Southern Poverty Law Center and the Dept. of Homeland ... esta página
14 feb. 2015 - And still, the SPLC has its contracts with the Department of Homeland Security. That's why I believe the SPLC is a danger to freedom and why ...CNN, Homeland Security and Southern Poverty Law ... esta página
CNN, Homeland Security and Southern Poverty Law Center's blame-righty hit jobSecret Extremist Life of Homeland Security Employee ... esta página
Since 2009, Kimathi spent his workdays at the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) in a unit that procures, among other items, bullets and guns. His nights ...Southern Poverty Law Center claims to be the opposite of what it is.....They were also in charge of pr for the old wheel chair bound KKK man's shoot em up at a Jewish Center in Kansas City a while back amongst other suspect false flag acts of terrorism.
The Realist Report: Questioning the Glenn Miller shooting ... abr. 2014 - After subsequently forming another Klan group, the White Patriot Party, ... and for plotting robberies and the assassination of SPLC founder Morris Dees. ... The tragic shootings in Overland Park, Kansas, seemed, to many of us, ..... April, the month of the Zionists Passover, seems to be fraught with false flags.
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Jewish center shooter 'knocked family to its knees,' relative ...
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15 abr. 2014 - A Missouri man, with a history of anti-Semitism, is suspected of killing three at Jewish centers in Kansas City. ... anti-Semitic and white-supremacist activities, he has also used the name Frazier Glenn Miller, the SPLC said.Traducir esta página
Frazier Glenn Miller, Longtime Anti-Semite, Arrested in Kansas
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13 abr. 2014 - ... was arrested today for the murder of three people at two separateJewish ... sued by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) for operating an illegal ... appeal but was caught by the FBI with a weapons cache in Missouri.Traducir esta página
Man arrested in Kansas City shootings was reportedly a ...
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14 abr. 2014 - Shooter identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center. ... Three people were fatally shot in suburban Kansas City on Sunday, two at the Jewish ... inMissouri with other Klansmen with a reserve of weapons, the SPLC stated.Traducir esta página
The SPLC was founded by Joseph Levin and Morris Seligman Dees.
In 1962 Dees defended the Ku Klux Klan member Claude Henley who faced Federal charges for attacking Freedom Riders.
The Ku Klux Klan is said to be run by the CIA and Mossad.
Dees's defense helped Henley earn an acquittal.
The CIA and Mossad run both sides of the conflict.

Daniel Burrows (above) was a Grand Dragon until it was found out that he was actually a Jew playing the part of evil racist "white man". Kikes, KKK and the Racial Divide.
The current president of the SPLC is J. Richard Cohen......
Along with the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC has provided information about anti-Israel groups to the FBI....................

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is involved in the Dylann Roof false flag.
The SPLC posted 'the manifesto' on their website.
Reportedly, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a Mossad front.

Southern Poverty Law Center.
The SPLC was founded by Joseph Levin and Morris Seligman Dees.
The SPLC was founded by Joseph Levin and Morris Seligman Dees.
In 1962 Dees defended the Ku Klux Klan member Claude Henley who faced Federal charges for attacking Freedom Riders.
The Ku Klux Klan is said to be run by the CIA and Mossad.
Dees's defense helped Henley earn an acquittal.
The CIA and Mossad run both sides of the conflict.

Daniel Burrows (above) was a Grand Dragon until it was found out that he was actually a Jew playing the part of evil racist "white man". Kikes, KKK and the Racial Divide.

Dylann Roof's manifesto, reportedly written by the CIA, praises the 'racist' Council of Conservative Citizens whose leader Earl Holt has donated to the election campaigns of the 'extreme' right wing Republicans Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum.
Rick Tyler, a spokesman for Cruz, said in an email: "Mr Holt did make a contribution."
Leader of group cited in 'Dylann Roof manifesto' donated
The CIA and Mossad run both sides of the conflict.

Daniel Burrows (above) was a Grand Dragon until it was found out that he was actually a Jew playing the part of evil racist "white man". Kikes, KKK and the Racial Divide.
The current president of the SPLC is J. Richard Cohen.
Along with the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC has provided information about anti-Israel groups to the FBI.
Along with the Anti-Defamation League, the SPLC has provided information about anti-Israel groups to the FBI.
In October 1990, the SPLC won $12.5 million in damages against Tom Metzger and his White Aryan Resistance when a Portland, Oregon, jury held the neo-Nazi group liable in the beating death of an Ethiopian immigrant.[27]
Metzger is allegedly a sadistic child abuser, linked to the security services.
Only a small fraction of the multi-million dollar damages were recoverable.[28]
In a 2000 Harper's Magazine article, Ken Silverstein said that Dees has kept the SPLC focused on fighting anti-minority groups like the KKK, whose membership has declined to just 2,000, instead of on issues like homelessness, mostly because the former issue makes for more lucrative fundraising.
The article claimed the SPLC "spends twice as much on fund-raising as it does on legal services for victims of civil rights abuses."[33]

What links the Dylann Roof story to 'Zionists' and 'Nazis'?
Charleston's Chief of Police Reuben Greenberg (1943 - 2014 ) was black and Jewish.
"The Rev. Clementa Pinckney ... spoke from the bima of our synagogue."
By the 19th century, Charleston was home to the largest and wealthiest Jewish community in North America.
Charleston's Isaac Da Costa was a member of the first Masonic lodge in South Carolina and four other Jews were among the 11 founders of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Masonry (1802).
Isaac Harby and Jacob N. Cardozo were newspaper editors; Joshua Lazarus headed the utility company; Mordecai Cohen became at one time the second richest man in South Carolina.
Charleston, South Carolina Jewish History.

Paul Schäfer Schneider, believed to be an Ashkenazi Jew and a Nazi. child abuse
Isaac Harby and Jacob N. Cardozo were newspaper editors; Joshua Lazarus headed the utility company; Mordecai Cohen became at one time the second richest man in South Carolina.
Charleston, South Carolina Jewish History.

Paul Schäfer Schneider, believed to be an Ashkenazi Jew and a Nazi. child abuse
Dylann Roof's manifesto, reportedly written by the CIA, praises the 'racist' Council of Conservative Citizens whose leader Earl Holt has donated to the election campaigns of the 'extreme' right wing Republicans Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum.
Leader of group cited in 'Dylann Roof manifesto' donated
Note that Council of Conservative Citizens is located in Kansas City,Missouri the very state and city that hosted the suspect attack by wheel chair bound KKK man Frazier Glenn Miller mentioned in news links above who have given campaign donations to Ted Cruz and other despicable Israel Zionist prostitutes and traitors within U.S.government.....
Leader of group cited in 'Dylann Roof manifesto' donated to top Republicans
Council of Conservative Citizens cited on site linked to Charleston suspect
Ted Cruz campaign tells Guardian it will ‘be making a full refund’
FEC shows Earl Holt gave to 2016 hopefuls Santorum, Paul and others
The leader of a rightwing group that Dylann Roof allegedly credits with helping to radicalise him against black people before the Charleston church massacre has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Republicans such as presidential candidates Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Rick Santorum.
Earl Holt has given $65,000 to Republican campaign funds in recent years while inflammatory remarks – including that black people were “the laziest, stupidest and most criminally-inclined race in the history of the world” – were posted online in his name.
After being approached by the Guardian on Sunday, Cruz’s presidential campaign said it would be returning all money the senator had received from Holt.
Holt, 62, is the president of the Council of Conservative Citizens (CofCC), a Missouri-based activist organisation cited by the author of a manifesto-style text that was posted on a website registered in Roof’s name along with photographs of the gunman. The FBI said on Saturday it was investigating the website.
The manifesto’s author, who has been widely reported but not verified as Roof, recounted learning about “brutal black on white murders” from the CofCC website.
“At this moment I realised that something was very wrong,” the manifesto said.
Roof, 21, is charged with the murders of nine black people at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, last Wednesday. He is accused of joining a bible study group before opening fire and fleeing...
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