Why Is Michelle Obama Visiting Bin Laden's Son In The Hospital ...
wonkette.com/.../why-is-michelle-obama-vi...Traducir esta página
23/4/2013 - ... been cleared of the Boston Bombings but only because the FBI IS IN ON IT) ... the FBI IS IN ON IT) is actually Osama Bin Laden's son, Hamza, and .... that she was at the hospital where Alharbi was being treated at the time.Whether by strange coincidence or otherwise,it was Osama bin Laden's son who was so coddled and protected by the Boston police,FBI and Barack Obama administrtion without so much as question asked under the false name of Al-Harabi.
It may or not be a coincidence either that as at Sandy Hook,the Boston Marathon bombing or event was also filled with Zionists and Israelis as well as employees of the federal government that serves them so well.
Interesting too that in some ways the Boston bombing has connections to 9/11 in the case of Sandy Hook it was interesting to note that the very same Israeli government terroristas and money launderers of ICTS International who controlled Logan Airport on September 11,2001 and allegedly allowed bin Laden'e Al Qaeda to slip right on board flights 11 and 175 to crassh into the WTC on 9/11/01 were also financed at least in part besides through a Rothschild concen but also through John Hancock,one of the mythological Nancy Lanza's financial industry employees.
When the Boston bombing occured a short while back right in the very area where 9/11 began at Boston's Logan Airport (in part because Israelis of Odigo software were in 'coincidental' communication with Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda all along and the Al Qaeda let them know in advance) - Menachem Atzmon the other Shin Bet or Moissad Israelis of ICTS International did nothing to stop the Egyptian Mohamed Atta and his 15 or so Saudi co conspirators from boarding tose flights with !
google 'hamza Al harbi bin laden boston bombing fbi'
that detained saudi "student" named al-harbi, is actually osama bin ...
shutking.blogspot.com/.../that-detained-saudi-studen...Traducir esta página21/4/2013 - Al-Harbi, Osama bin-Laden's son who was 50 feet from the bombing of the Boston ... Interesting, what the hell was he doing in Boston for the past 6 months when he was ... Hamza is the son of Khairiah Sabar of Saudi Arabia, one of Bin Laden's three .... FBI arrests Chicago-area man accused of planning t.
That Detained Saudi "Student" Named Al-Harbi, Is Actually Osama ...
beforeitsnews.com/.../that-detained-saudi-student-na...Traducir esta página22/4/2013 - Al-Harbi, Osama bin-Laden's son who was 50 feet from the bombing of the Boston ... Hamza is the son of Khairiah Sabar of Saudi Arabia, one of Bin Laden's ... Lindsey Graham: FBI 'Dropped The Ball' With Boston Bombing ...
Hamza Bin Laden? Boston Marathon Bombing | Romanticpoet's ...
romanticpoet.wordpress.com/.../hamza-bin-laden-bo...Traducir esta página22/4/2013 - Boston Marathon Bombing written by romanticpoet. ... NAMED AL-HARBI, IS ACTUALLY OSAMA BIN LADEN'S SON, HAMZA BIN LADEN. ... and not connected to the Boston bombings or the two suspects identified by the FBI, ...
Saudi National Injured In Boston Bombing Bin Laden's Son ...
phoebe53.wordpress.com/.../saudi-national-injured-i...Traducir esta página24/4/2013 - Al-Harbi, Osama bin-Laden's son who was 50 feet from the bombing of the ... ..you know FBI was finding all the phones on the ground/sidewalks, ... -al-harbi-is- actually-osama-bin-ladens-son-hamza-bin-laden-2443560.html ...
snopes.com: Michelle Obama Visits Bombing Victims
www.snopes.com › ... › Boston Marathon BombingsTraducir esta página24/4/2013 - Michelle Obama visited a Saudi national injured in the Boston ... his legs in the bombings but reportedly provided the FBI with a critical clue that led ... hospital," and others claimed Alharbi is Hamza bin laden, the son of one of ...
That Detained Saudi “Student” named Al-Harbi, is Actually Osama ...
www.fromthetrenchesworldreport.com/...harbi...bin-...Traducir esta página22/4/2013 - 'FBI pumps resources into profiling Americans, ignores real threat' → ... Interrogation of the surviving wives of Osama Bin Laden by Pakistani ... The file stated that the individual is “linked to the Boston bombing” and was to be ... named Al-Harbi, is Actually Osama Bin Laden's Son, Hamza Bin Laden.
Saudi “Person of Interest” In Boston Bombings, Visited By Michelle ...
www.mrconservative.com/.../13160-saudi-person-of...Traducir esta página25/4/2013 - Just who is Saudi student Abdul Rahman Ali Issa Al-Salimi Al-Harbi (aka ... to Saudi Arabia, his FBI file was altered to distance him from the bombing. ... around that Al-Harbi is Osama bin Laden's son, Hamza bin Laden, by ...
Opsec News | Boston Bombings: Citizen Investigations Continue
www.opsecnews.com/boston-bombings-citizen-inves...Traducir esta página25/4/2013 - FBI limits the investigation telling the public to only look at photos ... Witnesses report government bomb drills taking place at Boston Marathon. ... Ali al-Harbi could be Hamza Bin Laden, son of Khairiah Sabar of Saudi Arabia, ...
Osama Bin Laden's Son was at the Boston Marathon Bombing and ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=UM-EXUxinkg22/4/2013 - Subido por ammiralowlingOsama Bin Laden's son Hamza Bin Laden is even rumored to have ... At any rate Abdul Rahman Ali ...
Why Is Michelle Obama Visiting Bin Laden's Son In The Hospital ...
wonkette.com/.../why-is-michelle-obama-vi...Traducir esta página23/4/2013 - ... been cleared of the Boston Bombings but only because the FBI IS IN ON IT) ... the FBI IS IN ON IT) is actually Osama Bin Laden's son, Hamza, and .... that she was at the hospital where Alharbi was being treated at the time.
bin Ladens,Adanan Kashoggi,Yemen Jews,Bush crime family
Monday, January 06, 2014
Joseph Dhu Nuwas.
He was the king of the Jewish kingdom of Yemen.
He is famous for killing many thousands of Christians.When Yemen eventually became Moslem, many Yemenis only pretended to convert to Islam.
Salem, who died in a plane crash.Salem is a Yemeni who helped the CIA at the time of Iran-Contra.Salem is believed to be a crypto-Jew.Salem attended Millfield, the expensive English boarding school.Playboy Salem married Caroline Carey, whose brother Ambrose is the son of the Marquess of Queensberry.His family has owned a number of palatial properties in the USA.His family has been close friends and business partners of the Bush family
Quoting a French intelligence report posted by PBS Frontline, The New Yorker reported, "During the nineteen-eighties, when the Reagan administration secretly arranged for an estimated $34 million to be funneled through Saudi Arabia to the Contras in Nicaragua, Salem aided in this cause." [PBS FRONTLINE, 2001; NEW YORKER, 11/5/2001]
Wafah Dufour, an American rock singer, socialite and lingerie model, is from the same Yemeni family as Salem.
She has a masters degree from Columbia Law School in New York.
Salem's brother (circled) in Sweden. (Family: Glamour)
Salem's brother, according to the newspaper Scotland on Sunday, 16/9/ 2001, made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus.and consultants connected to Langley, Virginia and the CIA. (CIA)
In July 2001, while he was being treated for a kidney ailment at the American Hospital in Dubai, Salem's brother met with a top American CIA agent called Larry Mitchell.
Salem's brother's son, Omar, (www.dailymail.co.uk/.)On 20 January 2010, at Rolling Stone, Guy Lawson wrote about Omar, Prodigal Sonbin Ladens , Adan Kashoggi,Yemen Jews,Bush crime family
In Syria, Lawson and Omar visited a nightclub called Les Caves de Boys where Moslems drink whiskey and watch Russian strippers.
Monday, January 06, 2014
Joseph Dhu Nuwas.
He was the king of the Jewish kingdom of Yemen.
He is famous for killing many thousands of Christians.When Yemen eventually became Moslem, many Yemenis only pretended to convert to Islam.
Salem, who died in a plane crash.Salem is a Yemeni who helped the CIA at the time of Iran-Contra.Salem is believed to be a crypto-Jew.Salem attended Millfield, the expensive English boarding school.Playboy Salem married Caroline Carey, whose brother Ambrose is the son of the Marquess of Queensberry.His family has owned a number of palatial properties in the USA.His family has been close friends and business partners of the Bush family
Quoting a French intelligence report posted by PBS Frontline, The New Yorker reported, "During the nineteen-eighties, when the Reagan administration secretly arranged for an estimated $34 million to be funneled through Saudi Arabia to the Contras in Nicaragua, Salem aided in this cause." [PBS FRONTLINE, 2001; NEW YORKER, 11/5/2001]
Wafah Dufour, an American rock singer, socialite and lingerie model, is from the same Yemeni family as Salem.
She has a masters degree from Columbia Law School in New York.
Salem's brother (circled) in Sweden. (Family: Glamour)
Salem's brother, according to the newspaper Scotland on Sunday, 16/9/ 2001, made his fortune in part by working with Jewish-Russian mafia operations in Qatar and Cyprus.and consultants connected to Langley, Virginia and the CIA. (CIA)
In July 2001, while he was being treated for a kidney ailment at the American Hospital in Dubai, Salem's brother met with a top American CIA agent called Larry Mitchell.
Salem's brother's son, Omar, (www.dailymail.co.uk/.)On 20 January 2010, at Rolling Stone, Guy Lawson wrote about Omar, Prodigal Son
In Syria, Lawson and Omar visited a nightclub called Les Caves de Boys where Moslems drink whiskey and watch Russian strippers.
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