said if the judge grants the application, the child would be taken to Brooklyn to attend her mother's funeral on Tuesday and live with her aunts and grandmother.
"There are numerous other reasons why custody should remain with the maternal family, but we are not opposed to arguing those reasons in court at a later date. For now, we feel the court's immediate intervention is necessary to protect Erica's welfare," Crosland said.
Valarie Carey said her sister seemed fine before her death last week.
"My sister appeared happy in her last interactions with the family and the last conversation she had with my mom on (Oct. 2). And I was looking forward to seeing Erica on the weekend because we see her every weekend," she said.
When asked if the family planned to file a wrongful death suit against the officers involved, Carey said she did not know yet.
"Right now, it is time to bury my sister and we need to as a family. We need closure and know what happened in D.C and why these things did happen," she said.

On Thursday, Valarie Carey, sister of 34-year-old Miriam Carey, came to Stamford and filed an application to obtain temporary custody of 14-month-old Erica Francis, currently in the custody of her father, Eric Francis, who is estranged from Carey's family.
Carey's family hoped to get custody of Erica before her mother's funeral on Tuesday in Brooklyn, N.Y. A disappointed Valarie Carey said the motion was denied Friday by Judge Jane Emmons.
"I believe my niece has the right to be in the presence of her mother for one last time to say goodbye. She needs to be in the presence of people who know her and love her like her grandmother and her aunts. We need to have her there on Tuesday," said Carey, who served with the New York City Police Department for 12 years.
"This is not acceptable," she said. "As a woman, to deny the child to go to the grandmother? It is questionable."
At first, Carey said she wanted to file an injunction to delay or reverse Emmons' decision, but near the end of the afternoon, she said she would come back on Oct. 24 for a custody hearing on the matter.
Carey charges that Francis will not bring the baby to visit the Carey family in Brooklyn, and the family doesn't know where Erica is living, according to court records.
Miriam Carey, who lived in Stamford's Woodside Green condominium complex, was shot and killed Oct. 3 when she reportedly tried to breach a White House barrier. The incident has prompted a review of whether the use of force was justified by law enforcement officials.
Carey's mother, Idella Carey, said her daughter, a dental hygienist, was suffering from postpartum depression after Erica was born. Carey was later hospitalized following an incident in which Stamford police were called about Erica's welfare in December.
During an interview at the courthouse Friday, Carey said she had no idea why her sister went to Washington on Oct. 3. She also was uncertain if the trip had anything to do with the depression she fought.
"In my heart of hearts, I cannot say if that played a role in what happened in D.C.," Carey said. "I don't know what my sister was doing at the time. I don't know where my sister was going. I don't know. No one will know because she is not here to defend herself."
Carey said she still wants to know what happened to her sister and why.
"The question is, why is she dead? Why did the officer shoot? Why did they feel the need to shoot several times and continue shooting?" she said.
Carey said she believed her unarmed sister was murdered in Washington.
"It is definitely murder. She was executed," Carey said.
Carey said her other sister, Amy, talked to Francis and he refused to bring Erica to Brooklyn on Tuesday for her mother's funeral.
A statement by Valarie Carey attached to the custody application said, "The alleged father has not been present in Erica Francis' life physically for the past two months, nor has he provided financial support. The respondent Eric Francis has not disclosed his home address to the Carey family. ... The respondent is interfering with the established relationship Erica Francis has with her maternal grandmother and aunts in Brooklyn, N.Y."
The statement also said the 55-year-old Francis, who is from Jamaica, goes by more than one name and has several Social Security numbers.
"The Carey family fears he is likely to abscond with Erica Francis," the statement said.
Attorney Darnell Crosland, who is working with Valarie Carey to gain custody of her niece, said the family is trying to stop its suffering.
"The best way to do that is to make sure her minor child is in a secure and loving home, and just as important a home that the child is accustomed to," Crosland said.
Crosland said if the judge grants the application, the child would be taken to Brooklyn to attend her mother's funeral on Tuesday and live with her aunts and grandmother.
"There are numerous other reasons why custody should remain with the maternal family, but we are not opposed to arguing those reasons in court at a later date. For now, we feel the court's immediate intervention is necessary to protect Erica's welfare," Crosland said.
Valarie Carey said her sister seemed fine before her death last week.
"My sister appeared happy in her last interactions with the family and the last conversation she had with my mom on (Oct. 2). And I was looking forward to seeing Erica on the weekend because we see her every weekend," she said.
When asked if the family planned to file a wrongful death suit against the officers involved, Carey said she did not know yet.
"Right now, it is time to bury my sister and we need to as a family. We need closure and know what happened in D.C and why these things did happen," she said.

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