James Dale Davidson,Lord William Rees-Mogg,Porter Stansberry of Agora Inc Baltimore and Rothschild Agora Oil and Agoracorp | |||||
It is quite likely that the CIA and UK Lord William Rees-Mogg connected Agora Inc where ex employee
Rey Rivera died mysteriously from a 14 floor fall off of the old Belvedere Hotel in 2006 and the Rothschild
Agora named companies are indeed one and the same crime family as the UK Rothschild financial crime family.This might explain why Porter Stansberry and Agora Inc of Baltimore along with the established media and the U.S.SEC itself in the form of its Utah attorney Karen Martinez,(who along with ex SEC attorney Brent Baker had covered up and removed SEC litigation re James Davidson's and Porter Stansberry's penny stock frauds Endovasc and Genemax in 2003),tried to make it appear that their ex employee Rey Rivera had gone insane shortly before his death from the 14 foot fall off the Belvedere Hotel that convniently destroyed the evidence,Rey Rivera himself,of Agora Inc's and Porter Stansberry's Rebound Report stock promotion mail and cyber fraud 'business newsletter'.The main argument by Agora Inc and Karen Martinez for Rey Rivera's supposed strange behavior before his death were queries he was making about and to the local Masonic Lodge in Baltimore which as everyone who looks into it acknowledges was created by UK elite centuries ago and has been used for both spying in and on other countries as well as 'dirty tricks' such as political and economic ones against citizens of other counties.This greatly explains why the leaders of France after their bloody brevolution greatly distrusted Masonic Lodges,i-e.- they knew about their direct link to British espionage.In more recent times we know that various lodges and lodge members have used their Masonic Lodge for financial and stock fraud.So Agora Inc of Baltimore that was founded by James Dale Davidson and UK Lord William Rees-Mogg has precisely the same UK elite connections as a Masonic Lodge and people in Agora Inc and the local Masonic Lopdge are surely awre and have been for decades of their common solidarity with Anglophile or British elite and common interst in espionage and financial frauds.On a personal notein 2005 two Agora Inc employees,Rey Rivera's 'friend' and employer, Porter Stansberry, and Lila Rajiva,who would later be Bill Bonner's co-author, contacted me by email because Bonner and James Dale Davidson were upset over my internet writing about James Dale Davidson's penny stock frauds,particularly the frauds Endovasc and Genemax.Perhaps has I taken them up on their offer and traveled to Baltimore I would have experienced the same fate as that of Rey Rivera's a year later.And there is NO doubt that had the SEC,particulary its Utah branch and attorneys Brent Baker and Karen Martinez done their jobs in stock fraud litiigation against Agora Inc and Porter Stansberry and James Dale Davidson in 2003 and not removed the Endovasc and Genemax frauds from their legal complaint as well as James Dale Davidson ¡s name and only made a weak case against Porter Stansberry 's scam penny stock tout newsletter at that time and closed Agora Inc down finally,it is quite possible possible Rey Rivera regardless of the cause of his death,would be alive today !
When my best friend, Rey Rivera, disappeared last year, we had to find
his car (and then his .... Porter Stansberry Baltimore, Maryland
December 21, 2006 ...'The Baltimore sheriff is after me…'- quote from Agora Inc crime partner
and Rebound Report creator, Porter Stansberry,who brags of being the first and only American to
have been editor of British Fleet Street publication that also has Agora Inc and Lord William Rees-Mogg
Below list of 'friends' of James Dale Davidsn founder of both the billionaire's tax dodgers club National Taxpayers Union conveniently located near main SEC office in Alexandria,VIRGINIA,as well as the Agora Inc of Baltimore and world wide internet.Agora Inc is both CIA and Washington,D.C. politically connected as well as direct ties to the Zionist money laundering center,City of London,created as much by the Rothschild crime family in the in the 20th Century as they created Israel.Note the last name (but not the least) name on James Dale Davidson's and Lord William Rees-Mogg's 'friends' list '- it is Nils Otto Taube, (born in Estonia, died March 11, 2008),who was, “Rothschild’s principal investment manager” and also Britain’s as its longest serving fund manager; colleague of George Soros and advisor of Quantum Funds; began his career in 1948 in the City of London at the brokerage of Kitcat & Aitken......''
I'm not sure who created the webindex that documents my internet struggle to inform and warn others about Agora Inc and James Dale Davidson beginning around 2001.It may have been Jennifer Lake whose writing I only became aware because Agora Inc.'s Lila Rajiva was all of a sudden attacking her for writing less than positive reviews of Agora Inc. and asking herself whether there might indeed be a Rothschild connection to Agora itself.Strange that Lila particularly used that as her base of attack and now without apologizing to myself of Jennifer Lake has herself been blogging about a Rothschild-Agora Inc. connection.Below is the link and idex to the webindex re gora Inc and James Dale Davidson.:
- Friends of Davidson (listed in the book dedication)
page vi, “The Great Reckoning”, James Dale Davidson & William Rees-Mogg, 1993, Sidgwick and JacksonOn the next page, the book is dedicated thus:Dedicated with thanks to our friends: Carter Beese, Bill Bonner, John Deuss, Marc Faber, Kathleen Juhl, Frank Jungers, Steve Newby, Jim Rogers, Nils Taube, and Gary VernierCarter Beese –J. Carter Beese Jr., SEC Commissioner, suicided at the age of 50 http://washington.bizjournals.com/washington/stories/2007/04/09/daily24.html , formerly president of Riggs Capital Partners; partner in (Maryland) Boulder Ventures__________John Deuss –Johannes Christiaan Martinus “John” Deuss, Dutch oil trader and banker, held for fraud as printed in this article from the Sidney Morning Herald http://www.smh.com.au/news/business/mystery-oil-tycoon-held-in-bermuda-over-money-laundering/2006/10/16/1160850869211__________Marc Faber –(Dr.?) Marc Faber, contributor to The Daily Reckoning and other Agora publications; see headlines like “The Financial Doom Blog” and “The Secret War on the Dollar” http://marcfaberchannel.blogspot.com/2009/07/marc-faber-speaker-at-agora-financial.html–whaddya think guys, are these the arsonists calling the Fire Dept??–economic hit squad, for sure__________Kathleen Juhl –Kathleen (Davidson) Juhl, Jim Davidson’s daughter, recently lost a son http://www/legacy.com/obituaries/twincities/obituary.aspx?n=adam-joseph-juhl&pid=125728428 whose dream was to “move to Florida and start a business”_________Frank Jungers — ESCO Corp., former CEO and Chairman of ARAMCO, the Arab American Oil Co. (ret.1978), also on the Boards of Georgia-Pacific Corp. (ret.1999) , Donaldson, Lufkin, Jenrette (re.t2001), Thermo Electron Corp. (ret. 2002), and AES Corp. (ret.2003)(still?) on the Boards of Goodwill Industries, High Desert Museum, and The Nature Conservancy http://wwwescocorp.com/about/executives/jungers_bio.html_________Steve Newby –Agora contributor, formerly of Koonce Securities, Rockville MD (possible he is Steve T. Newby, married to Barbara Baldwin, estate home in Greater Washington/North Potomac, collector of Mercedes-Benzes and race horses ??)_________Jim Rogers –James Beeland Rogers, co-founder of Quantum Funds with George Soros, registered in Netherlands-Antilles, gives his residence as Singapore_________Nils Taube –Nils Otto Taube, born in Estonia, died March 11, 2008 age 79 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/1582226/Nils-Taube.html “Rothschild’s principal investment manager” and also Britain’s as its longest serving fund manager; colleague of George Soros and advisor of Quantum Funds; began his career in 1948 in the City of London at the brokerage of Kitcat & Aitken._________Gary Vernier (help needed)T eyes £73m profit on Agora deal | News | Fundweb
www.fundweb.co.uk/investment-trusts/rit...agora.../1049168.articleCached3 Apr 2012 – Jacob Rothschild, chairman of RIT, says: “Agora was only established just over two years ago. The achievement of the management team since ...
Rothschild makes a killing on Agora sale - Business News ...
4 Apr 2012 – Lord Rothschild has struck gold again, selling a North Sea oil company for nearly three times the amount he invested in it just over two years ...
Cairn Buys Rothschild-Backed Agora Oil for $450 Million - Bloomberg
3 Apr 2012 – Cairn Energy Plc, the U.K. oil explorer focused on Greenland, agreed to buy the Rothschild- backed Agora Oil & Gas AS to expand in the North ...Cairn boosts north sea presence with $450m purchase of Rothschild's
www.guardian.co.uk › Business › Market Forces blogCached
3 Apr 2012 – Agora is currently owned by RIT Capital partners and Lord Rothschild's family interests, as well as its management. Since selling the bulk of its ...http://www.agoracorp.com/default_en.htm
Here is another Agora penny stock tout or promotion wbsite that promotes the Technion University connected Israeli money laundering criminals of the stem cell fraud 'public company' incorporated as so many are in Nevada called Pluristem.Both NTU and Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson as well
ex CIA and Carlyle - Bush arms merchants CEO Frank Csarluci HELD SHARES IN TIS FRAUD.tHEY BEING 'GOOD 'GOYIM' ARE PROBABLY EVEN ALLOWED TO HOLD THEIR OWN MONEY LAUNDERING accounts in Leumi Bank or other Israeli money stealing and laundering banks,just like any connected member of the Rothschild crime family.Agoracom sent me an email around the time Iposted my complaint about their promotion of the Pluristem Israeli 'biotech stem cell' pump and dump fraud to tell me they were in Canada and not part of Davidson's and Lord William Rees-Mogg's Agora Inc of Baltimore.
However Davidson has been involved with money launderers such as Brent Pierce and Grant Atkins in Canada and his Anatolia Minerals, and other stock frauds, was listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange .
Here the anonymous poster 'Emma' scolds me on agorcom for even mwntioning that Pluristem shares promoted on that site are a fraud.Note also Rupert Murdoch's NY Post removed article from NY Post in which I was mentioned by ex NY Post stock fraud writer Christopher Byron.:
here you go..tony ryals, conspiracy theorist and left leaning
It is quite likely that the CIA and UK Lord William Rees-Mogg connected Agora Inc where ex employee
Rey Rivera died mysteriously from a 14 floor fall off of the old Belvedere Hotel in 2006 and the Rothschild
Agora named companies are indeed one and the same crime family as the UK Rothschild financial crime family.This might explain why Porter Stansberry and Agora Inc of Baltimore along with the established media and the U.S.SEC itself in the form of its Utah attorney Karen Martinez,(who along with ex SEC attorney Brent Baker had covered up and removed SEC litigation re James Davidson's and Porter Stansberry's penny stock frauds Endovasc and Genemax in 2003),tried to make it appear that their ex employee Rey Rivera had gone insane shortly before his death from the 14 foot fall off the Belvedere Hotel that convniently destroyed the evidence,Rey Rivera himself,of Agora Inc's and Porter Stansberry's Rebound Report stock promotion mail and cyber fraud 'business newsletter'.The main argument by Agora Inc and Karen Martinez for Rey Rivera's supposed strange behavior before his death were queries he was making about and to the local Masonic Lodge in Baltimore which as everyone who looks into it acknowledges was created by UK
elite centuries ago and has been used for both spying in and on other countries as well as 'dirty tricks' such as political and economic ones against citizens of other counties.This greatly explains why the leaders of France after their bloody brevolution greatly distrusted Masonic Lodges,i-e.- they knew about their direct link to British espionage.In more recent times we know that various lodges and lodge members have used their Masonic Lodge for financial and stock fraud.So Agora Inc of Baltimore that was founded by James Dale Davidson and UK Lord William Rees-Mogg has precisely the same UK elite connections as a Masonic Lodge and people in Agora Inc and the local Masonic Lopdge are surely awre and have been for decades of their common solidarity with Anglophile or British elite and common interst in espionage and financial frauds.On a personal notein 2005 two Agora Inc employees,Rey Rivera's 'friend' and employer, Porter Stansberry, and Lila Rajiva,who would later be Bill Bonner's co-author, contacted me by email because Bonner and James Dale Davidson were upset over my internet writing about James Dale Davidson's penny stock frauds,particularly the frauds Endovasc and Genemax.Perhaps has I taken them up on their offer and traveled to Baltimore I would have experienced the same fate as that of Rey Rivera's a year later.And there is NO doubt that had the SEC,particulary its Utah branch and attorneys Brent Baker and Karen Martinez done their jobs in stock fraud litiigation against Agora Inc and Porter Stansberry and James Dale Davidson in 2003 and not removed the Endovasc and Genemax frauds from their legal complaint as well as James Dale Davidson ¡s name and only made a weak case against Porter Stansberry 's scam penny stock tout newsletter at that time and closed Agora Inc down finally,it is quite possible possible Rey Rivera regardless of the cause of his death,would be alive today !
Land of the Unsolved - The last Days of Rey Rivera
By Stephen Janis
It looks like a quick repair job, a six-foot rectangle of metal grafted atop a broken roof.
But the patch over the bituminous paving atop a second-floor office at The Belvedere hides a secret the widow of filmaker Rey Rivera thinks may forever be sealed.
Looking down from the top of a parking garage adjacent to the hotel, Allison Rivera gazes on the spot where police said her husband crashed through the roof to his death more than three years ago.
For a moment she is calm, analytical, pointing out the ceiling of an empty office on the second-floor concourse of the historic Belvedere to several relatives who had accompanied her on a trip back to Baltimore last summer.
“This is where they say he jumped from,” Allison says evenly, pointed to the top of the roof. “And then he is supposed to have landed all the way out there.”
But then, as she retreats into the parking lot, a wave of grief overwhelms her, tears stream from her eyes she covers her face. Standing alone, she turns to face the building, gazing at the historic structure like an impenetrable wall; unyieldingly and silent.
It is an illustrative movement for Allison Rivera, the successful saleswoman who had been married to Rey just six months before he was found lying face-up wedged next to a wall on top of a threadbare red carpet.
Police believe Rivera killed himself in May of 2006, jumping off the roof of the former hotel to his death. But Alison has been unrelenting in her search for clues to what she believes is ultimately a story of foul play, sticking to the assertion that her husband did not commit suicide. That something, or someone, lead him to his death, forced him off the roof; in short, that he was murdered.
“It's so frustrating because my word means nothing to them,” Allison later said in a phone interview of the attitude of Baltimore police.
“ 'You have to get it through your head that your husband jumped off the roof himself',' ” she recounts of a conversation she had with a homicide detective a year after Rey died.
That’s what I have to deal with.”
Still, Allison Rivera is not the only one who has questions about how her 32-year-old husband ended up dead on the floor of an empty office.
His family, including brother Angel, isn’t buying the suicide theory either.
“Not my brother, “he asserts. “It’s ironic, because he was terrified of heights.”
A copy of the autopsy report obtained by Investigative Voice also shows that the medical examiner who examined Rivera’s body had doubts.
“Injuries at the time of the autopsy were consistent with the fall from a height,” Medical Examiner Melissa Brassell wrote in her May 2006 report. “Because the circumstances surrounding the incident are unclear, and it is not known how the deceased came to have precipitated from such a height, the manner of the death is best classified as UNDETERMINED.”
Some employees of the condo building have told Rivera the security camera malfunctioned on the night he disappeared, when someone programmed the hard drive that stores the images from the camera in the stairwells where Rey would have had to pass to get to the roof to record over itself.
But then, as she retreats into the parking lot, a wave of grief overwhelms her, tears stream from her eyes she covers her face. Standing alone, she turns to face the building, gazing at the historic structure like an impenetrable wall; unyieldingly and silent.
It is an illustrative movement for Allison Rivera, the successful saleswoman who had been married to Rey just six months before he was found lying face-up wedged next to a wall on top of a threadbare red carpet.
Police believe Rivera killed himself in May of 2006, jumping off the roof of the former hotel to his death. But Alison has been unrelenting in her search for clues to what she believes is ultimately a story of foul play, sticking to the assertion that her husband did not commit suicide. That something, or someone, lead him to his death, forced him off the roof; in short, that he was murdered.
“It's so frustrating because my word means nothing to them,” Allison later said in a phone interview of the attitude of Baltimore police.
“ 'You have to get it through your head that your husband jumped off the roof himself',' ” she recounts of a conversation she had with a homicide detective a year after Rey died.
That’s what I have to deal with.”
Still, Allison Rivera is not the only one who has questions about how her 32-year-old husband ended up dead on the floor of an empty office.
His family, including brother Angel, isn’t buying the suicide theory either.
“Not my brother, “he asserts. “It’s ironic, because he was terrified of heights.”
A copy of the autopsy report obtained by Investigative Voice also shows that the medical examiner who examined Rivera’s body had doubts.
“Injuries at the time of the autopsy were consistent with the fall from a height,” Medical Examiner Melissa Brassell wrote in her May 2006 report. “Because the circumstances surrounding the incident are unclear, and it is not known how the deceased came to have precipitated from such a height, the manner of the death is best classified as UNDETERMINED.”
Some employees of the condo building have told Rivera the security camera malfunctioned on the night he disappeared, when someone programmed the hard drive that stores the images from the camera in the stairwells where Rey would have had to pass to get to the roof to record over itself.
And there is possibly the last man who spoke to Rivera before he died, who said Rivera was not behaving like a man contemplating suicide.
They started dating in 2000 after meeting in a Los Angeles bar, then moved in together in 2002 while Rey worked on a burgeoning career as a screenwriter.
But when a high school friend, Porter Stansberry, urged Rivera to join him in Baltimore as a copywriter and editor at Stansberry Associates in 2004 – a firm that publishes financial newsletters – he jumped at the chance.
The couple relocated to Baltimore in 2004 and Rey went to work as a writer and editor, overseeing a newsletter called “The Rebound Report,” a stock-picking guide that identified distressed stocks with a significant upside potential.
But Alllison said the job was not a good fit for her husband.
"He didn't like to the 8 to 5 period,” she said. “He wasn’t a desk guy, and he just didn't believe in what he was doing.”
So in early 2006 the Riveras made the decision to move back to Los Angeles, where Rey would begin to pitch his screenplay “Midnight Polo,” the story of young female polo player who makes it to the Olympics. A move that Rey would not live to make.
“That is what is so crazy about this: We’re planning on moving and starting a new life. He had a future; why would he decide just then to kill himself?”
In the spring of 2006, the couple visited Los Angeles to plan their move back. But when they returned to Baltimore, Rey began behaving oddly, Alison recalls. He was edgy and nervous, uncharacteristic behavior for her usually self-assured husband.
“It started then,” Allison said. “He started going everywhere with me, he wouldn’t let me do anything alone.”
The couple was close, often spending a great deal of their free time together. But Allison said Rey’s behavior was unusual, insisting that he tag along anywhere she went.
“He was even more protective than usual.”
Allison recalls that about a week before he disappeared in May, she wanted to go running at a nearby track. Rey insisted he accompany her.
“I was like, 'Rey, I’m okay," but he said he would come along.”
As she jogged and Rey sat in bleachers reading a book, a man appeared. Her husband, she recalls, freaked out. Even though the mysterious interloper left without incident, Allison says Rey seemed unnerved.
“It was not like him.”
And then, a few days later, the alarm in the couple’s Northwood home went off, sending her husband bounding out of bed.
When she joined Rey in the basement, she recalled seeing something in her husband’s eye she had never seen before: fear.
It literally made me sick,” she recalls.
“He had a look in his eyes I had never seen before,” she said.
“Rey was scared, he's a big Latin guy and he's macho; it wasn’t him.”
The next evening the alarm went off again, and again Rey flipped out.
“It really hit me because I just wasn’t use to seeing Rey like that,” she said. “It really hit me then.”
After Rey’s body was found, Rivera said she told police about the attempted break-ins, but said detectives told her it was probably squirrels that had tripped the alarms.
They came a week later and fingerprinted the bottom sill, but said it was probably a squirrel," an explanation Alllison said she does not completely buy.
“You had to push in the screen back to trip the alarm, I don’t think a squirrel could do that.”
Still, despite his unusual behavior, Rey never shared with his wife what – if anything – was bothering him.
“If he had told me anything, whatever it was, I would have shared it with the world. I have nothing to hide.”
The morning of the day Rey disappeared, May 16, was uneventful. Leaving for a business trip to Richmond, Alllison recalls only that her husband was on a deadline to complete a video project for Stansberry, work he had started after leaving his full-time position at the firm.
But sometime that afternoon Rey left the house with his keys, cell phone, $20 and a credit card in his shorts pocket. In a hurry, he left without saying a word to a houseguest, contrary to what was reported.
“She was involved in her own drama – that was one of the things that were reported that wasn’t true.
Alison Rivera would never see her husband alive again. Eight days later, after a frantic search that received much media attention, his car was found in the parking lot of The Belvedere. Several hours later, his former co-workers spotted a hole in the roof of the second-floor concourse, a discovery that led police to the grisly find of Rey's body in an office.
On Tuesday, the last person known to speak to Rey Rivera before he died shares his thoughts on the suicide theory, and Alison Rivera discusses missing evidence and her struggle to keep her husband’s case alive.
The morning of the day Rey disappeared, May 16, was uneventful. Leaving for a business trip to Richmond, Alllison recalls only that her husband was on a deadline to complete a video project for Stansberry, work he had started after leaving his full-time position at the firm.
But sometime that afternoon Rey left the house with his keys, cell phone, $20 and a credit card in his shorts pocket. In a hurry, he left without saying a word to a houseguest, contrary to what was reported.
“She was involved in her own drama – that was one of the things that were reported that wasn’t true.
Alison Rivera would never see her husband alive again. Eight days later, after a frantic search that received much media attention, his car was found in the parking lot of The Belvedere. Several hours later, his former co-workers spotted a hole in the roof of the second-floor concourse, a discovery that led police to the grisly find of Rey's body in an office.
On Tuesday, the last person known to speak to Rey Rivera before he died shares his thoughts on the suicide theory, and Alison Rivera discusses missing evidence and her struggle to keep her husband’s case alive.
RIDAY, MAY 18, 2007
Masonic murder mystery or bizarre suicide? After a year, police still baffled

Rey Rivera, age 32. Married (but the last person to see him alive was a female houseguest on May 16). Former editor of a financial newsletter. Aspiring filmmaker. Masonic wannabe?
His decomposing body was found a week later in a locked conference room on the lower floors of the Belvedere hotel. Next to him were his sandals and his still-working cell phone. Experts don't believe the phone would have survived the impact intact.
He apparently crashed through the roof of the lower level of the hotel, and it's assumed he killed himself by jumping from 14 stories up. Or maybe he was pushed.
Though the hotel has an extensive security camera network, videos of the day in question were not available.
[Cue spooky music.]
At his home, family members found a cryptic note, typed in miniscule print, folded up in a plastic bag, taped to Rivera's computer screen along with a blank check.
Police called it "bizarre, really bizarre."
It wasn't a suicide note, the FBI concluded.
"What it does appear to be is a weird stream of conscious writing," Baltimore Police Department Cmdr. Fred Bealefeld said. "The other thing I thought of... is if he's writing some type of code to someone about something. That's possible."
The note was addressed to brothers and sisters and referred to a well-played game. It named people who had died, including actor Christopher Reeve and filmmaker Stanley Kubrick. It also contained a long list of people Rivera knew and was related to, with a request to make them and himself five years younger, WBAL-TV reported.
The note began and ended with unnamed phrases used in Freemasonry.
Rivera's family and friends said he was fascinated with Masonic "secrets."
On the weekend before his disappearance, he spent time reading the book The Builders. On the day he disappeared, Rivera talked with a member of a lodge in Maryland about joining.
On the day he disappeared, he went to a bookstore and bought Bro. Hodapp's bookFreemasons for Dummies.
"Based on what we've seen, his interest in the Masonic order was not to do charitable work," Bealefeld said. "Somehow it was linked to his interest in the movie industry and this theory that somehow there was control being exerted by the Masonic order."
Rivera had worked for Agora Publishing, editing a financial newsletter called Rebound Report. His family said he'd been unhappy that many of the stocks he had recommended were not performing as he had predicted.
Six months before his death, he'd stopped working as a writer/editor, and had become a contract worker for the same company, producing videos for them.
What do you think was going on? The police don't have a clue.
I think he felt guilty that people, perhaps his brothers and sister to whom the bizarre note was addressed, had invested in stocks based on his recommendations, and then lost money. The blank check was his way of paying them back, and wishing them five years younger a way of going back before the stock purchase.
Perhaps his interest in Freemasonry came from a belief that we do, as the conspiracy theorists proclaim, indeed rule the world, and our secret power at controlling world financial markets had caused the stocks he'd recommended not to rebound as he believed they should. We're so sinister that way.
The note began and ended with unnamed phrases used in Freemasonry.
Rivera's family and friends said he was fascinated with Masonic "secrets."
On the weekend before his disappearance, he spent time reading the book The Builders. On the day he disappeared, Rivera talked with a member of a lodge in Maryland about joining.
On the day he disappeared, he went to a bookstore and bought Bro. Hodapp's bookFreemasons for Dummies.
"Based on what we've seen, his interest in the Masonic order was not to do charitable work," Bealefeld said. "Somehow it was linked to his interest in the movie industry and this theory that somehow there was control being exerted by the Masonic order."
Rivera had worked for Agora Publishing, editing a financial newsletter called Rebound Report. His family said he'd been unhappy that many of the stocks he had recommended were not performing as he had predicted.
Six months before his death, he'd stopped working as a writer/editor, and had become a contract worker for the same company, producing videos for them.
What do you think was going on? The police don't have a clue.
I think he felt guilty that people, perhaps his brothers and sister to whom the bizarre note was addressed, had invested in stocks based on his recommendations, and then lost money. The blank check was his way of paying them back, and wishing them five years younger a way of going back before the stock purchase.
Perhaps his interest in Freemasonry came from a belief that we do, as the conspiracy theorists proclaim, indeed rule the world, and our secret power at controlling world financial markets had caused the stocks he'd recommended not to rebound as he believed they should. We're so sinister that way.
It appears that Geico billionaire Jack Byrne's son Patrick Byrne who runs the Overstock.com fraud out of Salt Lake City,Utah and who continued James Dale Davidson's and Agora's fraudulent claim that shares of worthless penny stocks such as Agora Inc and Davidson's Endovasc and Genemax 'pump and dump' frauds were nstead 'naked shorted' or had their shares counterfeited by some unknown broker or market maker when in fact tehey when their shares prices collapsed from the impact of unaudited shares that James Dale Davidson and his co-conspirators such as Maryland and Virginia banker David P Summers and the Israeli Grin or Grinshpon brothers ,et.al. were themselves dumping on naive investors and filling their own offshore and or onshore accounts with the cash they received from the frauds actually bribed Utah SEC attorney Brent Baker to remove all charges against Porter Stansberry and James Davidson in 2003 whish indeed he and Karen Martinez did !
RIT eyes £73m profit on Agora deal | News | Fundweb
www.fundweb.co.uk/investment-trusts/rit...agora.../1049168.articleCached3 Apr 2012 – Jacob Rothschild, chairman of RIT, says: “Agora was only established just over two years ago. The achievement of the management team since ...
Rothschild makes a killing on Agora sale - Business News ...
4 Apr 2012 – Lord Rothschild has struck gold again, selling a North Sea oil company for nearly three times the amount he invested in it just over two years ...
Cairn Buys Rothschild-Backed Agora Oil for $450 Million - Bloomberg
3 Apr 2012 – Cairn Energy Plc, the U.K. oil explorer focused on Greenland, agreed to buy the Rothschild- backed Agora Oil & Gas AS to expand in the North ...Cairn boosts north sea presence with $450m purchase of Rothschild's
www.guardian.co.uk › Business › Market Forces blogCached
3 Apr 2012 – Agora is currently owned by RIT Capital partners and Lord Rothschild's family interests, as well as its management. Since selling the bulk of its ...http://www.agoracorp.com/default_en.htm
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| ![]() | ![]() Founded in 2004 by former senior bankers of the Rothschild office in Colombia, Ágora has advised large Colombian and multinational companies and the Government of Colombia in a large number of complex transactions. In the past five years, it has advised buyers, sellers and potential investors in many of the most important transactions in the Colombian market, including the merger of Organización Terpel with Terpel Antioquia, Terpel Bucaramanga, Terpel Norte, Terpel Occidente and Terpel Sur, the sale of 13.4% of Banco Popular, the sale of Granbanco, the merger between Organización Terpel and Gazel, the acquisition of Carulla Vivero, the acquisition of a controlling stake of Almacenes Éxito, the sale of Fenoco, the concession of the El Dorado Airport, the valuation of EPSA, CETSA, Bancolombia, Corfinsura and Conavi, Sidelpa, Pavco, Diaco and Colpatria for regulatory purposes, the acquisition by Terpel of gas stations in Ecuador and Panamá, among others. In recent years, Ágora has ranked near the top of the list of Colombian investment Banks in Mergers & Acquisitions in Colombia. See Revista Dinero ranking Ágora has a strategic alliance and frequently works with Rothschild. | ![]() |
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Below is a blog from the past by Agora Inc.'s India and John Hopkins' prostitute Lila Rajiva who contacted me by email in 2005 about the same time that Porter Stansberry did and a year before their Agora Inc colleague Rey Rivera plunged to his mysterious death from the 14th floor of the Belvedere Hotel in Baltimore.Note how she defends Stanberry's stock frauds and money laundering ops and acts like his criticisms of Fannie Mae and the U.S.housing fraud was all in the interest of informing and warning home buyers and share holders when in fact it was all about shorting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac shares with his international stock manipulating crime partners probably including Rothschild connected one and certainly UK connected and probably Israeli connected stock manipulators and money launderers !In her blog below,besides defending her Agora Inc colleague in securities fraud Porter Stansberry,she takes ime to attack a woman named Jennifer Lake who may or not be the editor of webindex.com that discsses among other things the probable links between Agora Inc and the European Rothschild crime family.Below this blog I post another of her bs blog posts that takes a 180 degree turn from making fun of Jennifer Lake for even wondering if there was a Rothschild-Agora Inc connection in which Rajiva now hints at very much the same connection and makes her own disclaimer about having been in the employ of Agora Inc and Bill Bonner her ,'Markets
Mobs and Messiahs' co-author at ther time she was attacking Jennifer mercilessy and at the time she was emailing me to say or lie that Agora Inc founder James Dale Davidson had been basically fired by Bill Bonner ven though both Davidson and UK Lord William Rees-Mogg were still lurking behind the scenes.Also LOM or Lines Overseas Management of Bermuda whose many U.S.penny stock frauds were covered up by the U.S.SEC was owned in great part not only by the Line brothers but by Davidson and Rees-Mogg at thetime they recvommened it in,The Sovereign Individual', one of their many scam investment books.LOM coincidentally held many shares of both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac perhaps for Stansberry
and James Davidson and Agora Inc at the time they were recommending shorting or dumping their shares !
Remeber regardless of Agora Inc and James Dale Davidson and Bill Bonner and UK Lord William Rees-Mogg prostitute Lila Rajiva who appears to have been involved with ex Businessweek 'journalist' at the time he used the pseudonym MantanMoreland to erase James Dale Davidson bio from Wikipedia - Agora Inc.'s Lord William Rees-Mogg is as Rothschild connected as you can get
More Agora - Updated 3/6/2010- Stansberry Response/SEC
May 3, 2011:
Yesterday, while following up some of the leads in an Age of Autism pieceabout Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the GMC, and the anti-vaccine movement, I came upon information that I think is quite relevant to what I wrote in my original post.
In the post, I linked a report by one Brian Deer, a credentialed investigator for the Sunday Times, UK. Only, it turns out, Deer was not on the staff of theTimes, but was simply a contributor. Normally that wouldn’t be a big deal, since he is a good journalist with a prestigious award to his credit.
But now I find that that while Deer was investigating Wakefield, as well as certain drug companies, he was being paid by a group called Medico-Legal Investigations. This is a front group, apparently, for the British Pharmaceutical Association, which, of course, would have a vested interest in promoting drugs other than the ones Deer was investigating.
Natural News TV has a video called “Selective Hearing” about Deer’s flawed investigation of Dr. Wakefield.
Several anti-vaccine advocates allege, credibly, that Deer was guilty of fairly serious ethical lapses while publishing his reports on Andrew Wakefield. These lapses included accessing children’s medical files without permission from the parents or doctors involved, as well as not disclosing that he was the original complainant against Wakefield to the British medical authorities during the time he was writing reports about him. There’s more…. but for now, it adds to my suspicion that there might be a great deal more going on here than meets the eye.
And that I might have been more right than I suspected when I suggested that a long-standing feud might lie behind the actions of the government in this case.
While googling, I stumbled on some weird odd material by a blogger Jennifer Lake, who seems to have gotten some facts mixed up about libertarian newsletter publisher, Agora Inc. [I've since had time to read through her archives and some of her entries would be generally considered anti-semitic]
“Agora Inc. was established as a publishing company in Washington D.C. in 1979 by its founders; William Bonner, Jim Dale Davidson, Porter Stansberry and Lord William Rees-Moog.
(Lila: I don’t believe Stansberry was involved in founding it…he might not even have been born would have been very young at the time. The spelling is Rees-Mogg. Most people who’ve written on the subject don’t mention Rees-Mogg as a founder, except Lyndon Larouche.
Besides Larouche, the person who harps on Rees-Mogg is a minor Internet spammer and web-stalker, who apparently lost money in an investment promoted by Davidson and has spent the last five years multiple posting on the company and on anyone even vaguely associated with it, and as I can testify from personal experience, most of his rants are exaggerations, distortions, disinformation, and “magical” thinking, with some much-mangled facts hidden somewhere, if you have the patience to unearth them)
(Since I wrote this, I’ve found another piece. with this information, by EIR. EIR or Executive Intelligence Review is a Larouche outfit whose macro perspective has generally been regarded as conspiracist, anti-semitic (Christopher Bollyn), and/or paranoid, although many also concede that some of its work is accurate. I am not linking it here, although I’ve seen it cited by William Engdahl, a left-oriented writer, as I’m not sure whether the citation is genuine or a hoax of some kind).
“Notorious for promoting Penny Stock fraud”
(Lila: Not to defend Agora, but it promotes penny-stock and many otherinvestments, not all of which are fraudulent by any means, unless you countany promotion of stocks to be fraudulent. Most penny-stocks in tip-sheets, frankly, are promoted in questionable ways. For that matter, a large proportion of investments of any kind, even in mainstream publications, are promoted quite questionably. Check out the government/real estate industry promotion of the housing bubble, if you disbelieve me).
Note: In the interests of full disclosure, I should state that I was affiliated for a year and a half to financial publisher Agora Inc. some of whose members have ties to Soros-related entities and figures. I had no connection to any of them and did not know about the ties at the time I was affiliated.-Lila Rajiva
Oh my , below it looks as if Lila Rajiva is waxing a little bit 'Anti-Semitic' herself,just what she accused Jennifer Lake for for hinting at an Agora Inc.-Rothschild connection !And note below that the link to the Warsaw stock Agora Publishing that began as an anti-communist or anti-Russia newspaper in the 1980's.
It's shares are now sold on the Warsaw stock exchange under the symbol AGO and the publisher and founder listed as a Jewish woman whose family were Polish.However the Rothschild as well as the Agora Inc name coincidence shouldn't be overlooked as I pointed out on David Marchant's offhorebssiness and in indymedia posts years ago.The fact that Lila Rajiva contacted me at the same time Porter Stansberry invited me to Baltimore to 'prove' Agora was a legit firm and only a year before Rey Rivera's mysterious death does not endear me to the CIA connected and possiblly India RAW 'intelligence' or spy sgencies.Yes it is well known that Agora Inc has connections to and with the CIA as well and Davidson and Agora Inc.'s Strategic Investment mail fraud op had ex CIA Chief William Colby on its payroll before his mysterious drowning in the 1990's.Ex CIA George Tenet who founded the CIA's In-Q-Tel 'non profit' stock fraud and money laundering operation met with Agora Inc stock fraud money launderers in New Orleans to plan stock fraud collusion in 2004 including the CIA's anti 'IED' or anti-Improvised Explosive Devices,Ionotron, that Agora Inc and its ex CIA 'economist' Mark Skousen promoted.Agora was also involved with VeteransToday and its 'editor' Gordon Duff in writing anti Julian Assange tracts a couple of yes ago and Duff admited that like Agora Inc he had dirct ties to ex CIA Chif George Tenet who was involved in the 9/11 lies that led to invasion in Iraq and Afghanistan. :
George Soros: Front For N. M. Rothschild
George Soros is a front, allegedly, for the extraordinarily powerful Rothschild banking family and its British circle (Club of Isles), which occupy the apex of the New World Order of transnational corporations and finance.The NWO has its right wing and its left, but, as someone has written, it takes two wings for this bird to fly.
Soros’ story has multiple ties to the dirty intersection of drugs, arms-trading and economic warfare. It links to figures high in the British establishment, like Margaret Thatcher and James Goldsmith; to the American establishment in the form of Henry Kissinger; to shady deal makers like Marc Rich, Rafi Eytan, and Shaul Eisenberg; to crony capitalist ideologues like Jeffrey Sachs; to corrupt bureaucrats like Larry Summers and Stanley Fish; and to criminal enterprises like the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI).
It’s a story of ruined economies, devastated populations, plundered treasuries, and black secrets.
Part I can (and should) be read here.
[Part II of a long and very detailed description of the financial networks of George Soros, by Executive Intelligence Review writer Bill Engdahl, well-known anti-NWO activist]
“But what has never been identified in a single major Western press investigation, was that the Rothschild group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG,and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto,and linked to Nordex.
Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL bank, which was implicated in the Bush administration illegal transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Atlanta branch of BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush when he was vice president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser’s Zug, Switzerland company, Consen, for development of theCondor II missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private Geneva bank, the Bank of NY-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose chairman, Bruce Rappaport,was one of the illegal financial conduits for Col. Oliver North’s Contra drugs-for-weapons network during the late 1980. North also used the BCCI as one of his preferred banks to hide his illegal funds.
Rich, Reichmann, and Soros’s Israeli links
According to reports of former U.S. State Department intelligence officers familiar with the Soros case, Soros’s Quantum Fund amassed a war chest of well over $10 billion, with the help of a powerful group of “silent” investors who let Soros deploy the capital to demolish European monetary stability in September 1992.
Among Soros’s silent investors, these sources say, are the fugitive metals and oil trader Marc Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland; and Shaul Eisenberg, a decades-long member of Israeli Mossad intelligence, who functions as a major arms merchant throughout Asia and the Near East. Eisenberg was recently banned from doing business in Uzbekistan, where he had been accused by the government of massive fraud and corruption. A third Soros partner is Israel’s“Dirty Rafi” Eytan, who served in London previously as Mossad liaison to British intelligence.
Rich was one of the most active western traders in oil, aluminum, and other commodities in the Soviet Union and Russia between 1989 and 1993. This, not coincidentally, is just the period when Grigori Luchansky’s Nordex Groupbecame a multibillion-dollar company selling Russian oil, aluminum, and other commodities.
Canadian real estate entrepreneur Paul Reichmann, formerly of Olympia and York notoriety, a Hungarian-born Jew like Soros, is a business partner in Soros’s Quantum Realty, a $525-million real estate investment fund.
The Reichmann tie links Soros as well with Henry Kissinger and former Tory Foreign Minister Lord Carrington (who is also a member of Kissinger Associates, Inc. of New York). Reichmann sits with both Kissinger and Carrington on the board of the influential British-Canadian publishing group,Hollinger, Inc. Hollinger owns a large number of newspapers in Canada and the United States, the London Daily Telegraph, and the largest English-language daily in Israel, the Jerusalem Post. Hollinger has been attacking President Clinton and the Middle East peace process ever since Clinton’s election in November 1992.
Soros and geopolitics
Soros is little more than one of several significant vehicles for economic and financial warfare by the Club of the Isles faction. Because his affiliations to these interests have not previously been spotlighted, he serves extremely useful functions for the oligarchy, as in 1992 and 1993, when he launched his attack on the European Rate Mechanism.
Although Soros’s speculation played a role in finally taking the British pound out of the ERM currency group entirely, it would be a mistake to view that action as “anti-British.” Soros went for the first time to London, where he studied under Karl Popper and Friedrich von Hayek at the London School of Economics.
Soros’s business ties to Sir James Goldsmith and Lord Rothschild place him in the inner circles of the Thatcher wing of the British establishment. By helping the “anti-Europe” Thatcherites pull Britain out of the ERM in September 1992 (and making more than $1 billion in the process at British taxpayer expense), Soros helped the long-term goal of the Thatcherites in weakening continental Europe’s economic stability. Since 1904 , it has been British geopolitical strategy to prevent by all means any successful economic linkage between western continental European economies, especially that of Germany, with Russia and the countries of eastern Europe....
Poland: In late 1989, Soros organized a secret meeting between the “reform” communist government of Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski and the leaders of the then-illegal Solidarnosc trade union organization. According to well-informed Polish sources, at that 1989 meeting, Soros unveiled his “plan” forPoland: The communists must let Solidarnosc take over the government, so as to gain the confidence of the population. Then, said Soros, the state must act to bankrupt its own industrial and agricultural enterprises, using astronomical interest rates, withholding state credits, and burdening firms with unpayable debt. Once thie were done, Soros promised that he would encourage his wealthy international business friends to come into Poland, as prospective buyers of the privatized state enterprises. A recent example of this privatization plan is the case of the large steel facility Huta Warsawa. According to steel experts, this modern complex would cost $3-4 billion for a western company to build new. Several months ago, the Polish government agreed to assume the debts of Huta Warsawa, and to sell the debt-free enterprise to a Milan company, Lucchini, for $30 million!.
Soros recruited his friend, Harvard University economist Jeffery Sachs, who had previously advised the Bolivian government in economic policy, leading to the takeover of that nation’s economy by the cocaine trade. To further his plan in Poland, Soros set up one of his numerous foundations, the Stefan Batory Foundation, the official sponsor of Sach’s work in Poland in 1989-90.
Soros boasts, “I established close personal contact with Walesa’s chief adviser, Bronislaw Geremek. I was also received by [President Gen Wojciech] Jaruzelski, the head of State, to obtain his blessing for my foundation.” He worked closely with the eminence gris of Polish shock therapy, Witold Trzeciakowski, a shadow adviser to Finance Minister Leszek Balcerowicz. Soros also cultivated relations with Balcerowicz, the man who would first impose Sach’s shock therapy on Poland. Soros says when Walesawas elected President, that “largely because of western pressure, Walesa retained Balcerowicz as minister.” Balcerowicz imposed a freeze on wages while industry was to be bankrupted by a cutoff of state credits. Industrial output fell by more than 30% over two years.
Soros admits he knew in advance that his shock therapy would cause huge unemployment, closing of factories, and social unrest. For this reason, he insisted that Solidarnosc be brought into the government, to help deal with the unrest. Through the Batory Foundation, Soros coopted key media opinion makers such as Adam Michnik, and through cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, imposed a media censorship favorable to Soros’s shock therapy, and hostile to all critics.
Russia and the Community of Independent States (CIS): Soros headed a delegation to Russia, where he had worked together with Raisa Gorbachovasince the late 1980s, to establish the Cultural Initiative Foundation. As with his other “charitable foundations,” this was a tax-free vehicle for Soros and his influential Western friends to enter the top policymaking levels of the country, and for tiny sums of scarce hard currency, buy up important political and intellectual figures. After a false start under Mikhail Gorbachov in 1988-91, Soros shifted to the new Yeltsin circle. It was Soros who introduced Jeffery Sachs and shock therapy into Russia, in late 1991. Soros describes his effort: “I started mobilizing a group of economists to take to the Soviet Union (July 1990). Professor Jeffery Sachs, with whom I had worked in Poland, was ready and eager to participate. He suggested a number of other participants:Romano Prodi from Italy; David Finch, a retired official from the IMF[International Monetary Fund]. I wanted to include Stanley Fischer andJacob Frenkel, heads of research of the World Bank and IMF, respectively; Larry Summers from Harvard and Michael Bruno of the Central Bank of Israel.”
Since Jan. 2, 1992, shock therapy has introduced chaos and hyperinflation into Russia. Irreplaceable groups from advanced scientific research institutes have fled in pursuit of jobs in the West. Yegor Gaidar and the Yeltsin government imposed draconian cuts in state spending to industry and agriculture, even though the entire economy was state-owned. A goal of a zero deficit budget within three months was announced. Credit to industry was ended, and enterprises piled up astronomical debts, as inflation of the ruble went out of control.
The friends of Soros lost no time in capitalizing on this situation. Marc Rich began buying Russian aluminum at absurdly cheap prices, with his hard currency. Rich then dumped the aluminum onto western industrial markets last year, causing a 30% collapse in the price of the metal, as western industry had no way to compete. There was such an outflow of aluminum last year from Russia, that there were shortages of aluminum for Russian fish canneries. At the same time, Rich reportedly moved in to secure export control over the supply of most West Siberian crude oil to western markets. Rich’s companies have been under investigation for fraud in Russia, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal of May 13, 1993.
Another Soros silent partner who has moved in to exploit the chaos in the former Soviet Union, is Shaul Eisenberg. Eisenberg, reportedly with a letter of introduction from then-European Bank chief Jacques Attali, managed to secure an exclusive concession for textiles and other trade in Uzbekistan. When Uzbek officials confirmed defrauding of the government by Eisenberg, his concessions were summarily abrogated. The incident has reportedly caused a major loss for Israeli Mossad strategic interests throughout the Central Asian republics.
Soros has extensive influence in Hungary. When nationalist opposition parliamentarian Istvan Csurka tried to protest what was being done to ruin the Hungarian economy, under the policies of Soros and friends, Csurka was labeled an “anti-Semite,” and in June 1993, he was forced out of the governing Democratic Forum, as a result of pressure from Soros-linked circles in Hungary and abroad, including Soros’s close friend, U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos.
Lighting the Balkan Fuse
In early 1990, in what was then still Yugoslavia, Soros’s intervention with shock therapy, in cooperation with the IMF, helped light the economic fuse that led to the outbreak of war in June 1991. Soros boasted at that time, “Yugoslavia is a particularly interesting case. Even as national rivalries have brought the country to the verge of a breakup, a radical monetary stabilization program, which was introduced on the same date as in Poland—January 1, 1990—–has begun to change the political landscape. The program is very much along the Polish lines, and it had greater initial success. By the middle of the year, people were beginning to think Yugoslav again.”
Soros is friends with former Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, the former U.S. ambassador to Belgrade and the patron of Serbian Communist leader Slobodan Milosevic. Eagleburger is a past president of Kissinger Associates, on whose board sits Lord Carrington, whose Balkan mediations supported Serbian aggression into Croatia and Bosnia.
Today, Soros has established his Foundation centers in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, and a Soros Yugoslavia Foundation in Belgrade, Serbia. In Croatia, he has tried to use his foundation monies to woo influential journalists or to slander opponents of his shock therapy, by labeling them variously “anti-Semitic” or “neo-Nazi.” The head of Soros’s Open Society Fund—Croatia, Prof. Zarko Puhovski, is a man who has reportedly made a recent dramatic conversion from orthodox Marxism to Soros’s radical free market. Only seven years ago, according to one of his former students, as professor of philosophy at the University of Zagreb, Puhovski attacked students trying to articulate a critique of communism, by insisting, “It is unprincipled to criticize Marxism from a liberal standpoint.” His work for the Soros Foundation in Zagreb has promoted an anti-nationalist “global culture,” hiring a network of anti-Croatian journalists to propagandize, in effect, for the Serbian cause.
These examples can be elaborated for each of the other 19 locations across eastern Europe where George Soros operates. The political agenda of Soros and this group of financial “globalists” will create the conditions for a new outbreak of war, even world war, if it continues to be tolerated.”
Note: In the interests of full disclosure, I should state that I was affiliated for a year and a half to financial publisher Agora Inc. some of whose members have ties to Soros-related entities and figures. I had no connection to any of them and did not know about the ties at the time I was affiliated.-Lila Rajiva
Stock:Agora (WAR:AGO)
www.wikinvest.com/stock/Agora_(WAR:AGO)Cairn Energy announce completion of acquisition of Agora Oil & Gas AS. OilVoice May 9... Cairn boosts north sea presence with $450m purchase of Rothschild's Agora ...Categories: Investing in Poland | Warsaw Stock Exchange. barronThe Mind-Body Politic » Lila at The Daily Reckoning » individuals ...
mindbodypolitic.com/category/lila-at-the-daily-reckoning/29 Jul 2012 – Agora-afflicted Lila Rajiva ... While googling, I stumbled on some weird odd material by a blogger Jennifer Lake, who seems to have gotten ...Agora Inc. « Jennifer Lake's Blog
jenniferlake.wordpress.com/tag/agora-inc/21 Mar 2012 – Who is Lila Rajiva? She is Agora Inc. founder Bill Bonner's co-author of “Mobs, Messiahs and Markets”. She has a Wikipedia biography ...Ms. Rajiva, my reply « Jennifer Lake's Blog
jenniferlake.wordpress.com/2010/03/15/ms-rajiva-my-reply/15 Mar 2010 – Jennifer Lake, Because one of Lila Rajiva's biggest peeves with you is that you identified the Lard William Rees-Mogg as a founder of Agora ...The Debt-For-Nature Scheme « Jennifer Lake's Blog
jenniferlake.wordpress.com/2009/10/10/the-debt-for-nature-scheme/10 Oct 2009 – Agora, a name taken from the Greek for 'marketplace', is first and foremost ..... about Agora Inc. earned the criticism of Lila Rajiva, Bill Bonner's co-author... Pingback by Ms. Rajiva, my reply « Jennifer Lake's Blog — March 15, ...
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