Note both AIG and GE Capital make use of Connecticut for their financial fraud ops against American people because with the internet Wall Street no longer exists and wealth is stolen and sent to offshore accounts now faster than Americans can make it and faster than their money can be used to recapitalize the economy which is in shambles and which is guarenteed to remain that way as long as those in power remain in power.They meaning meaning the international financial and military industrial elites with their tentacles not only in U.S. and Europe but around the world orchestrated 9/11 and Barack Obama is nothing more or less than a puppet of this elite which is in the City of London and the Netherlands and Israel and at the same time has our money in offshore accounts around the world.The answer to the financial crisis is certainly not to accrue more debt and print more dollars but to 're-patriate' the money that has been stolen by Peter Lanza's GE and to take but our media by confiscation of CNN,BBC,CNBC and Murdoch's Fox News.And to never give up on a real investigation into 9/11/01 that has brought us to where we are today.The truth is that both the Republicans and Democrats do not represent the American people and are gulity of terrorism as well as financial theft against us for intenational elites which is why they both are afraid of us and spend our money on hundreds of millions of hollow point bullets in case, like the Nazis and Zionists or National Zionists of Hitler who they arte inspired by,they are tempted to a final solution of their own.And the European masses are as cowed by their decadent leaders as we are and the ICC of Hague that pretends to bring war and state criminals to justice pretends it doesn't see the hollow point bullets that are illegal by Geneva War Conventions and yet that Barack Obama and Homeland Security of Janet Napolitano purchase with more debt that we and not they pay for with no other purpose than to kill us !I f someone else has an explanation for those hollow point bullets and knows what companies are supplying them to these war criminals please let me know and at what cost or additional debt to us ?
And now we're threatened by gay CNN fascist and NAZI or National Zionist Anderson Cooper for questioning Sandy Hook when they themselves say they have no information about Adam Lanza since 2009 and in truth they don't really care and don't want anyone else to either ! And note that while CNN has done hatchet jobs on credible 9/11 researchers such as Christopher Bollyn and took the time to call him 'anti-Semitic' on their pro- Zionist propaganda network - they have never ONCE mentioned the Israelis of ICTS International who 'guardeed' Logan Boston on 9/11 and the fact that they bought Huntleigh aiirport scurity and the contract on Logan with stock fraud !You'd think Menachem Atzmon and ICTS that also allowed Richard Reid 'the shoe bomber' to board at DeGualle,Paris one month after 9/11 with his 'shoe bomb' and in 2009 allowed Mutallab the 'crotch bomber' to board in Schiphol Amsterdam with his 'crotch bomb' would be more worthy of mention on their Zionist 'news' would attacking Chritopher Bollyn who unlike CNN and Wolf Blitzer and gay NAZI or National Zionist Anderson Cooper at least pointed out that there was something asuspicious about these Israelis !And yet CNN attacks Bollyn as 'anti-Semitic' for warning us and makes sure to never mention or do a story on Atzmon and ICTS ! Iwonder why ?!
Adam Lanza Fell Of Grid in 2009 - CNN at Sandy Hook - YouTube
Jan 22, 2013 - Uploaded by euro944t
Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to rate ...Watch this CNN Hatchet job on Christopher bollyn then google 'bollyn icts international' and at least you'll find what CNN has purposelfully censored about ICTS Intenational.:
CNN Interviews Christopher Bollyn - YouTube
Feb 5, 2007 - Uploaded by suzetteanne
Bollyn, who has lived in Israel and the Middle East, explained that while elements of the Israeli state appear to ...In truth the $182.5 Billion bail out or give away money by Barack Obama to his sponors the UK Lords of London and world wide NAZIS or National Zionists as they were known in Hitler's day, is only a drop in the bucket,a liittle additional reward for having stolen so many trillions from the U.S. as well as European middle class.Both Obama or Barry Soetoro and his Republican nemesis Boener do their phoney play wrestling act to protect their common masters who they have allowed to steal trillions of dollars from the U.S. CITIZENRY THROUGH STOCK FRAUD.That is what he scum of GE and AIG,have gotten away with while the racist NAZI or National Zionist Douglas Shulman who Barack put in charge of the IRS places people like black American actor Leslie Sykes in jail for years even when he offers to pay what Shulman claims he oes,Doug Shulman who is a hedge fund money launderer himself and has avoided more taxes than Sykes ever made acting,protects people like Israeli mass murderer Menachem Atzmon and his ICTS International that funded their corporate and US national security sabotage at Logan Airport Boston on 911 that led to 3000 deaths in NYC WTC followed by thousands of Americans killed and wounded in Iraq etc and hundreds of thousands of innocents in the Middle East is actuaally protected by Shulman as they are his fellow NAZIS or National Zionists !
Super Rich Hide $21 Trillion Offshore, Study Says - Forbes 23, 2012 – It's isn't beaches like this that draw the extremely wealthy to the Cayman Islands. ( Photo credit: toddwickersty) A new report finds that around ... Super-Rich Hold Up To $32 Trillion In Offshore Havens: Report 22, 2012 – LONDON, July 22 (Reuters) - Rich individuals and their families have as much as $32 trillion of hidden financial assets in offshore tax havens, ...World's super-rich 'hiding' trillions offshore, report says | CTV News 23, 2012 – Forget the one per cent, according to a new report, the world's richest 0.001 per cent were sitting on what amounts to a hidden stash of nearly ...Study: Super-Rich Hiding $21 Trillion In Offshore Tax Havens ... 23, 2012 – The world's wealthiest citizens have socked away a mind-blowing amount of money in offshore tax havens: Likely around $21 trillion, but as ... £13tn hoard hidden from taxman by global elite | Business | The ... › Business › Tax avoidanceJul 21, 2012 – A global super-rich elite has exploited gaps in cross-border tax rules to hide an extraordinary £13 trillion ($21tn) of wealth offshore – as much ...Tax Justice Network: World's Elites Hide Trillions Offshore (7/23/12) 23, 2012 – There may be as much as $32 trillion of hidden financial assets held offshore by high net worth individuals, according to our report The Price of ...Banks, Global Elite Confirmed to Hold $32 Trillion in Offshore ... 23, 2012 – Major banks and the financial global elite are now confirmed to have as much as $32 trillion in hidden assets stashed away in offshore ...Rich hide up to $32 trillion in offshore tax havens, report contends ... 23, 2012 – The chasm separating the uber-wealthy from the rest of the world may be wider than most people think, according to a new report from ... Trillions Stashed in Offshore Tax Havens | Global Research 25, 2012 – Trillions Stashed in Offshore Tax Havens. A new Tax Justice Network (TJN) USA report reveals an estimated $21 – $32 trillion of hidden and ...Major Banks Help Clients Hide Trillions in Offshore Tax Havens (Part I) 10, 2012 – James Henry: US media and politicians mostly ignore massive untaxed wealth that big banks help rich move to tax havens. Also see: Trillion ...
SANDY HOOK - The Wall Street 'Follow The Money' Connection
Now what about Adam's Daddy, Peter Lanza?The story about the Libor connection, we are told now by some alternative media, has been DEBUNKED.
Oh, really now?
As you read this information about Peter Lanza and his work for GE, remember the context and the Obama connection:
U.S. Taxpayers Bailed Out G.E. For $182.5 Billion.
Back to Adam's Family:
Peter Lanza has been up to his neck, drowning, and waterboarded even - BY LIBOR!
That's right:
"Peter Lanza, is the tax director for General Electric, a corporation that paid -$0- in Federal income taxes on $14.2 billion dollars in profits last year. Three of the employees from GE Capitol, the unit overseen by Lanza, were sentenced to time in prison on October 18th 2012 for Libor bid-rigging scheme. The men are the first to be sentenced as part of an ongoing investigation of bid-rigging in auctions. It just so happens that GE Capitol, Peter Lanza’s Unit, was the one involved in the bid-rigging schemes that used LIBOR rates to manipulate the municipal market."
[link to]
Above Link gives above excerpt from article, as well as quoting from:
By Basil Katz FOR REUTERS:
NEW YORK, Oct 18 (Reuters) – Three former bankers at a unit of General Electric Co were each sentenced on Thursday to several years in prison for conspiring to rig bids to invest municipal bond proceeds.
The men were convicted in May as part of a broad investigation by the U.S. Justice Department of the $3.7 trillion U.S. municipal bond market. The probe has focused on rooting out schemes to fix prices and rig bids on bond transactions, and has ensnared some of the world’s largest banks.
The government had accused the three GE Capital bankers of conspiring with brokers, between 1999 and 2006, to submit artificially low bids for municipal finance contracts. They were found guilty of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and to defraud the United States.
At Thursday’s hearing, U.S. District Judge Harold Baer in Manhattan said “corruption and greed was certainly what this case was about.”
Defendant Steven Goldberg was handed a four-year prison term, while Peter Grimm and Dominick Carollo were each sentenced to three years.
The sentences were significantly lower than what the government had requested. Prosecutors had proposed up to 17-1/2 years for Goldberg, and more than a decade for the two others.
The three defendants addressed the crowded courtroom in turn, each breaking into tears when asking the judge for leniency.
Lawyers for the three men indicated in court on Thursday that they would likely appeal the convictions.
Original article which gave links to the truth about Nancy and Peter... and there is so much more.... so much more...
[link to]
AIG office flies under radar of Conn. town Enlarge
By Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY Complex derivatives contracts were made in these simple, red brick offices of AIG Financial Products in Wilton, Conn. It's only a one-hour drive to New York City, but light-years away in style.
Newtown is not just a bedroom community for what we erroneously call 'Wall Street' which has long since been replaced by internet financial manipulations that have sent more money that was stolen from former American middle class than anytime in history.AIG and Peter Lanza's GE Capital have have made money not through capitalism but through parasitism and thus can afford their comfy consumer lifestyle in Connecticut This looting and removal of former American wealth to offshore accounts of international elite has never occured before in history and it is indeed the internet and financial criminals who are protected by the traitors who have been put in office by international finanancial,industrial military arms drugs and petroleum trafficking elite
Peter Lanza as well as his ex wife Nancy Lanza are part of this international money laundering and terror culture as is Barack Obama and the Zionist bought Republicans and Democrats who pretend to represent us while giving them our money and our blood for their offshore accounts and their offshore wars and they rule by terrorism and lies.
By Rick Hampson, USA TODAYWILTON, Conn. — The money managers who helped ignite theworld financial crisis didn't operate in a gleaming corporatepenthouse overlooking New York Harbor, but on a trading floor ina two-story brick office building with a view of a Mobil station.At AIG Financial Products here, the riskiest of business was con-ducted in the blandest of settings.Through deals involving complex derivatives contracts, AIG Financial brought its corporate parent to the edge of insolvency. That threatened to wreck the global financial system, which prompted the U.S. government to approve a $170 billion corporate bailout, the biggest in the nation's history.
President Obama, members of Congress and ordinary Americans expressed outrage this week after disclosures that AIG had just paid bonuses totaling more than $160 million to employees in this same unit.When it comes to AIG Financial, people in this affluent town of about 18,000 are angry, protective, embarrassed or even oblivious to the notion that their town figured so prominently in the financial meltdown."I can't believe it — I had no idea they were here," says Marilyn Gould, a former member of the Board of Selectmen, a Planning and Zoning Commission member and director of the Wilton Historical Society.AIG Financial settled here nine years ago. Wilton is only an hour's drive from Manhattan. But in style, its executives were light-years from swashbucklers like the suspendered, pinstriped Gordon Gekko, who claimed in the 1987 film Wall Street that "greed … is good."The AIG workers, residents say, dressed comparatively casually, in slacks, sweaters and shirts. "They were just very quiet," says Ted Hoffstatter, a high school teacher and one of the town's selectmen. "Most people didn't even realize they were here."There was an AIG team in a local men's basketball league. Otherwise, the employees worked long hours, ate well — the company provided up to three meals a day on the job — and kept their heads down.As news has spread of AIG Financial's bonuses, reactions have varied."It's outrageous — people are very upset that an awful lot of people seem to have made out like bandits," Hoffstatter says. "People are losing their jobs and when they see these bonuses being given out, they can't believe it."..............Twitter / JsrRoger: GE Gets $182.5 Billion In Obama ... 15, 2012 – Instantly connect to what's most important to you. Follow your friends, experts, favorite celebrities, and breaking news.Worst Bailout In US History - 96ws6 - Newsvine 9, 2012 – Worst Bailout In U.S. History: General Electric Gets $182.5 Billion In Obama Buddy Bailout: Project Calls For Jeffery Immelt's Immediate ...Worst Bailout In U.S. History: General Electric Gets $182.5 Billion In ... 21, 2011 – Tell me again what a triple-A rating is good for? Not a whole lot, if one of the iconic triple-As in American industry, General Electric, has to go hat ...Worst Bailout In U.S. History: General Electric Gets $182.5 Billion In ... Calls For Jeffery Immelt's Immediate Resignation. Tell me again what a triple-A rating is good for? Not a whole lot, if one of the iconic.MSNBC Rewarded For Obama Support With GE Bailout Money ... 16, 2008 – Worst Bailout In U.S. History: General Electric Gets A $182.5 Billion In Obama Buddy Bailout. MSNBC Then Uses The Money In Nazi ...Worst Bailout In U.S. History: General Electric Gets $182.5 Billion In ... - This is little known. Since GE owns most of our Media sources in the US they did a wonderful job of keeping this quiet.Fraudulent Fiscal Cliff: Corporations Received a Surreptitiously ... 7, 2013 – General Electric Makes New Lear Jet In Mexico Where Unemployment is 4.9%: U.S. Taxpayers Bailed Out G.E. For $182.5 Billion. Thanx G.E. ...Lear jet « 2012thebigpicture 7, 2013 – General Electric Makes New Lear Jet In Mexico Where Unemployment is 4.9%: U.S. Taxpayers Bailed Out G.E. For $182.5 Billion. Thanx G.E. ...Jeff Immelt « 2012thebigpicture 7, 2013 – General Electric Makes New Lear Jet In Mexico Where Unemployment is 4.9%: U.S. Taxpayers Bailed Out G.E. For $182.5 Billion. Thanx G.E. .....................
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