India's Real Heroe Hermant Karkare vs Hindu Traitors and their CIA,Mossad,UK TERROR BOSSES
AANGIRFAN.COM just revisited the Mumbai bombing and also mentioned one of my most admired government police officials,Hermant Kerkare,who was assainated during the chaos of the Mumbai terrorism of 2008 and used by all the above to pin the mass shootings and terrorism that day in te heart of Mumbai on Pakistan even tough they knew all the time and it came out later when the Jewish CIA,FBI agent saboteur David Headly was exposed as the instigator and organizer of te Mumbia terrorism in apparent complicity with international 'intelligence' which most obviously was the U.S.CIA and FBI but also with apparent Israeli and probable Chabad Lubavitch collusion.If only we had others in the CIA and FBI like Hermant Karkare..........If only India had more and didn't assasinate those they have but then again the U.S. 'INTELLIGENCE' HAS BEEN TAKEN OVER BY ZIONISTS AND THEIR ARMS,PETROLEUM AND DRUG TRAFFICKING ELITES WHO WERE ALSO CULPABLE IN PROTECTING ARIZONA FANATICS KENNETH HAYWOOD AND THE JEW JONATHAN HEIMBERG,ET.AL, OF CAMPBELL WHITE AND THE POTTERS HOUSE,CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP WHO WERE MIXED WITH INDIAN TERRORISM BOMBING ONLY SHORTLY BEFORE MUMBAI ANTI-TERRORISM CHIEF HERMANT KARKARE WHO WAS INVESTIGATING THEM WAS BLOWN AWAY IN THE MUMBAI '911' shootings blamed on Pakistan and Ismaic terrorists' .IT IS KNOWN THAT kARKARE WAS ALSO INVESTIGATING BOMBS ON INDIAN TRAINS BLAMED ON ISLAMIC TERRORISTS THAT HE SUSPEXTED WERE DONE BY hINDU FASCISTS WITH HIGH LEVEL iNDIAN GOVERNMENT CONNECTIONS.Note the U.S. EMBASSY PROTECTED KENNETH HAYWOOD FROM KARKARE'S INVSTIGATION IN WAYS THAT THEY WOULD NEVER PROTECT AN AVERAGE WHO WAS NOT PART OF U.S. 'INTELLIGENCE' AGENCIES.Probably no coincidence that Hermant Karkare lost his life shortly afterwards in the Mumbai terrorist shootings on November 26,2008
that was carried out by previously convicted American Jewish drug trafficker David Headley while working for CIA and FBI and blamed on Pakistan !
Below are links to posts I made before the Mumbai incident occured involving U.S.fundamentalist Christians with probable CIA and FBI connections themselves who were implicated in bombs in India that kille over 50 people before the Mumbai incident.I find it no coincidence that the head of U.S.Homeland Security Janet Napolitano comes from and headed both the Arizona Attorney General's post as well as having been Arizona governor and yet her home state eems to be a hotbed of hate groups religious fanatics and what apears to be government sposored terror cells of which Kenneth Haywood and others of Doors Foundation , Potters House and Christian Fellowship whose wifi sent a warning to CNN India 5 minutes befiore bombs went off in INDIA and blamed it on 'Islamic terrorists' !It Hermant Karkare who began an immediate investigation into Kenneth Haywood and the Campbell White corporate front he and Jonathan Heimberg hid behind to do their right wing 'Christan' proselityzing that Hermant Karkare was investigating in regards to bombs that killed over 50 In INDIA that Haywoods wifi sent a message from blaming 'Islamic terrorists' on shortly before he was murdered in the chaos of Mumbai mass shooting that was staged by CIA and FBI Jewish terrorist David Headley that tells us was recently convicted in U.S. for his role in and to keep him from being turned over to India where he might expose the U.S.and others involved with rigt wing Hinues in the Mumbai incident.
to be continued
kenneth haywood,First American Title in Kingman:
The Door Christian Church - Hope for Every Life in Jesus Christ - Staff Pastor Jonathan Heimberg and Family: ... spent 2 1/2 years in Bangalore,India pioneering a missionary church now in the hands of an Indian pastor.s o s: Who Are the Deccan Mujahideen? 28, 2008 – Israel Founded Using Known Nazi Forgeries of British Banknotes .....and Jonathan Heimberg, a senior information services manager, both in ...Maybe Jonathan Heimberg hacked fellow Campbell White employee Ken Haywood’s laptop. According to the employee information they removed from their site, “Jonathan’s vast experience, and training in Computer Programming, Systems Security and Electronic Encryption gives our customers great peace of mind in the age of Identity Theft, and Corporate Espionage.” Did the authorities check? Is there any way for them to? And why should they?
Well, consider the connections between Jewish Zionists, Christian Zionists and Hindutva along with the connection between the interests of Israel, America and India (neoliberal imperialism, predatory capitalism):
First american title in Kingman, KS - 1 - 30 of 196 – 196 listings of Title Companies in Kingman on Find reviews ... First american title in Kingman, KS ... Stock & Bond Transfer Agents ...
8/17/2008 6:00:00 AM
Pastor questioned in India bombingThe Potter’s House sign on Northern Avenue. Ken Haywood’s name is still barely visible on the bottom of the sign.
JC AMBERLYN/MinerJames Chilton
Miner Staff Reporter
KINGMAN - The former pastor of a local church has popped up in a rather unlikely place - the offices of India's Anti-Terror Squad.
Kenneth Haywood, formerly the pastor of the Potter's House Christian Fellowship at 2675 Northern Ave., was the subject of an ATS investigation following a series of blasts July 26 in the Indian city of Ahmedabad that left 45 dead and more than 160 injured.
According to a July 27 article by the UK-based Guardian newspaper, several Indian television stations received an e-mail warning of the bomb attack approximately five minutes before the bombs went off.
While the e-mail claimed to be from a group called the Indian Mujahideen, the ATS traced the e-mail to Haywood's home wireless Internet protocol address.
The Mumbai-based newspaper Daily News & Analysis reported that Haywood was subjected to lie-detector and brain-mapping tests last Wednesday, along with several other residents of Mumbai's sister city, Navi Mumbai.
The article said 10 computers were seized from the building where Haywood's family lives, though only three of the computers were from Haywood's residence. The following day, the paper reported that officials seized four more computers from neighboring Mumbai.
Haywood is a corporate training manager with Campbell White, a self-described "soft skills communication company" that teaches native Indians communication skills for working at American companies.
However, another article published last Wednesday by another Mumbai-based newspaper, The Indian Express, said that ATS officials found the story of Haywood's employer "of a slightly dubious nature." The article identifies the company's managing director, Daniel Rubianes, as the pastor of the Door Christian Centre, which is part of the Pentacostal Christian Fellowship Ministries, otherwise known as The Potter's House. The article further lists Haywood as a functionary of the Potter's House in Mumbai and identifies several other employees of the company, among them Scott Grabowska, David Curwen-Walker and Johnathan Heimberg, as having links to the church.
The Miner contacted Haywood via e-mail late Friday afternoon. He did not dispute his church involvement in Mumbai, though he did maintain that his role in the congregation was separate from his job, as it had been when he worked at First American Title in Kingman.
"The first year here was fantastic, my business grew by leaps and bounds, and I got involved in helping a small struggling congregation that had been that way for some time get off the ground as well," Haywood said.
He said the whole situation surrounding the Ahmedabad bombings had been very stressful for his wife and two daughters, and he was hoping to repair customer relationships that had been damaged over the course of the investigation.
"The reality here is, from day one, the investigators here have told me, my attorney, my company, and the American State Department that I am a victim of someone tapping into my wireless router," Haywood said.
He added that dealing with the Indian media was akin to dealing with 27 branches of the National Enquirer all at once.
"Honestly, this has been the craziest thing I have ever been through," Haywood said. "I have been reported to be everything from a CIA spy to a commando.
"I had one inspector ask me if I was a Navy SEAL," he continued. "I said, 'You have got to be kidding, have you ever seen a SEAL? No, I am just a middle-aged guy trying to raise my family and do my job.'"
Following the ATS investigation of Haywood, Campbell White proceeded to remove much of the contact information, and even the last names, of its staff from its corporate Web site,
A statement posted by the company said this was to protect employees from "malicious intents from anyone, including overambitious media."
Another statement released by Campbell White said that local police had "eliminated (Haywood) as a suspect" in the July 26 bombings, and now believed that "his Internet connection was compromised.".....Kingman Daily Miner | Pastor questioned in India bombing 17, 2008 – Ken Haywood's name is still barely visible on the bottom of the sign. it had been when he worked at First American Title in Kingman.Mr. Kenneth Haywood - ZoomInfo!search/profile/person?personId...targetid...Find business contact information for Kenneth Haywood, Corporate Training ...UPDATE: Mr. Ken Haywood is now "pastoring" the "Potters House" in Kingman, AZ.... India for over 10 years with First American Title and Campbell White granting ...Re: Potters House perjury pastor Ken Haywood ... - Groups - Yahoo! 24, 2008 – Re: Potters House perjury pastor Ken Haywood takes lie detector test, < Prev ... had been when he worked at First American Title in Kingman.Ken Haywood - Golden Valley, AZ | MyLife® and staying connected with Ken Haywood just got easier! ... Places Worked:First American Title Ins. Co, Title Opperations Manager, Chief Title officer ...
Campbell White,(the company whose computer was used along with a Yahoo! account to disseminate supposed Islamic terrorists message at or near time of recent Indian bombing), certainly has friends in far right,(Fox News),places or they at least admire far right commentators - particularly Frank Luntz of Fox News,etc. I also noted that while both Fox News and CNN gave coverage to bombings in both Iraq and Turkey that occured at about the time of the equally tragic,if not worse,Indian bombings - that at least on Fox and I believe CNN as well - THE INDIAN TRAGEDY WAS BLOCKED FROM BOTH THEIR 'NEWS' REPORTS ! Coincidence ? Why was India's plight not worth mention !?.......................
India Bombing,Yahoo!,Fox News,Kenneth Haywood,Campbell White,Door,Christian Fellowship Ministries
by Tony Ryals | 08.01.2008
The only problem is, Campbell White, the firm that Haywood works for, is not a multinational company at all. Or, if it is, it’s certainly a very strange one. What I’ve managed to find out is that Campbell White is effectively a front for a far right Christian cult, and is far from the image being spun by Haywood and the media......Fortunately for them, Campbell White erased key details of its staff from its website in early July 2008. Unfortunately for them, Google caches such things, so ferrets like me can have ready access. What you find is a list of American and Australian expats fulfilling the usual roles (India managing director, manager of human resources etc..) Superficially there is nothing odd about that at all. What you find at the current site, however, is a strange list of first names (no “Ken” you might notice)... - from gnn article
1st India report to mention fundamentalist christian connection
Submitted by Tony Ryals (not verified) on Thu, 08/14/2008 - 12:35pm
Fundamentalist Christian connection
Here's the first Indian investigative reporting I've seen that mentions the fundie Christian connection of Kenneth Haywood and Campbell White whose e-mail account
was mysteriously taken over by the holy ghost and belched out an Islamic terrorist warning just before all heil broke lose with the bombings in late July.They don't mention the penny stock scams of Bob Dodd or Jonathan Heimberg though. Also another Indian news article states that in fact they don't believe the holy ghost took over his computer and internet account.:
The curious case of Ken Haywood
Posted online: Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 0052 hrs Print EmailAs the American undergoes lie detector test, the Anti-Terror Squad is trying to figure out the man behind his personae
Sagnik Chowdhury, Smita Nair & Johnson T A
Mumbai/ Bangalore , August 13: Ken Haywood, the American national from whose Internet Protocol (IP) address the terror e-mail was sent prior to the Ahmedabad serial blasts, underwent lie detector tests on Wednesday, a senior police official said in Mumbai. Maharashtra’s Anti-Terror Squad (ATS), which is probing the case, traced the e-mail to Haywood’s flat in Navi Mumbai and found that his background and job were “of a slightly dubious nature”. But the information available so far is not good enough to charge him or suggest his involvement in the case.
Related Stories Terror mail: US national, 9 others made to undergo lie-detector test
Week after blasts, anger overshadows fear at the Civil Hospital
Cops see local hand
At least 3 Surat bombs had wrong wiring, alert could have aborted plot
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“We have conducted inquiries on Haywood’s background and his company. These are of a slightly dubious nature, and even the company he works for and its office are a bit suspect,” ATS chief Hemant Karkare told The Indian Express. “However, this does not directly link him with the case in any way. After all, having a suspicious background, or even working for a bogus company is not enough to book anyone for involvement in terror activities,” he added.......
The police in Mumbai and Bangalore have said there is primary evidence to show that Haywood’s wi-fi account was hacked into and compromised, resulting in the terror e-mail on July 26 — five minutes before the blasts. Questions remain as to who did it and how they picked on Haywood’s computer network.
Haywood is supposed to be a corporate training manager and general manager with a company called Campbell White, which describes itself on its website as a “premier executive soft skills trainer”.
On the corporate side, Daniel Rubianes is the managing director of the company with its main office at the first floor of the M S Plaza in east Bangalore. Rubianes, like many other employees of Campbell White, wears a second hat. On Thursdays and Sundays, he is pastor Dan Rubianes, the head of the Door Christian Centre — a church with origins in Arizona in the US but relatively new to India. Door Christian Centre is a part of the Pentecostal Christian Fellowship Ministries, also known as the Potter’s House. Haywood is a functionary of the Potter’s House in Mumbai.
The Indian Express found that the Mumbai office of the MNC is located in two small adjoining rented rooms on the ground floor of Sanpada railway station complex in Navi Mumbai. The two rooms also serve as prayer rooms on Sundays and Thursdays for the Potter’s House. A notice pasted on the wall says the community service has been cancelled until further notice and is signed by Haywood.
Brother Richard D’Souza, the contact person for the centre, said, “We have been running our prayer service for the last one year from these premises. It is only this year that Campbell White opened its branch here.” He said 20 students learn English from Haywood.
Campbell White like Scott Grabowska, a former Mumbai-based international protocol trainer, David Curwen-Walker, a senior operations manager, and Jonathan Heimberg, a senior information services manager, both in Bangalore, have shown links to the church. For instance, Curwen-Walker and Heimberg head the Door churches at Kammanahalli and Koramangala in Bangalore.
However, Campbell White and the Door church officials have remained elusive on the links between the two entities. When contacted Michael White, an Australia-based director for Campbell White, refused to comment on the India operations. “You must speak to Dan Rubianes in Bangalore,” he said.
Some churchgoers at the Door Christian Centre in Cox Town in Bangalore said Rubianes had left for the US on August 3 to attend a Bible conference in Arizona.
“Campbell White is a business that pastor Dan runs. We as churchgoers are not aware of its nature,” said Hemanth Kumar, an engineering student, who has been associated with the church since it began three years ago. “Being American, pastors are equipped to work as accent trainers. In Bangalore, many such people work in churches,” added Ravi Kumar, a member of the church in Bangalore.
Incidentally, Joseph Campbell, who is listed as the US director of Campbell White, is believed to be the seniormost pastor of the Door church in Arizona.
Here's the first Indian investigative reporting I've seen that mentions the fundie Christian connection of Kenneth Haywood and Campbell White whose e-mail account
was mysteriously taken over by the holy ghost and belched out an Islamic terrorist warning just before all heil broke lose with the bombings in late July.They don't mention the penny stock scams of Bob Dodd or Jonathan Heimberg though. Also another Indian news article states that in fact they don't believe the holy ghost took over his computer and internet account.:
The curious case of Ken Haywood
Posted online: Thursday, August 14, 2008 at 0052 hrs Print EmailAs the American undergoes lie detector test, the Anti-Terror Squad is trying to figure out the man behind his personae
Sagnik Chowdhury, Smita Nair & Johnson T A
Mumbai/ Bangalore , August 13: Ken Haywood, the American national from whose Internet Protocol (IP) address the terror e-mail was sent prior to the Ahmedabad serial blasts, underwent lie detector tests on Wednesday, a senior police official said in Mumbai. Maharashtra’s Anti-Terror Squad (ATS), which is probing the case, traced the e-mail to Haywood’s flat in Navi Mumbai and found that his background and job were “of a slightly dubious nature”. But the information available so far is not good enough to charge him or suggest his involvement in the case.
Related Stories Terror mail: US national, 9 others made to undergo lie-detector test
Week after blasts, anger overshadows fear at the Civil Hospital
Cops see local hand
At least 3 Surat bombs had wrong wiring, alert could have aborted plot
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“We have conducted inquiries on Haywood’s background and his company. These are of a slightly dubious nature, and even the company he works for and its office are a bit suspect,” ATS chief Hemant Karkare told The Indian Express. “However, this does not directly link him with the case in any way. After all, having a suspicious background, or even working for a bogus company is not enough to book anyone for involvement in terror activities,” he added.......
The police in Mumbai and Bangalore have said there is primary evidence to show that Haywood’s wi-fi account was hacked into and compromised, resulting in the terror e-mail on July 26 — five minutes before the blasts. Questions remain as to who did it and how they picked on Haywood’s computer network.
Haywood is supposed to be a corporate training manager and general manager with a company called Campbell White, which describes itself on its website as a “premier executive soft skills trainer”.
On the corporate side, Daniel Rubianes is the managing director of the company with its main office at the first floor of the M S Plaza in east Bangalore. Rubianes, like many other employees of Campbell White, wears a second hat. On Thursdays and Sundays, he is pastor Dan Rubianes, the head of the Door Christian Centre — a church with origins in Arizona in the US but relatively new to India. Door Christian Centre is a part of the Pentecostal Christian Fellowship Ministries, also known as the Potter’s House. Haywood is a functionary of the Potter’s House in Mumbai.
The Indian Express found that the Mumbai office of the MNC is located in two small adjoining rented rooms on the ground floor of Sanpada railway station complex in Navi Mumbai. The two rooms also serve as prayer rooms on Sundays and Thursdays for the Potter’s House. A notice pasted on the wall says the community service has been cancelled until further notice and is signed by Haywood.
Brother Richard D’Souza, the contact person for the centre, said, “We have been running our prayer service for the last one year from these premises. It is only this year that Campbell White opened its branch here.” He said 20 students learn English from Haywood.
Campbell White like Scott Grabowska, a former Mumbai-based international protocol trainer, David Curwen-Walker, a senior operations manager, and Jonathan Heimberg, a senior information services manager, both in Bangalore, have shown links to the church. For instance, Curwen-Walker and Heimberg head the Door churches at Kammanahalli and Koramangala in Bangalore.
However, Campbell White and the Door church officials have remained elusive on the links between the two entities. When contacted Michael White, an Australia-based director for Campbell White, refused to comment on the India operations. “You must speak to Dan Rubianes in Bangalore,” he said.
Some churchgoers at the Door Christian Centre in Cox Town in Bangalore said Rubianes had left for the US on August 3 to attend a Bible conference in Arizona.
“Campbell White is a business that pastor Dan runs. We as churchgoers are not aware of its nature,” said Hemanth Kumar, an engineering student, who has been associated with the church since it began three years ago. “Being American, pastors are equipped to work as accent trainers. In Bangalore, many such people work in churches,” added Ravi Kumar, a member of the church in Bangalore.
Incidentally, Joseph Campbell, who is listed as the US director of Campbell White, is believed to be the seniormost pastor of the Door church in Arizona.
from :
The American David Headley has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for his part in planning the Mumbai attacks of 2008.
It was in 2009 that David Coleman Headley was taken into custody by FBI agents in Chicago, presumably to prevent him being arrested by the Indian authorities.
Headley pleaded guilty and cooperated to avoid the death penalty and extradition to India.
David Headley sentenced to 35 years in jail by Chicago court for role in 26/11
It was in 2009 that David Coleman Headley was taken into custody by FBI agents in Chicago, presumably to prevent him being arrested by the Indian authorities.
Headley pleaded guilty and cooperated to avoid the death penalty and extradition to India.
David Headley sentenced to 35 years in jail by Chicago court for role in 26/11
According to "Who Killed Karkare? The Real Face Of Terrorism In India" by M Zeyaul Haque, former Maharashtra Inspector General of Police , some of the terrorists are Hindus with links to the government of India. Karkare had discovered the Hindu links to terrorism in India.
6. We are told that the gunmen who shot Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare spoke Marathi (Not from Pakistan) and then we are told that it was Pakistani Ajmal Amir and his Pakistani friend who shot Karkare.
The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. (i.e. they were not from Pakistan)
Reportedly, traditional Jews from Mumbai, who have migrated to Israel, speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad.
7. There are reports that one gunman was arrested at Cama Hospital and reports suggesting that nobody was arrested there.
(According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here." - BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack)
(According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here." - BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack)
The American David Headley has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for his part in planning the Mumbai attacks of 2008.
It was in 2009 that David Coleman Headley was taken into custody by FBI agents in Chicago, presumably to prevent him being arrested by the Indian authorities.
Headley pleaded guilty and cooperated to avoid the death penalty and extradition to India.
David Headley sentenced to 35 years in jail by Chicago court for role in 26/11

It was in 2009 that David Coleman Headley was taken into custody by FBI agents in Chicago, presumably to prevent him being arrested by the Indian authorities.
Headley pleaded guilty and cooperated to avoid the death penalty and extradition to India.
David Headley sentenced to 35 years in jail by Chicago court for role in 26/11

David Headley and his mother. aangirfan: HEADLEY'S JEWISH LINKS...


There is evidence of involvement by Israelis and officials of the Indian and Pakistan governments.

India, like Pakistan, is a corrupt, feudal, fascist state. It is run by politicians in league with the CIA and Mossad?
Fake evidence was presented in the Lockerbie trial (Police officer said that he planted the Lockerbie bomb) and in the trial of Kasab in Mumbai.
Both Megrahi and Kasab were framed.
2. We are told that the gunmen at the railway station and elsewhere were white men and yet Ajmal Amir is reportedly from Pakistan.

4. There are reports that Kasab had bullet wounds and reports that he did not have bullet wounds.
(No bullet hit Kasab, no active treatment on, says hospital's dean)
There are reports that one of his fellow gunmen was arrested at Cana Hospital and reports suggesting that nobody was arrested there.
(According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here."
(BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack)
5. There were reports that Kasab speaks fluent English and reports that he is rather illiterate and poorly educated.
According to the BBC, "Indian officials originally portrayed him as a middle-class boy who spoke good English.

The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. (i.e. they were not from Pakistan)
Headley worked for the USA's Drugs Enforcement Administration, which has close links to the CIA.
Headley claimed that he worked for the CIA.
Parliamentarian Vivek Pandit has said that David Headley also has links to the 1993 bombings in India. (Which ex-minister put pressure on Ujjwal Nikam? )
The American called Ken Haywood fled India after his links to terrorists were discovered. (MUMBAI AND DAWOOD).
Haywood's computer was reportedly used by Indian Mujahideen operatives.
The American called Ken Haywood fled India after his links to terrorists were discovered. (MUMBAI AND DAWOOD).
Haywood's computer was reportedly used by Indian Mujahideen operatives.

- Kasab - innocent patsy. Ajmal Kasab, the innocent patsy framed for the Mumbai Attacks of 2008, has been hanged.
The Mumbai Attacks were designed to get India and Pakistan into a war.

David Headley.
The Mumbai attacks were organised by an American, David Headley, who worked for the US government, presumably as a CIA asset or agent.
India, like Pakistan, is a corrupt, feudal, fascist state. It is run by politicians in league with the CIA and Mossad?
Fake evidence was presented in the Lockerbie trial (Police officer said that he planted the Lockerbie bomb) and in the trial of Kasab in Mumbai.
Both Megrahi and Kasab were framed.

Not Ajmal Kasab.
1. We were told that 8 gunmen were arrested and then we were told that only Ajmal Kasab was arrested.
1. We were told that 8 gunmen were arrested and then we were told that only Ajmal Kasab was arrested.
“The Maharashtra Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh told Associated Press that two British-born Pakistanis were among the eight gunmen arrested by Indian authorities.”
Many British Pakistanis reportedly work for MI6.
The reports about Kasab are contradictory and confusing.
2. We are told that the gunmen at the railway station and elsewhere were white men and yet Ajmal Amir is reportedly from Pakistan.
(BBC NEWS Mumbai attackers create 'killing zone' /Mumbai Attackers were 'Hindus' and 'White Men' )
3. One moment we were told Kasab stayed for several days at the Taj Hotel; the next moment we were told he got straight off a boat and started a killing spree.
3. One moment we were told Kasab stayed for several days at the Taj Hotel; the next moment we were told he got straight off a boat and started a killing spree.

4. There are reports that Kasab had bullet wounds and reports that he did not have bullet wounds.
(No bullet hit Kasab, no active treatment on, says hospital's dean)
There are reports that one of his fellow gunmen was arrested at Cana Hospital and reports suggesting that nobody was arrested there.
(According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here."
(BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack)
5. There were reports that Kasab speaks fluent English and reports that he is rather illiterate and poorly educated.
According to the BBC, "Indian officials originally portrayed him as a middle-class boy who spoke good English.
"But subsequent reports suggested he came from a remote village called Faridkot, where his father sold food.
"He had received little education, the reports said, and had spent his youth alternating between labouring and petty crime."

According to "Who Killed Karkare? The Real Face Of Terrorism In India" by M Zeyaul Haque, former Maharashtra Inspector General of Police , some of the terrorists are Hindus with links to the government of India. Karkare had discovered the Hindu links to terrorism in India.
6. We are told that the gunmen who shot Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare spoke Marathi (Not from Pakistan) and then we are told that it was Pakistani Ajmal Amir and his Pakistani friend who shot Karkare.
The Marathi daily 'Maharashtra Times' said the terrorists who targeted Anti Terrorism Squad chief Hemant Karkare were speaking Marathi fluently. (i.e. they were not from Pakistan)
Reportedly, traditional Jews from Mumbai, who have migrated to Israel, speak fluent Marathi and are known to have been recruited by Mossad.
7. There are reports that one gunman was arrested at Cama Hospital and reports suggesting that nobody was arrested there.
(According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here." - BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack)
Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab claimed he was framed by the Israelis.
And by India's secret service (RAW).
Ajmal Kasab alleged that the TV footage recorded by a Pakistani channel GeoTV (which was shown in the special court) "was made at the behest of RAW and Israeli officials."
Kasab said he learnt this from crime branch officials.
(Kasab now claims RAW accused him of spying)

On 25 December 2010, The Washington Post reported that Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab "told the judge he came to Mumbai as a tourist and was arrested 20 days before the siege began.
"On the day the attacks started, Kasab said police took him from his cell because he resembled one of the gunmen.
"They then shot him to make it look as if he had been involved in the attacks and re-arrested him..."
(Mumbai gunman demands trial by international court )
Ajmal Kasab claimed that the the Indian secret service, RAW, took him into custody on 6 November 2008, and later handed him over to the Mumbai police.
The Mumbai attacks were on 26 November 2008. (Kasab claims RAW custody )
Kasab said he arrived from Pakistan by the Samjhauta Express and travelled to Mumbai as a tourist 20 days before the November 26, 2008, assault.
He said he was detained while strolling on Juhu beach and falsely implicated in the 26/11 case as he had facial similarities with one of the Mumbai attackers.
The 22-year-old Kasab told the court: "I would like to consult the Pakistani authorities," including passport officials.
The judge rejected Kasab's plea for trial by an international court.
(Kasab now claims RAW accused him of spying)

Reportedly, India's spy service RAW, copying Israel's Mossad, kidnaps people in order to create patsies.
"The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW, for the past many years is following the policies of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad...
"Mossad has managed to create many fake terrorists out of the innocent Palestinians and made them to confess the crimes they never committed.
"The Daily Mail’s finding indicate that these tactic were adopted by RAW in the late 90s and suddenly the number of Pakistanis, arrested in India with terror charges started increasing dramatically by the late 90s while Ajmal Kasab being the latest in the series." (The Daily Mail - from Pakistan)


The Guardian has reported on the framing of innocent people in India.
In 2008, in The Guardian, we read:"It was after the 2001 parliament attack that the first serious questions began to be raised.
"A campaign by a group of lawyers and activists exposed how innocent people had been framed by the police and the press, how evidence was fabricated, how witnesses lied, how due process had been criminally violated at every stage of the investigation."(Arundhati Roy: Mumbai .)
(According to the BBC: "2120-2200: Gunmen raid the Cama and Albless Hospital ... One attacker is captured here." - BBC NEWS South Asia Timeline: Mumbai under attack)

Ajmal Kasab
Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab claimed he was framed by the Israelis.
And by India's secret service (RAW).
Ajmal Kasab alleged that the TV footage recorded by a Pakistani channel GeoTV (which was shown in the special court) "was made at the behest of RAW and Israeli officials."
Kasab said he learnt this from crime branch officials.
(Kasab now claims RAW accused him of spying)

On 25 December 2010, The Washington Post reported that Mumbai suspect Ajmal Kasab "told the judge he came to Mumbai as a tourist and was arrested 20 days before the siege began.
"On the day the attacks started, Kasab said police took him from his cell because he resembled one of the gunmen.
"They then shot him to make it look as if he had been involved in the attacks and re-arrested him..."
(Mumbai gunman demands trial by international court )
Ajmal Kasab claimed that the the Indian secret service, RAW, took him into custody on 6 November 2008, and later handed him over to the Mumbai police.
The Mumbai attacks were on 26 November 2008. (Kasab claims RAW custody )

Not Kasab.
Kasab said he arrived from Pakistan by the Samjhauta Express and travelled to Mumbai as a tourist 20 days before the November 26, 2008, assault.
He said he was detained while strolling on Juhu beach and falsely implicated in the 26/11 case as he had facial similarities with one of the Mumbai attackers.
The 22-year-old Kasab told the court: "I would like to consult the Pakistani authorities," including passport officials.
The judge rejected Kasab's plea for trial by an international court.
(Kasab now claims RAW accused him of spying)

Reportedly, India's spy service RAW, copying Israel's Mossad, kidnaps people in order to create patsies.
"The Daily Mail’s investigations indicate that RAW, for the past many years is following the policies of Israeli intelligence agency Mossad...
"Mossad has managed to create many fake terrorists out of the innocent Palestinians and made them to confess the crimes they never committed.
"The Daily Mail’s finding indicate that these tactic were adopted by RAW in the late 90s and suddenly the number of Pakistanis, arrested in India with terror charges started increasing dramatically by the late 90s while Ajmal Kasab being the latest in the series." (The Daily Mail - from Pakistan)

More dead patsies in Mumbai.
Ajmal Kasab said that the American David Headley, who is alleged to be a CIA agent, interrogated him, with four whitemen, in his cell at the Mumbai police custody after he was captured. (Mumbai attacker Kasab retracts confession, claims meeting US terror suspect)
Kasab claimed he was interrogated by FBI officials and that David Headley was one of them.
(26/11 trial: Kasab was interrogated by Headley )
According to Ajmal Kasab, "The police have killed the main accused, who resembles me, and they told me that his name was Abu Ali."
"I am his look alike. His height and face resembles mine," Kasab said.
(Kasav's U-turn, retracts 26/11 statement )
Ajmal Kasab said that the American David Headley, who is alleged to be a CIA agent, interrogated him, with four whitemen, in his cell at the Mumbai police custody after he was captured. (Mumbai attacker Kasab retracts confession, claims meeting US terror suspect)
Kasab claimed he was interrogated by FBI officials and that David Headley was one of them.
(26/11 trial: Kasab was interrogated by Headley )
According to Ajmal Kasab, "The police have killed the main accused, who resembles me, and they told me that his name was Abu Ali."
"I am his look alike. His height and face resembles mine," Kasab said.
(Kasav's U-turn, retracts 26/11 statement )

The Guardian has reported on the framing of innocent people in India.
In 2008, in The Guardian, we read:"It was after the 2001 parliament attack that the first serious questions began to be raised.
"A campaign by a group of lawyers and activists exposed how innocent people had been framed by the police and the press, how evidence was fabricated, how witnesses lied, how due process had been criminally violated at every stage of the investigation."(Arundhati Roy: Mumbai .)
Triple Canopy has experience managing cases in India, Nigeria and Somalia.
(Experience Triple Canopy )
In the Mumbai attacks of 2008, eyewitnesses said some of the attackers "included Nigerian or Somali mercenaries."
In the Mumbai attacks of 2008, eyewitnesses said some of the attackers "included Nigerian or Somali mercenaries."
(Bloodbath in Mumbai -
"It appears that the Obama administration has decided on its hired guns of choice: Triple Canopy, a Chicago company...
"Triple Canopy has ... a record of hiring mercenaries from countries with atrocious human rights records..."
"It appears that the Obama administration has decided on its hired guns of choice: Triple Canopy, a Chicago company...
"Triple Canopy has ... a record of hiring mercenaries from countries with atrocious human rights records..."
(Triple Canopy, 'Obama's Blackwater' / ISN Triple Canopy Takes Over ...)
Wayne Madsen reports that a 'mercenary firm' working for the US government has been carrying out 'false flag' terrorist attacks in Asia, with the assistance of Mossad and India's spy service RAW.
Wayne Madsen reports that a 'mercenary firm' working for the US government has been carrying out 'false flag' terrorist attacks in Asia, with the assistance of Mossad and India's spy service RAW.
Not Kasab
According to The Hindu, 16 January 2010, (Headley attended Lashkar training camps in Pakistan):
Starting November 26, 2008, and continuing for the next two days, attackers carried out assaults against multiple targets in Mumbai, each of which David Headley allegedly had scouted in advance.
Headley befriended Indian celebrity Rahul Bhatt.
According to Bhatt, Headley claimed to have done a stint with the US army.
Headley told Bhatt about the US military's Delta Force and the CIA's top-secret force called Special Activities Division which carries out covert political action and paramilitary operations.
(IndiaDaily - Rahul Bhatt hints Headley may be a dual CIA-ISI agent ...)
Headley was operating from a Training Gym extremely close to the US Consulate at Bridge Candy.
(Mahesh Bhatt & the Headley affair )
"He was also very friendly with the personnel at the US consulate and was on a first name basis with a number of US Consulate officials that he met at the gym."
(Mahesh Bhatt & the Headley affair )

According to The Hindu, 16 January 2010, (Headley attended Lashkar training camps in Pakistan):
Starting November 26, 2008, and continuing for the next two days, attackers carried out assaults against multiple targets in Mumbai, each of which David Headley allegedly had scouted in advance.
Headley befriended Indian celebrity Rahul Bhatt.
According to Bhatt, Headley claimed to have done a stint with the US army.
Headley told Bhatt about the US military's Delta Force and the CIA's top-secret force called Special Activities Division which carries out covert political action and paramilitary operations.
(IndiaDaily - Rahul Bhatt hints Headley may be a dual CIA-ISI agent ...)
Headley was operating from a Training Gym extremely close to the US Consulate at Bridge Candy.
(Mahesh Bhatt & the Headley affair )
"He was also very friendly with the personnel at the US consulate and was on a first name basis with a number of US Consulate officials that he met at the gym."
(Mahesh Bhatt & the Headley affair )

Headley of the CIA?
David Headley is from Chicago.
Two of the Americans reportedly killed during the Mumbai attacks have links to Chicago.
David Headley is from Chicago.
Two of the Americans reportedly killed during the Mumbai attacks have links to Chicago.
These are Ben Zion Chroman or Kruman (his father is from Chicago)
Sandeep Jeswani (An American of Indian origin. He is from Chicago; killed at the Oberoi)
A federal grand jury indictment in Chicago says that in 2002 and 2003, Headley attended training camps in Pakistan, and conspired with Abdur Rehman, in planning and executing the attacks in India.
Major (retired) Abdur Rehman?
Military spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas told The Hindu that there was as yet no formal communication from the U.S. about his indictment, nor any requests for questioning him.
According to Wayne Madsen (Blackwater/XE behind terrorist bombings in Asia and Africa?) There is a secret Blackwater-XE/CIA/Joint Special Operations Command forward operating base in Karachi.

Sandeep Jeswani (An American of Indian origin. He is from Chicago; killed at the Oberoi)
A federal grand jury indictment in Chicago says that in 2002 and 2003, Headley attended training camps in Pakistan, and conspired with Abdur Rehman, in planning and executing the attacks in India.
Major (retired) Abdur Rehman?
Military spokesman Major-General Athar Abbas told The Hindu that there was as yet no formal communication from the U.S. about his indictment, nor any requests for questioning him.
According to Wayne Madsen (Blackwater/XE behind terrorist bombings in Asia and Africa?) There is a secret Blackwater-XE/CIA/Joint Special Operations Command forward operating base in Karachi.

Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Mumbai suspect David Headley visited the Osho Ashram in Pune twice during 2008 and 2009.
Mumbai suspect David Headley visited the Osho Ashram in Pune twice during 2008 and 2009.
(Police claim Headley visited Pune’s Osho Ashram)
Some people believe that Osho Rajneesh was a CIA agent.
Some people believe that Osho Rajneesh was a CIA agent.
(set up in Pune.)
When Osho Rajneesh died in Pune in 1990, rumours spread that he had been poisoned by the CIA.
When Osho Rajneesh died in Pune in 1990, rumours spread that he had been poisoned by the CIA.

Osho Rajneesh drives by. (Source: © 2003 Samvado Gunnar Kossatz)
In 1985, The Portland Oregonian published a series linking the Osho Rajneesh cult to the CIA.
The Oregonian also linked the Osho Rajneesh cult to opium trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, arson, slave labour, mass poisonings, illegal wiretaps and the stockpiling of guns and biochemical warfare weapons. (The Strange Legacy of Osho - eMusic Spotlight)
The Oregonian investigation revealed the cult had ties to CIA-trained mercenaries in El Salvador and the Far East.
According to the Oregonian investigation, Rajneesh's secret police force worked with CIA operatives.


Osho Rajneesh drives by. (Source: © 2003 Samvado Gunnar Kossatz)
In 1985, The Portland Oregonian published a series linking the Osho Rajneesh cult to the CIA.
The Oregonian also linked the Osho Rajneesh cult to opium trafficking, prostitution, money laundering, arson, slave labour, mass poisonings, illegal wiretaps and the stockpiling of guns and biochemical warfare weapons. (The Strange Legacy of Osho - eMusic Spotlight)
The Oregonian investigation revealed the cult had ties to CIA-trained mercenaries in El Salvador and the Far East.
According to the Oregonian investigation, Rajneesh's secret police force worked with CIA operatives.

On 22 January 2010, it was reported that Ajmal Kasab said that the Mumbai police, and the FBI, made up all the evidence: Kasab
According to Kasab, the Mumbai police Crime Branch, who had the help of the FBI, fabricated the evidence against him.
This faked evidence included the FBI's alleged retrieval of data from a global positioning system.
Does the FBI fake evidence? (aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence )
On 22 January 2010, it was reported that Ajmal Kasab said that the Mumbai police, and the FBI, made up all the evidence: Kasab
According to Kasab, the Mumbai police Crime Branch, who had the help of the FBI, fabricated the evidence against him.
This faked evidence included the FBI's alleged retrieval of data from a global positioning system.
Does the FBI fake evidence? (aangirfan: Lockerbie Evidence )
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