Where does this 'hood' get his money ?What was that powder all about ?When and where is the funeral for or and body of allegedly shot Miriam Carey.
Will Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro be attending the funeral and denouncing gun violence and renounce his evil purchase of all those hollow point bullets that may or may not have killed Miriam Carey.So far no more photois of her allegedly bullet filled body than of Adam Lanza's........
How much did she make working for her baby's father at Hood Ct. and is it a kitcen hood sales operation or is Eric Francis himself a 'hood' ? Why did they give $58,000 to Barack Obama's cause, the Trayvon Martin Foundation and where did that money come from ? And why if they are in the 'hood' business do the advertise for a bartender ?
Does Barack Obama know Eric Francis from the time he went to school and got his social security card in that state ?They appear to be about same age.
The Mystery of Barack Obama Continues | Obama Social Security ...
www.westernjournalism.com › Exclusive Reports
Oct 6, 2009 - Exclusive Investigate Report on the Barack Obama Social Security Numbers, ... He will not release his Harvard records, his Columbia College records, .... yet there is no record of Obama ever living or working in Connecticut.- Los Angeles Times - 2 days agoMiriam Carey's declining mental stability, the sources said, ... Stamford, Conn., apartment found an envelope with a white powder. ... of Carey's boyfriend, Eric Francis, talked about seeing Carey's car a lot in the neighborhood.
Look who just happens to be first on the scene to flim what I previously believed to be a cold blooded killing of a female who her suspect family claims is suffering post partum depression.It is the pro Irsreali Zionist U.S.government funded AlhurraTV that is intimitely connected andds funded by Voice of America and thus the U.S.government itself.And although the U.S.government is officially shut down these guys are 'working' overtime on U.S.government funds their covert slush funds creating terror of false terror scenes on location in the U.S. when at worst they should have been only funding such disinfo and terror in the Middle East.Well the .terrorism and chaos of all our evil in cahoota with the white racists of Israel who erroneously call themselves 'Semites' HAS COME HOME TO ROOST A LONG TIME AGO AND WE SEEM TO HAVE UNENDING TERROR AND CHAOS SUCH AS SANDY HOOK NEWTOWN CT OR BOSTON MARATHON WITH ZIONIST IN AND AROUND EVERY EVENT SINCE THE FALSE FLAG OF 9/11.
Yep while we've been experiencing an 'official' government 'shutdown' the terrorists our government funds have been working overtime as usual with pay !
Alhurra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
, ...
What Is Alhurra, Network That Caught D.C. Car Chase on Camera ...
3 days ago - All the major U.S. networks were in the nation's capital when it went on lockdown ... Alhurra TV, a U.S. government-funded Middle Eastern news station. ... The BBG itself, which also operates Voice of America and Radio Free ...
Other HoaxesZionist Terror— 06 October 2013
Zionist-Created AlhurraTV Proves the Capital Hill Shooting Hoax
NOTE: The Capital Hill car chase and shooting, with a supposedly fatally shot Miriam Carey, is a fake and a hoax. No one died, and no one was injured. It is all a scam perpetrated by Zionist elements in collaboration with the Obama White House, the Clinton cabal, and John Kohn-Kerry, fraudsters and fakes galore.
Alhurra, the source of the upload for the fake Capital Hill car chase and shooting, is a spook operation created by globalist Zionists. This is for the purpose of creating great corruption and spreading vile lies throughout the Arabic-speaking world and far more.
It was this Mossad spook operation which is responsible for the key footage of the hoax known as the Capital Hill Car Chase and Shooting.
Despite the fact that this is a bloodsucking entity being funded by the US taxpayer no one ever heard of Alhurra until the launching of the Capital Hill car chase and shooting hoax.
Thanks to EmpireStrikesBlack there is this excellent analysis:
Alhurra – the Zionist ‘Arab’ news network
14 OCTOBER 2011 4,023
Alhurra (also known as al-Hurra) is a US-based satellite television network established in 2004, and which broadcasts in over 22 countries worldwide. Referring to Alhurra as a ‘news network’ constitutes the most egregious misuse of language; funded by the US Congress, Alhurra is nothing more than an Arabic-language extension of the US State Department’s propaganda mill, the Voice of America. As is customary for such Orwellian propaganda mainstays, Alhurra is Arabic for “The Free One“.
Voice of America, the English language partner of Alhurra is operated by the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), an agency of the US government, which also finances Alhurra(1) via a US government grant:
“Alhurra is operated by the non-profit corporation “The Middle East Broadcasting Networks, Inc.” (MBN). MBN is financed by the U.S. Government through a grant from the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG),”
Responsible for all American propaganda broadcasted to foreign audiences(2), the BBG is a large umbrella organisation that,
“encompasses all U.S. civilian international broadcasting, including the Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL), Radio Free Asia (RFA), Radio and TV Martí, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks (MBN)—Radio Sawa and Alhurra Television.”
BBG programming is distributed in 59 languages worldwide, and reaches an audience of over 165 million every week, 26 million of which is attained by Alhurra.(3) Fawning Zionist Hillary Clinton, who praised Al Jazeera’s propaganda(4) relating to the ‘Arab Spring’, sits on the board(1) of the BBG. Alhurra is simply one of many branches of this global propaganda empire.
As with VoA, Alhurra broadcasts only outside of the US, reporting and distorting news in favour of the US government and the Zionist-globalist agenda that it serves. Countries to which Alhurra broadcasts include Libya, Occupied Palestine, Egypt, Lebanon, Somalia, Yemen, and Occupied Iraq.
Alhurra: the Zionist-founded Arabic news network
Alhurra was established in 2004 by Jewish Zionist Norman Pattiz(5), who used to sit on the board of the Broadcasting Board of Governors. From a family of Orthodox Jews, Pattiz has also been an active force in the Israel Policy Forum(6), a New York based American-Jewish organisation that lobbies for the solidification of Israel’s hold on Occupied Palestine, in pushing for a two-state solution.
The IPF, established in 1993 with the encouragement of Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin, exists to(7) “serve as a strong American base of support for the kind of active and sustained U.S. diplomatic efforts needed to assist the State of Israel,” and to(8) “ensure Israel’s security and future as a Jewish, democratic state.”
In 1999, Pattiz was honoured by the IPF(6) at a tribute dinner where then Israeli Prime Minister and 9/11 architect Ehud Barak(9) presented an award and called Pattiz “an ever-increasingly important conduit of information and good will.”
The summer of 2002 saw Norman Pattiz being appointed for his second term on the Broadcasting Board of Governors by war criminal George W. Bush(10). Zionist Pattiz had been recognised for his achievements in founding Westwood One – America’s largest radio network – in 1976. Pattiz is essentially a godfather of global Zionist propaganda; he is known as the “driving force behind the Middle East Radio Network, also known as Radio Sawa (www.radiosawa.com). Launched on March 22, 2002 as a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, Arabic language service aimed at listeners under 30.“(10)
The Zionist Alhurra has hired an ex AIPAC director(16) onto its staff, and it is thoroughly embedded within the American military-intelligence establishment. In addition to this, its regular guests include(1) policy writers from corporate and Zionist US think tanks (emphases added):
“Through correspondents at the State Department, White House, Congress and the Pentagon, Alhurra illuminates U.S. policies and domestic debates on those policies for Middle Eastern audiences. Guests from American think tanks and interviews with U.S. officials provide a comprehensive view of U.S. foreign policy as well as a better understanding of the American people and our system of governance. In 2009, Alhurra launched Al Youm (Arabic for Today), a live three-hour daily news magazine that originates simultaneously from five countries in three continents including Dubai, Beirut, Cairo, Jerusalem and Alhurra’s headquarters in Springfield, Va.”
It should be noted that Alhurra’s headquarters in Springfield, Virginia, are located a stone’s throw from Langley, Virginia – headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency.
Lending further weight to Alhurra’s Zionist, neoconservative, corporatist and pro-war credentials is the profiles of the figures it has chosen to lend a platform. One particular format of Alhurra’s programming is its long one-on-one interviews. Within this framework the station has given a platform to persons qualifying as Zionists, neoconservatives, war criminals, unelected puppets, lackeys, and all of the above. The Zionist-founded network has hosted the following figures in this capacity: former US National Security Advisor Sandy Berger, unelected Palestinian Prime Ministers Salaam Fayyad and Ahmed Qurei, Israeli Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom, the rabidly racist Zionists and NYT columnists Thomas Friedman and David Brooks, ex assistant to George W. Bush, Mary Matalin, Iraqi occupation puppet Jalal Talabani, zealous neoconservative and Zionist John Bolton, and President George W. Bush himself (who was an avid supporter of the Alhurra project at its inception).
End of OP-ED
It can be seen from Iqbal’s article that the people behind Alhurra are among the most hard-core Zionist agents known, and this substantiates the statements, here, that the Capital Hill fake car chase is a cover-up for Zionist-orchestrated fraudulent acts in Nairobi, DC (Shipyard fake), Syria (fake gas victim videos), and more. After all, two of the scam artists behind these hoaxes, Hilliary Clinton and John Kohn-Kerry, are board members of the entity.
Zionist-orchestrated Alhurra was right there when the Hollywood-style scam went live. It had one of its actors come forward with a placard, to sort of intimate that the entity was there to cover a protest. Note the woman in white, purse hanging off left side. Her presence confirms that these Mossad agents were right there before the beginning of the fake ramming of the barrier.

This preemptive presence of the spook agency Alhurra is hard proof that the so-called Capital Hill car chase and shooting is an absolute hoax. Surely, therefore, a spook was driving that car; Carey was nowhere to be found.
Now, suddenly, the car appears with Israeli Alhurra right in position. Crisis actor in white remains in place.

It has already been demonstrated that in no way did this Infiniti ram those barricades. This means that the entire basis of this event is a fraud: totally fake.

Ramming the barricade is the basis of causing the impression of the ‘woman’ as a threat and, therefore, justifying the draconian actions. “She was attempting to ram through the barricades, creating a threat to the Presidency. Therefore, if she was shot and killed, well, she brought it on herself.” Yet, it is nothing but lies: the Infiniti is free of all damage as expected from ramming a metal abutment. There is not even a scratch on this car and no damage to the fragile glass and plastic components, which proves that all which issues from Capital Hill regarding this is lies.
It’s a drill, and the stunt man, too, did his job. These men are fully aware that the entire claim for a shooting and killing is a scam. Notice the man with the helmet, right screen. Pretty smiley.

The people in the playground didn’t know it was a drill or simply aren’t participating, unlike the fakers in the forefront lying in their crisis actor mode on the ground while a camera-man lies in front of them.

This combo-photo of the uninvolved, indifferent people contrasted to the crisis actors proves that this is the same kind of hoax that has been perpetrated upon the American people by the DHS and its collaborators previously.
Even so, there really was someone in the black stunt car. It wasn’t Miriam Carey. Who was it?

The person in the car is leaning a bit, it seems, as his head is contrasted to the headrest. Yes, it was said “his head.” By all appearances this is a male and not a black one. Looks like a white or Kazarian man from all that can be seen, here, and nothing like Carey.

This woman, too, is a part of the fake, as are her purported sisters. In no way did she die. There is no dead body. No one will allow anyone to “see the child.” This is a Zionist-orchestrated hoax facilitated by the Mossad-controlled Alhurra entity. Let anyone prove otherwise.
Is the crisis actor driver still in the car, here? Bomb squad dogs? Really? Where is the corpse, the blood, the baby?

Thursday, October 3, 2013
Miriam Carey Information
Miriam Carey, RDH,BHS
Experienced Dental Placements
Phone: (203) 979-0110
We are a Dental Placement Agency for Dental Hygienists and Dental assistants for permanent or temporary placment. Our goal is to provide you with the highest qualified professional to keep your practice producing when you are short staff or someone calls out sick
114-1C Woodside GreenStamford, CT 06905
(203) 979-0110
STAMFORD, CT. BROOKLYN, NY. Miriam Carey was born in 1979. Miriam currently lives in Brooklyn. Before that, she lived in Stamford, CT from 1994 to 2010
Hood CT
P.O. Box 2418
Hartford, CT 06101 map This profile is verified
Phone: (860)525-6430
Website: www.hoodct.com
Email: miriam@hoodct.com
At the number above, a Craigslist ad from the first of this month looking for a bartender:
"hi am looking for bar tender to work part time in a new bar and restaurant in the north end of Hartford call 860 525 6430
Location: hartford
Compensation: this is a part time job
Company Contacts
Eric Francis, CEO
Eric Francis
UPDATE: Last night I posed this question at Conservative Treehouse - looks like I was right.
Her baby’s name is Erica – she lived/worked/whatever with Eric Francis, is Erica short for Eric?
Miriam Carey, Sales Manager
Miriam Carey
Sales Manager
(716) 741-4382
9392 Pinyon Ct, Clarence Center, Erie County, NY-14032
Cellular: No mobile line available
Email: No email available
Website: No personal web address available
(716) 741-4382
9392 Pinyon Ct, Clarence Center, Erie County, NY-14032
Sister Valerie Carey
The company she was once a part of just recently donated $57K to the Trayvon Martin foundation.
Family attorney: Eric Sanders