Pope Francis,CIA Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva,Ron Paul All Full of Shit -Excreting half kilo per earth orbit
The Mind-Body Politic » Lila at The Daily Reckoning » individuals ...
Ryals has a lot of nerve to use this term, since he doesn't live here anymore ..... LOM, Lord Rees-Mogg, Lila Rajiva, James Angel, Patrick Byrne, Brent Baker, ..... Ryals exhibits a deep-seated hatred of Christianity and the Pope in his writing.- Lila Rajiva
Apparently Ms.Rajiva's CIA cohorts have encouraged her to use religion to encourage hatred against her and their detractors.Nothing new,the CIA most probably did have ties with and to Jim Jones of Jonestown infamy long before he surfaced in California and San Francisco pollitics.And they have used religion as a divide and conquer strategy in the Middle East for decades ass has the British Empotr before them.If we are to take Rajiva at her word that she was born in India we can also find the CIA behind the Door Christian Fellowship that was under investigation by Mumbai anti-terrorism chief Hermant Kerkare for bombings that killed over 50 Indians shortly before the CIA-FBI terrorist David Headly instigated the Mumbai terrorism that
'coincidentally' ended his life.All those acts of terrorism appear to have been in cooperstion with Hindu far right in control of military police agancies who were in cahoots with CIA-FBI and
Israeli Mossad to stir up more hatred against innocent Moslems in India and particularly to stir up hatred against Pakistan.While Rajiva puts her nose into U.S. terrorism such as Abu Graib she never blames or sees the role of her CIA colleagues at Agora Inc or elsewhere and even censored mention of Titan Corp and Cacci corporatrons that were chirefly responsible.Her book was a sick and blatently CIA funded disinfo piece that put the blame on American soldiers who in many ways were victims of the CIA's and military industrial corporations religious and cultural hate machine that Lila Rajiva is part of when she not commiting FINANNCIAL FRAUDS AGAINST THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WITH HER AGORA INC COLLEAGUES.This is who accuses me of 'hating' the pope.I don't hate the pope I hate his ignorance and through him the church's meddling in birth control science where they don't belong.
Israeli Mossad to stir up more hatred against innocent Moslems in India and particularly to stir up hatred against Pakistan.While Rajiva puts her nose into U.S. terrorism such as Abu Graib she never blames or sees the role of her CIA colleagues at Agora Inc or elsewhere and even censored mention of Titan Corp and Cacci corporatrons that were chirefly responsible.Her book was a sick and blatently CIA funded disinfo piece that put the blame on American soldiers who in many ways were victims of the CIA's and military industrial corporations religious and cultural hate machine that Lila Rajiva is part of when she not commiting FINANNCIAL FRAUDS AGAINST THE AMERICAN PUBLIC WITH HER AGORA INC COLLEAGUES.This is who accuses me of 'hating' the pope.I don't hate the pope I hate his ignorance and through him the church's meddling in birth control science where they don't belong.

Above image from my Berkeley Daily Californian editorial of September 22,1987
titled 'Pope's Stance Lacks Scientific Basis' which is posted here at bottom of this page.
I have been saying for sometime that the elite 'libertarians' were actually CIA and other fascist conspirators
whose last goal was 'liberty' for anyone except for themselvesand their fellow financial millirary industrial elite peers around the world,a centi-millionaire's and billionaire's club and anyone one else who identified with being a libertarian was being duped just like James Dale Davidson's and Steve Forbes NTU or National Taxpayers Union is not for your averge middle class taxpayers but a taxavoidance sceam of billionaire elites.
Now CIA AgoraInc Lila Rajiva just said the same thing in post below -(BEFORE SHE REMOVED IT JUST AS QUICKLY FROM HER BLOG).:
Daily Bell back in the saddle
Agora-affiliated (which libertarian outlet isn’t?) Daily Bell is back in the saddle.
Despite its coziness with certain enemies of mine, I see this as a positive.
I don’t agree with the many of their analyses but Anthony Wile’s opposition to the state is always couched in thoughtful terms and he has been alone among big libertarian outlets in taking on some stories, like the Snowden business.
Why they closed up and why they reopened is a bit mystifying.
But apparently, their Snowden analysis wasn’t enough for them to go down, as I’d earlier wondered.
Even if they are intelligence-linked, like so many American media initiatives, they nonetheless articulate valid concerns of the business/financial classes that don’t always get a hearing from the academic-media complex.
Even the CIA can have a legitimate point. -Lila Rajiva who has previously denied that Agora was CIA connected
She also vehemently denied Agora Inc had a Rothschild or Soros connection even attacking a blogger named Jennifer Lake for even suggesting it.:The Mind-Body Politic » Lila at The Daily Reckoning » individuals ...
Ms. Rajiva, my reply | Jennifer Lake's Blog
Nature. http://jenniferlake.wordpress.com/2009/10/10/the-debt-for- ...
Lila Rajiva even started lying about me having a connection to Agora when she was their employee and contacted me along with Porter Stansberry to try and get me to stop in my criticisms of James Dale Davidson and Agora Inc.'s stock fraud-money laundering activities.She is suspect along with ex Businesseek and Forbes etc. 'business journalist' Gary Weiss, of manipulating Wikipedia using pseudonyms,(Mantanmorleland in Weiss' case),in order to maintain their own vanity bios and to spread their respective lies about so-called 'naked short selling' and to remove mydetailed biography of Agoranc.' James Dale Davidson and some of his many stock frauds and hispopularizing of the fraudulent term,'naked short selling'.
Her lies and frauds know no bounds.She should discuss the FACT of Agora Inc. and Porter Stansberry employee Rey Rivera's unexplained death by 14 floor fall from Baltimore's Belvedere Hotel in 2006.And if I'm an employee why did I begin complaining about being ripped off by them in the Endovasc illegal pump and dump that Davidson fraudulently blamed on 'naked short selling' in 2002 - a term that he made up and spread along with his CIA and City of London stock shares money laundering buddies.Lila is one of the CIA and City of London Zionist liars and prostituites that contiues to spread the 'naked sahort selling' lie along with Overstock.com - Geico billionaire Patrick Byrne who hired ec SEC attorney Brent Baker after he removed all charges against Davidson for his illegal pumps and dumps of 'biotech' penny stock Genemax and Endovasc whose colpase in share price he then blamed on 'naked short selling'.Liar Rajiva will tell you that 'naked short selling' is covered up by the main stream news media and say the SEC but the fact is that bloomberg.com as well as Forbes and Al Jazeera and so many more have all contributedd to spreading the lie before the 2008 stock market collpse in order to distract from elite billionaire and CIA etc. manipulation and very real shorting in collusion that brought the share price collapse of 2008 and filled their opffshore accounts with dollars formerly belonging to American middle class.Even ex SEC Chair Chris Cox posted the lie on sec.gov in 2008 that all the major financial stocks were collapsing due to Davidson's and Agora Inc.'s made up lie - 'naked short selling'.The proof that Rajiva is lying with and for Agora,and James Davidson and Patrick Byrne,et.al. is that by their oqwn definition 'naked short selling' is 'counterfeiting' shares by some never named or identified person or persons or entity.However while this liue might work and certainly confused me in 2002 whwen the lie was first circulated by Davidson and his 'Vantage Point' blog at Agora Inc, - it was later applied by the elites conspiring to promote the lie, while manipulating the share price of company stocks they controlled,to dividend paying frauds and scams such as NFI or Nova Star Financial and later to major Fannie Mae Freddie Mac and other major financial companies named by Cox on sec.gov in 2008.But not a single share holder of dividend paying scams ever came forth to say they didn't receive their dividends which would have been the ONLY proff that someone held 'counterfeit' or 'naked short' shares - so it was indee a lie that Patrick Byrne and Lila Rajiva et.al. fraudulently maintain to this day !
She or it is also a prostitute for the evil money launderer Gordon Duff of Veterans Today by the way who has close ties to ex CIA Director George Tenet a 9/11 liar and also very Ahora Inc connected.Tenet met with Agora Inc penny stock criminals in New Orleans in 2004 just one year before hurricane Katrina inundated it for purposess of colluding or criminally 'conspiring' to promote worthless CIA penny stocks such as Ionatron that fraudulently claimed to neutralize 'IEDS' killing and permanently crippling soldiers in Iraq.She wrote 'Mobs,Markets and Messiahs' another scammy self promotinal 'finanancial advice book' with Agora's Bill Bonner of Agora that the Zionist criminals of NY Times helped promote.
Paul-Lehrman Connection Meaningless, Says Daily Bell
Ms. Rajiva, my reply | Jennifer Lake's Blog
To be more precise about the title of this blog,'Pope Francis,CIA Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva,Ron Paul All Full of Shit -Excreting half kilo per earth orbit ' I am writing specifically about the approximately 11/2 pounds or about 675+ grams of phosphates being excreted by their and everyone elses bodies per earth orbit or one year not counting soil erosion itself which depending upon that agricultural soil itself and the crop or crops being grown on it can greatly exceed even the pound and a half of phosphates excreted individually by the above named individuals.
What's this got to do with the pope other than the fact that no matter how many popes come and go each one condemns birth control ? Well the Catholic Church is also responsible for putting the teaching of Aristotle into the European educational system after Saint Thomas Aquinas got the Greek writings of Aristotle from the Moslems and translated them into Latin in the 13th century.You see the Bible or Torah was,AND OF COURSE STILL IS, too primitive and barbaric to even have a concept as sophisticated as Aritotle's four or really five elements.And although an Italian named Pietro Redondi found complaints against Galileo in the Vatican archives in the 1980's,(shortly AFTER I had written my essay or editorial), I only learned about that AFTER writing 'the pope's stance lacks scientific basis'.ATOMS HAD STILL NOT BEEN DISCOVERED IN GALILEO'S LIFETIME WHEREAS THE PROOF,BY JOHANES KEPLER,THAT THE EARTH WAS INDEED IN,(ELIPTICAL),ORBIT AROUND THE SUN WAS DISCOVERED IN GALILEO AND HIS POPE'S LIFTIME THANKS TO KEPLER.
In fact until I perused the English translation of Redoni's book,'Galieo Heretic' in 1987 I was sure he was going duplicate my writing and use fertilizer depletion and the ability to quantify the atoms going through our bodies as the foremost example of the importance of discovering atoms a few centuries after Galileo and his pope's death.
At the mindbodypolitic.com link above you can find what CIA Agora Inc prostitute has to say about me and as one whose father died while attending mass at Our Lady bof Grace Catholic Church attending mass I take parrticular offense to what this CIA-Agora Inc CONNECTED and allegedly Johns Hopkins 'educated' Hindu-Moslem-Christian or whatever twit has to say about me while conveniently censoring out any facts that might hinder her lies for the penny stock criminals etc. I have fought against since 2003 over the world wide internet.Another conveniently censored fact when she discusses Porter Stansberry and herself and me is that of Rey Rivera's,her fellow Agora Inc employee's,mysterious fall from the 14th floor of the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore - one year after she and Stansberry began emailing me and Porter Stansberry suggested I travel to Baltimore to visit the CIA,ET.AL.'S AGORA INC OFFICE.,....
It is the failure of Lila Rajiva's education and that apparently of Johns Hopkins that keeps her on her absurd and hate promoting campaign against me aside from the fact that she is even more upset because I have exposed her Agora Inc employers for the CIA penny stock promoting,gold touting louts that she and they are.And the recently deceased UK Lord or Lard William Rees-Mogg who disclosed to the House of Lords many years ago his major financial interest in Agora Inc was himself VERY Rothaschild connected,etc..It was Lila Rajiva her or itself that attacked one bloogger for even hinting that Agora might have a Rothschild connection and more recently she,Lila Rajiva'herself has been insinuating as much herself !
She claims not to know Agora Inc.'s Porter Stansberry who brags of being the only American editor of UK and Rothschild connected Fleet Street publication and on the other hand she has defended his fraudulant activities that in recent years has included 'conspiracy theorist' Alex Jone of Austin,Texas who also appears to have elitist UK connections.He was the voice for endofamerica2011.com that had so much money from previous stock market and gold promoting scams that they bought television advertsing on CNBC,CNN and Rupert Murdoch's Fox 'News,etc..While attacking me she has totally censored all mention of Agora Inc - Porter Stansberry employee Rey Rivera and his mysterious 14 floor fall from the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore 2006 - one year after Lila began emailing me and defending Agora against my complaints againt James Dale Davidson and Porter Stansberry and at the same time, 'coincidentally', that Porter Stansberry emailed me and invited me to come to Baltimore for some strange reason.Well taking Lila at her word,(ha), about not knowing her fellow corporate citizen Stansberry at Agora I would say that's like someone who is part of GE Capital and although they may not know Peter Lanza of Sandy Hook infamy they certainly should know something about him.And even without knowing the money laundering GE Capital scumbag Peter Lanza or even working at CIA infested penny stock and financial fraud money launderers surrounding her at Agora Inc Lila Rajiva should have concluded that Agora Inc was no place for anyone without a criminal mind to work.¿Capische?I told her as much when she emailed me in 2005.
to be expanded
The Mind-Body Politic » Lila at The Daily Reckoning » individuals ...
- mindbodypolitic.com/lilas-daily-reckoning-writing/Ryals has a lot of nerve to use this term, since he doesn't live here anymore ..... LOM, Lord Rees-Mogg, Lila Rajiva, James Angel, Patrick Byrne, Brent Baker, ..... Ryals exhibits a deep-seated hatred of Christianity and the Pope in his writing.- Lila Rajiva
- Pope's Stances Lack Scientific Basis
by Tony Ryals
The Daily Californian September 22, 1987On Nov. 10, 1979, a meeting was held in Rome by the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in honor of the 100th year anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein. The meeting marked the first time in the history of the church, since the formation of its own science academy, that any pope had presided over such a session.This meeting of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences may well be more memorable for Pope John Paul II's statements regarding science, Galileo, and the church than for the honoring of the centenary of the birth of Einstein himself.In discussing the case of Galileo and the church, Pope John Paul II addressed the academy as follows:"Mr.President, you said very rightly that Galileo and Einstein each characterized an era. The greatness of Galileo is recognized by all, as is that of Einstein, but while today we honor the latter before the College of Cardinals in the apostolic palace, the former had to suffer much - we cannot deny it - from men and orgainzations within the church. The Vatican Council has recognized and deplored unwarranted interferences..."Approximately one year after his Pontifical Academy of Science speech on Galileo, the pope, in criticizing what he termed "artificial" methods birth control, made a notable statement on modern agriculture, simultaneously. The pope stated:"There are attacks on fecundity itself with means that human and Christian ethics must consider illicit... Instead of increasing the amount of bread on the table of a hungry humanity as a modern means of production can do today, there are thoughts of diminishing the number of those at the table through methods that are contrary to honesty. This is not worthy of civilization."Now that the pope has pardoned Galileo for telling the church that the earth is in orbit around the sun, it is time to tell the pope that the other half of Aristotle's church-approved cosmology has also come unglued. The "Four Element" concept (earth, air, fire and water) was the other half of the Aristotelian Earth-centered universe adopted by St.Thomas Aquinas in the 13th century.Although the Renaissance astronomers successfully challenged Aristotle's and the church's geocentric universe several centuries later, atoms still had not been discovered. For this reason the Four Elements remained intact and unchallenged long after the death of Galileo in 1642.The discovery of atoms in the last couple of centuries has totally transformed our concept of elements. The former "elements", earth and air, are both composed of a variety of elements. We now know that even the ancient element "water" can be further divided into the elements of hydrogen and oxygen. And the element "fire" is now understood to be a form of radiation.Justus Von Liebig, the 19th century father of agricultural chemistry, and other pioneering chemists did to Aristotle's Four Elements what the Renaissance astronomers did to Aristotle's concept of the Earth as the center of the universe - they overturned it!Liebig first pointed out the for plants to utilize carbon dioxide in the air for growth, they must have adequate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in their soil. Unfortunately, in popularizing the N,P,K concept of modern chemical agriculture, Liebig paved the way for overreliance upon energy-intensive fossil fuel consumption in the mining of phosphorus and potassium as well as in industrial production of nitrogen fertilizers.We now know that for every orbit of the Earth around the sun - one year - the pope, each member of the Catholic Church, and everyone else on the planet consumes in their food and excretes from their bodies approximately two pounds of phosphorus and various quantities of nitrogen, calcium, potassium, iron, and other trace elements. All these elements generally go unrecycled, often into rivers and oceans or even municipal dumps, further enriching fertilizer industries (who will sell the farmers more for a price) at the expense of the Earth's non-renewable mineral nutrient resources.When the remaining fossil fuels, particularly natural gas, are exhausted, only bacteria and blue-green algae utilizing phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements in "soil-culture" and "aqua-culture" will be likely candidates to fix atmospheric nitrogen for agricultural fertilization.Both the trade of grains and the direct trade of phosphates speed the depletion of our limited reserves of phosphate rock in the United States, which comes mainly from mining operations in Florida. Deposits in Idaho are also being mined, at present, and Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum has eyed public land near Ojai, Calif. to strip-mine for phosphates.We should realize the need to conserve our dwindling reserves of phosphates for future generations. The United States not long ago was a net exporter of petroleum, but now we are importers. The same situation could occur with phosphates if we refuse to learn from the past. Some researchers have suggested that we may become dependent upon yet a new OPEC (or Organization of Phosphate Exporting Countries), such as Morocco, with its relatively large rock phosphate reserves.The U.S. General Accounting Office estimates that our reserves of phosphorus will be depleted some time in the next century. This will inevitably lead to a food and population crisis that will make our oil crisis seem minor by comparison.The pope's apparent ignorance of science history and modern agricultural technology obscures from his vision the disastrous effects of his policy of unchecked population growth on future generations who will find "no food on the table" nor the resources with which to grow it. This ignorance also shows that the pope has no more expertise in the fields of agricultural science, population planning, or resoure management than the pope in Galileo's time did in the area of astronomy.The nutrients that subsidize the life of the pope, and everyone on the planet, are a finite resource. Unless the pope realizes the seriousness of the linear flow of elements through himself and the rest of humanity, he shall be partly responsible for contributing to the collapse of modern agriculture.To sum up, Pope John Paul II is as confused about the movement of atoms as the pope of Galileo's time was about the movement of the Earth and celestial bodies. Based upon the rate of depletion of chemical fertilizers, the present pope does not have 300 years to re-evaluate his view on modern agriculture and birth control. The question still remains as to why the Pontifical Academy of Sciences has not made this disastrous movement of atoms clear to the pope.
Copyright 1997, Tony Ryals
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