Now what the fuck ?-Is the daddy dearest of Chase KOWALSKI alleged murder victim of Adam Lanza named Athony or Stephen Kowalksi ? It is Anthony Kowaski who according to photo and article of missing Newtown Bee article who was photographed with his son and family at some veterans get together as you can see below a month before al heil broke loose at Newtown.
On that horrible day at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., Chase was one of 26 people that were killed by a gunman. It was an unspeakable tragedy, a day where so many families screamed and cried and screamed some more. How did this happen? There were so many young people still waiting to embrace the rest of their lives. So many young people, just like Chase, who were gone. It is so sad, so senseless and so shameful...........
Three months after Chase's death, I stood in his room with Stephen and Rebecca, his parents. They are an inspirational couple, a mother and father who mourn their son every minute of every day.
Sandy Hook Elementary School, November 11, Veterans Day.
"Throughout the school's cafeteria Monday morning, students sat with their esteemed guests to eat and talk, like Chase Kowalski who sat with his 'Pop Pop' Anthony Kowalski..."
Website .............................
Voices from Newtown – Katie Couric
Mar 4, 2013 - Rebecca and Steve Kowalski are another Newtown family who have a suffered profound loss – the loss of their seven-year-old son, Chase, ...How one church is helping heal Newtown -
Mar 10, 2013 - Newtown United Methodist members Steve and Rebecca Kowalski had lost their son, first-grader Chase, a fun-loving youngster who'd been a ..............................
Chase Kowalski alleged 7 year old of Anthony Kowalski ,allegedly, according to disappeared Newtown Bee article, a little over a month before Adam Lanza,alleged crazed son of GE money launderer Peter Lanza gunned him and over 20 other children down,attended strange gathering of military veterans and their Sandy Hook children along with Hugo Rojas recently mentioned in news on Sandy Hook 'fear' induced and ongoing from the unexplained government censored event which cannot be substantiated because those involved from alleged parents to government officials have made the unprecedented effort to censor all evidence including photos of the allegedly dead son of GE money launderer Peter Lanza.CNBC which is part of the same GE corporate crime FAMILY AS ge Capitol should be ashamed for not getting an interview with Peter Lanza and his side of the story.The laughing hyena Robbie Parker who claims to be the father of alleded murdered Emilie Parker also has been shown to be a government military contractor even with connections to UK's Serco that has been given U.S.Navy contracts at the Washinton,D.C. Navy Yard where Aaaron Alexis is alleged to have gone on a shooting spree recently and died with another Navy contractor Rollie Chance's ID mysteriously on his body.Serco also has Navy contractors in San Diego where Aaaron Alexis was also employed and in fact as a foreign entity with allegiance to the military foreign
governments it is dangerous to allow them to operate in U.S.,nuch less pay them to do so ! Serco's British - Indian CEO was in fact 'coincidentally' in the WTC at the time the planes from Logan Airport Boston that was being 'guarded' by Iraeli ICTS International and Huntleigh that they controlled through stock fraud, crashed into the Twin Towers according to the government's own 'official' story.
Remember that at least one photo of a young girl allegedly killed at Sandy Hook by Adam Lanza turned out to be the photo of someone else that in fact caused grief and consternation to the mother who had nothing to do with Sandy Hook or Newtown.Why didn't the allegedly grieving Sandy Hook parents complain about that outrage ? And some still believe that one of the children the Barack Obama posed with after the alleged Sandy Hook Newtown masacre was the very same Emilie Parker who was alleged to have been murdered the day before by GE Capital money launderer Peter Lanza's son. .
Remember that at least one photo of a young girl allegedly killed at Sandy Hook by Adam Lanza turned out to be the photo of someone else that in fact caused grief and consternation to the mother who had nothing to do with Sandy Hook or Newtown.Why didn't the allegedly grieving Sandy Hook parents complain about that outrage ? And some still believe that one of the children the Barack Obama posed with after the alleged Sandy Hook Newtown masacre was the very same Emilie Parker who was alleged to have been murder trhe day before by GE Capital money launderer Peter Lanza's son. .
Sandy Hook,Newtown,CT.,Emillie Parker's Dad Rob Parker SERCO ...

Chase Kowalski and family.
- Torrington Register Citizen - 5 hours agoNEWTOWN >> A few nights after the massacre at Sandy Hook ... As Lanza reloaded his gun, children including Posey's and Rojas' sons ran ...
Sandy Hook Families Call For Privacy Of 12/14 Crime Scene ... 31, 2013 - Sandy Hook Families Call For Privacy Of 12/14 Crime Scene Information. Friday ... Over the last six months, the Sandy Hook tragedy has received widespread national and international attention. Among ... Hugo & Elizabeth Rojas ... Dave & Carly Posey ... Solarize Newtown Initiative Launched This Week.
Sandy Hook Scary Military Indoctrination program of the kiddies at Sandy Hook Newtown month before all heil broke loose.:
Connecticut school shooting: Pictures of the children killed - Daily Mail
Dec 16, 20127-year-old Chase Kowalski, left, and Grace McDonnell, 6, were killed in the tragedy ... Newtown was ranked ...
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Sandy Hook
Sandy Hook Elementary School, November 11, Veterans Day."Throughout the school's cafeteria Monday morning, students sat with their esteemed guests to eat and talk, like Chase Kowalski who sat with his 'Pop Pop' Anthony Kowalski..."
"Sargeant Eric Beauchamp, a 19-year veteran of the US Army and recruiting officer from Brookfield, stood at attention by one table as other veterans filed past him...
"Hugo Rojas who served in Japan and Korea, was a corporal upon discharge from the US Marines in 1998 following four years of service.
"Tony Barbagallo, Jr, a veteran of the US Air Force (1983–89), having served in Europe, joined his daughter..
"Also enjoying the morning, with his son, Karl, 8, was Konrad Miller of Sandy Hook. Mr Miller served in the US Navy from 1980 to 1986...
"Jim Reese, US Army Korean veteran (1966–1969), came from Fairfield on Friday morning as a guest of his grandchildren, Erin, 8, and Colleen Phaneuf, 9....
School Programs Honor US Veterans Of War | The Newtown Bee
Chase Kowalski and family.
"Becky takes a deep breath on Wednesday in the funeral home and says, 'Okay, the best day of my life started on Sunday morning when my son came to me in a vision.
"'He came to tell me to explain to my husband that the scope of this event was so large and that there were so many people around the country and the world we were touching. I felt that my son was here in this vision to tell me that the not-for-profit scholarship organization that we are starting in Chase’s honor will save lives, change building codes, demand gun and ammunition control, and that in Chase’s name I would like to bring God back to America. These are the first starting goals of the organization.'"
She says she will keep Chase alive in her life through the Chase Kowalski Scholarship Fund.
Read more:
2. Daniel Barden (9/25/05)
3. Rachel Davino (7/17/83)
4. Olivia Engel (7/18/06)
Olivia Rose Engel, Roman Catholic.
5. Josephine Gay (12/11/05)
6. Ana M. Marquez-Greene (4/4/06)
7. Dylan Hockley (3/8/06)
8. Dawn Hocksprung (6/28/65)
9. Madeleine F. Hsu (7/10/06)
10. Catherine V. Hubbard (6/8/06)
11. Chase Kowalski (10/31/05)
12. Jesse Lewis (6/30/06)
13. James Mattioli (3/22/06)
14. Grace McDonnell (11/04/05)
Anderson Cooper holding an owl drawing
15. AnneMarie Murphy (07/25/60)
16. Emilie Parker (5/12/06)
17. Jack Pinto (5/6/06)
18. Noah Pozner (11/20/06)
19. Caroline Previdi (9/7/06)
20. Jessica Rekos (5/10/06)
21. Avielle Richman (10/17/06)
22. Lauren Russeau (6/1982)
General Michael Aquino. In 1986, San Francisco police began investigating claims of sexual abuse centering around the Army's Child Development Center at the Presidio of San Francisco. In 1987, a girl identified Lt.-Col. Michael Aquino as the person who had had abused her.
23. Mary Sherlach (2/11/56)
24. Victoria Soto (11/4/85)
25. Benjamin Wheeler (9/12/06)
26. Allison N. Wyatt (7/3/06)
Anne Haddad, 45, of Sandy Hook, said her daughter’s second-grade teacher, Abigail Clemments, who is Jewish, calmed the kids by focusing them on Christmas.
Book Review with link below mentions NSA CIA Zionist 9/11 terrorist suspect General Michael Hayden,Chase Kowalski who was at Newtown just before Adam Lanza,alleged child massacre as well as Hunder Games written by notorious Newtown resident.:
The Book Addicts! - Reading Group Challenge 2013: Shirley's 2013 ...
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase (The Wolves Chronicles, #1) Joan Aiken Feb 18 ***** ... Chase Kowalski, 7 .... —Michael Hayden, former director CIA and NSA.sandy hook newtown connecticut shootings - pedophile ... - Aangirfan
Dec 14, 2012 - Newtown shootings: Lauren Rousseau Never Let Go Of Her Dream . ..... Suzanne Collins wrote The Hunger Games. In this book, children are ...Hunger Games Economics: Washington Sees Incomes Soar as Most ...
Sep 21, 2013 - In some ways (though thankfully not in every way) DC resembles the capital city in the movie The Hunger Games. The provinces limp along ...
User ID: 28724521

06/04/2013 09:24 PM
Sandy Hook Hoax: A Detailed Breakdown of the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting
In my opinion there were 5 separate (but related) events that make up the entire Sandy Hook event.
Event 1 - Patsy Retrieval - ~2pm Dec 13, 2012
Nancy Lanza is in Hoboken NJ visiting her ONLY son (Born Adam Lanza) referred to as Ryan after high school (he was geeky when he was young, moved from CT to NJ and reinvented himself). On the afternoon of Dec 13, 2012 Ryan Lanza is then arrested in Hoboken NJ after 2 bodies (Peter Lanza & Nancy Lanza) are said to be found in a house believe to be related to him (his dads house). In reality this "event" never actually occurred and is what is called an (inject) which is a HSEEP protocol for event initiation & control (more details on HSEEP below). This non-event was used to initiate the needed action within the script (MSEL) to lead towards the desired outcome (Sandy Hook). The first step needed was to create a non-event to get Ryan Lanza (the patsy know as Adam) arrested prior to the Sandy Hook event (Dec 13) and do it in a way that the original story could be tweaked after the fact (bait & switch) to cover its existence via a second very similar event which takes its place (see event substitution details below).
During this time a (controlled) unit would go to Ryans house and tell (visiting) Nancy Lanza that her son has been arrested for possible involvement in a very serious crime and to come with them. I believe that it is during this time (both Ryan & Nancy) are killed while in controlled custody (Ryan being arrested for an event that didn't happen (no one really looking for him), and Nancy killed out of state (and no one knows shes dead yet)) giving them the (only) 2 needed bodies (Adam Lanza AKA Ryan Lanza & Nancy Lanza) which are to be used for the foundation of Sandy Hook storyline the following day (Dec 14) (see Added note below for slight variation to this aspect). Both bodies are then driven from Hoboken NJ, to Sandy Hook CT for the following days events (Nancy brought into her house to fit the wanted script of being killed at home, Ryan kept with a controlled unit to be used later as the patsy Adam).
The footage of Ryan Lanza being arrested is then shown AFTER the Sandy Hook event takes place (24 hour MSM delayed inject) but presented as if he was just arrested as a suspect in the Sandy Hook event (Dec 14) which is not the case. This is why it was important for "Adam" to be found with Ryans ID (which of course he had on him... hes Ryan...) in the Sandy Hook event, they needed a way to tie Ryans name into the official "public" script temporarily so they would have a reason to be arresting him, and finding his ID was a good reason for them to justify an arrest allowing them to show the pre-created arrest (inject) from the day before (this 2 suspect theme also echos the drill theme (#3) which was needed for the first few hours after the event). Doing this also helps sell the idea to the public that Adam Lanza & Ryan Lanza are 2 separate people (which they are not...).
Side Note (Event Substitution): The original 2 dead bodies (non-event) Nancy Lanza & Peter Lanza are then overwritten by the next days script (Sandy Hook) where the victims tweak ever so slightly to become Nancy Lanza & Adam Peter Lanza (echo)... the location makes a subtle tweak from Peter Lanzas house to Nancy Lanzas house (echo).... and the original Ryan arrest (Dec 13) is overwritten by them showing that arrest a day later (Dec 14) as if it is related to the Sandy Hook event thanks to the MSM (after his ID is found) which again overwrites the original arrest (echo). Because all aspects (person, place, thing) of the original event are overwritten by an echo the following day, the original event became what I refer to as a "ghost" and disappeared.
Side Note: This is also why the original SSDI (Social Security Death Index) for Adam Lanza stated that he died on Dec 13, 2012. They needed to wait until the hoax built enough speed (plausible proof) before they could change it to the date wanted (Dec 14, 2012). And just and FYI this SSDI adjustment for Adam took until Feb 2, 2013 to get done.
Added: It is also possible that Ryan was spared and only Nancy was killed. In this scenario Peter (thought to be dead via the fake NJ inject) & Ryan (thought to be his killer) the day before the event would of simply be given the ultimatum to both either play along with the official storyline the next day or simply become part of the current script (of Ryan killing his Mother & Father at his dads house). This would cause Peter to play along with the official script to save not only himself but his only son (Ryan), and in return force Ryan to play along because his father was force to, to save him (return the favor). I haven't seen enough evidence of a living "Ryan Lanza" to fully make a decision on this aspect. This is also a more ballsy approach for them to of taken, as it would mean that there is literally NO patsy body (which might be why they are in such a rush to seal all the evidence permanently).
Event 2 - DHS/FEMA Child Disaster Course - 9am-4pm Dec 14, 2012
On the day of Dec 14, 2012 DHS & FEMA are holding a training course in Bridgeport CT involving children responding to disaster.
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm - December 14, 2012
Location: 2800 Main Street, Bridgeport, CT
The goal of the course is to enable participants to improve their community’s mitigation and emergency operations plan specifically regarding the needs of children. The course will provide them with the information needed to address the unique needs of children prior to, during and following disasters. It will also provide them guidance and direction on how to form coalitions and how to become advocates for the unique needs of children in all aspects of emergency management.
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
-Articulate the importance of providing for the needs of children in disasters in your community’s current emergency management plan.
-Explain what is required to keep children safe in emergencies and why those needs are unique.
-Explain the assumptions, concept of operations, organization and assignment of responsibilities that address the unique needs of children prior to, during and following disasters.
-Explain the planning components necessary to address the unique needs of children prior to, during and following disasters
-Incorporate the unique needs of children in disasters into Emergency Operations Plans
-Identify stakeholders and organizations that can assist in preparing for the needs of children in disasters.
-Initiate steps to form coalitions and build teams that have a stake in keeping children safe in disasters
The target audience for this course is local and state emergency managers and planners, Child Services Agencies, NGO’s, Child Care Providers, Schools, and Faith-based Organizations.
[link to]
I believe that the 60 participants (30 parents + 30 children) from this DHS/FEMA course WATCHED the Putnam County drill (#3 below) live via cameras as part of their "training course". They were then taken to the Sandy Hook Fire House (see side note for other possibility) to do post event interviews (of the drill (#3) they just watched). Due to the Putnam County drill (#3) being of a very similar theme to the wanted script it was used as a starting point for them to then build on of over the following hours/days.
A kid snaps one day after having a fight with his mother as she is leaving for work, pissed off not only by that, but also by an altercation he had days prior at the school she works for (related) with the admin staff (principle & guidance councilor), decides to get revenge and gets his older brother to help. Together they steal their parents guns from their bedroom and start off by killing their dad still in the house before he goes to work. They then drive his stolen car to the nearby middle school their mothers works at and first target the admin staff (in which the younger brother had an altercation days prior), before continuing on to targeting their mothers kindergarten class, killing her as well as most of her students. 1 shooter is shot by first arriving police (killed) while the other shooter manages to escape (unharmed).
I believe these DHS/FEMA course participants were used basically as useful idiots to feed the wanted script into the public via (misleading) MSM interviews (similar overlapping events). The interviews in question (~80%+ of the "eyewitness" interviews) were ONLY SHOWN ON THE DAY OF THE EVENT (Dec 14) and only BEFORE 4pm. The DHS/FEMA course ran from 9am-4pm so during this time they were free to use the course script and course interviews as the real event, but closer to 4pm when the course participants would start heading home, their interviews stopped airing on TV, and the official story started slightly shifting to a variations of the course/drill to help avoid suspicion from both unwitting parties.
This is also why the script started changing all over the place during this time, as they needed to do everything they could to avoid suspicion from the course participants that would getting home and seeing the news. The course interviews stopped airing by this time and news switched to start getting ready for the family press conference which soon took over all the attention for the rest of the night. I also believe that if they happened to be told that they were on TV by a friend (not many would of seen during work hours), officials would simply tell them the MSM screwed up due to all the confusion and it was an "error" or "miscommunication" (they love that word).
Side Note: Keep in mind that not all the interviews were (useful idiot) DHS/FEMA course participants (although most were). Some (vague) eyewitness interviews were from the small amount of students (2 classrooms) that were actually inside Sandy Hook Elementary during the event (see #4 below) which were also tossed into the mix (if they fell in line with the wanted script) as well as a bunch of interviews from people arriving at the scene after the fact (that basically were just saying what they were being told was happening).
Side Note (Fire House vs Green Screen): It is also possible that the course participants were interviewed in Bridgeport (instead of being brought to the SH firehouse) by simply recording them in front of a green screen and then adding in various live Sandy Hook backgrounds during their interviews to make it seem like they are there. This would create even more event separation & extra confusion for those (unknowingly) involved and I tend to lean towards this as a high likelihood of the more ideal method that they likely went with.
Side Note: The interviews that take place after 4pm Dec 14 are mostly useful idiots (MSM interviewing random people around town) or are extremely controlled "players" (victims families, medical examiner...). Mixed in with that was the small amount of real eyewitness testimonies that fell in line with the wanted script (all course/drill interviews were not shown anymore).
Event 3 - Putnam County Active School Shooter Drill - 9:00am+ Dec 14, 2012
At the same time as the Sandy Hook "event" takes place, close by in Putnam County the Putnam County Emergency Response Team (ERT) are holding an Active Shooter Drill in a nearby middle school. The actual drill itself commenced at ~9:30am which is the same time the Sandy Hook event is told to of taken place.
By grim coincidence, even as the terrible events were unfolding in Newtown on Friday morning, the Putnam County Emergency Response Team (“ERT”) happened to be assembled for regular training in Carmel, and team members were at that very moment engaged in a mock scenario of an active-shooter in a school. The ERT is comprised of specially trained and heavily armed officers from the Sheriff’s Office and the Carmel and Kent Police Departments.
[link to]
This drill I believe was the one the DHS/FEMA course participants (#2) were watching live via cameras. Again this drill was used to create a "mock" scenario with a very similar script to the one they want told for the "real" event, so with some minor adjustments (via broken telephone effect, careful interview selection & controlled injects) they could blur the drill script with the "non-event" at Sandy Hook to end with the desired story (MSEL). The people directly involved in the drill were kept away from the SH event as an extra safeguard (again event separation).
When news broke of the Newtown shooting, the Putnam County ERT commander called Newtown Police and offered to have the ERT respond to the Sandy Hook school, but that response was not needed because Connecticut police had already secured the scene.
Side Note: Some of this drill script leaked out during the early hours into the official script and they needed to make adjustment to remove/adjust these unwanted parts of the script as time went on (such as the principle being interviewed after the event, or the suspect having an altercation with the school, or that his mom worked in the school as a teacher (there are more examples but you get the idea)).
Event 4 - Sandy Hook Elementary Non-Event - ~9:30am Dec 14, 2012
The actual Sandy Hook event was in my opinion a non event (HSEEP)... In my opinion the school was completely empty except for 2 classrooms which were both evacuated without injury (only 1 of the 2 classes is show being evacuated (the other class was likely escorted out the back entrance)).
[link to]
Remember after the Christmas break the students started going to a different school (Chalk Hill) which was magically vacant but ready to use?
Link Banned (Reeeuters) so Google: Connecticut survivors to attend school in neighboring town
Remember how it was then renamed to the same name as the old school (from Chalk Hill to Sandy Hook Elementary)?
Link also Banned (Guuuardian) so Google: Sandy Hook survivors to return to class in new, refurbished school
I believe the majority of the students/teachers/equipment were already using the new school (Chalk Hill) even before the event took place. The few classes (2) that were in the old school during the non-event were only there that morning for "Make A Gingerbread House Day". The outcome of this bait & switch created what they call a "highly controllable environment" at the old Sandy Hook school (with similar possible event substitution similar to those used in event #1).
To convince the ~4 teachers that were actually in the school that something was going on (a real event) the controlled group simply played the Putnam Country drill audio (active shooter drill) over the schools intercom to mimic a "real" event. Because Sandy Hook Elementary in the past underwent HSEEP training (in 2010 or 2011 (forget which offhand)) the teachers (and students) were trained on how to respond which is to lock the door, block the door, get behind cover, and wait (predictable). Police then went in shortly after to evacuate the 2 classrooms (with eyes closed) who were actually in the school. If these first hand eyewitnesses interviews lined up with the wanted script they were broadcast, if they mentioned anything crucially unwanted their interview was simply disregarded and substituted with a course eyewitness interview (mixed).
Side Note: A small number of controlled players (~2 admin staff) would be required for the Sandy Hook non-event to trigger a real reaction from the few people (~4 teachers, ~30 children) who were inside the school. Gene Rosen & a few other controlled "players" are then added to the mix and used to provide timed dynamic "injects" that slowly guide the script direction throughout the day (as well as quite a plethora of MSM injects...).
Event 5 - St Rose of Lima Suspected Active Shooter - ~2:30pm Dec 14, 2012
Mid afternoon on December 14 there is a suspected shooting at St Rose of Lima School (another HSEEP non-event). This is NOT to be mistaken with the St Rose of Lima CHURCH BOMB THREAT that came 2 days later which was a different event (and helped overwrite the original St Rose event). The suspected shooting occurred the same day as the Sandy Hook event (early afternoon) and was barely covered by the MSM (because it was a controlled non-event). This NON-EVENT was done for multiple reasons, mainly confusion and adding more dynamic pieces to the event (similar event overlap, event substitution...).
3 school shooting related events happened that day (more similar event overlaps were prepped but not needed) in a small area in a small amount of time which was done to help avoid suspicion by a lot of the people involved (which were in most cases useful idiots). Basically they did this non event (including full out police raid of the complex) to create another overlap of confusion via similar theme events. Video however of the police raid on the school was shown on some MSM networks (around the time the course participants would be getting home) and the video of this raid was labeled very misleading to seem like it was video of Sandy Hook Elementary (which is was not).
[link to]
Side Note: I believe this was also done as part of the backup plan (substitute MSEL) which I believe is also where the 2 men dressed as clergy wearing black masks in the purple van, driving from school to school to school fit in (cough Scott Vollmer cough)... that was plan B but wasn't needed (I might get into their "backup plan" in more detail at some point...).
Added Back-up Script Details: Thread: Sandy Hook Hoax: A Detailed Breakdown of the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (Page 6)
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
"The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) is a capabilities and performance-based exercise program which provides a standardized policy, methodology, and terminology for exercise design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning. HSEEP Policy and Guidance is presented in detail in HSEEP Volumes I-III. Adherence to the policy and guidance presented in the HSEEP Volumes ensures that exercise programs conform to established best practices and helps provide unity and consistency of effort for exercises at all levels of government."
[link to (secure)]
Players are agency personnel who have an active role in responding to the simulated emergency and perform their regular roles and responsibilities during the exercise. Players initiate actions that will respond to and mitigate the simulated emergency.
Controllers set up and operate the exercise site, plan and manage exercise play, and act in the roles of response individuals and agencies that are not playing in the exercise. Controllers direct the pace of exercise play; they routinely include members of the Exercise Planning Team. They provide key data to players and may prompt or initiate certain players actions to ensure exercise continuity.
Simulators are control staff personnel who role play nonparticipating organizations or individuals. They most often operate out of the SimCell, but they may occasionally have face-to-face contact with players. Simulators function semi-independently under the supervision of SimCell controllers, enacting roles (e.g., media reporters or next of kin) in accordance with instructions provided in the Master Scenario Events List (MSEL). All simulators are ultimately accountable to the Exercise Director and Senior Controller.
What is SimCell?
The SimCell is an exercise area where controllers generate and deliver injects, and receive player responses to non-participating organizations, agencies, and individuals who would likely participate actively in an actual incident. Physically, the SimCell is a working location for a number of qualified professionals who portray representatives of non-participating organizations, agencies, and individuals who would likely participate during an actual incident.
What is a MSEL?
The Master Scenario Events List (MSEL) is a chronological timeline of expected actions and scripted events (i.e., injects) to be inserted into operations-based exercise play by controllers in order to generate or prompt player activity. It ensures necessary events happen so that all exercise objectives are met.
The MSEL outlines benchmarks and injects that drive exercise play. It also details realistic input to exercise players, as well as information expected to emanate from simulated organizations (i.e., nonparticipating organizations, agencies, and individuals who usually would respond to the situation). An inject includes several items of information, such as inject time, intended recipient, responsible controller, inject type, a short description of the event, and the expected player action.
Evaluators evaluate and provide feedback on a designated functional area of the exercise. They are chosen on the basis of their expertise in the functional area(s) they have been assigned to review during the exercise and their familiarity with local emergency response procedures. Evaluators assess and document participant's performance against established emergency plans and exercise evaluation criteria, in accordance with Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) standards. They typically are chosen from planning committee members or agencies or organizations that are participating in the exercise.
Actors simulate specific roles during exercise play. They typically are volunteers who have been recruited to play the role of victims or other bystanders.
Observers visit or view selected segments of the exercise. Observers do not play in the exercise, nor do they perform any control or evaluation functions. Observers view the exercise from a designated observation area and must remain within the observation area during the exercise. VIP's are also observers, but they frequently are grouped separately. A dedicated group of exercise controllers will be assigned to manage these groups.
Media Personnel
Some media personnel may be present as observers, pending approval by Emergency Management Agency and the Exercise Planning Team. Media interactions also may be simulated by the SimCell to enhance realism and meet related exercise objectives. A dedicated group of exercise controllers will be assigned to manage these groups.
Glossary: [link to (secure)]
Last Edited by TruthNow88 on 08/10/2013 08:11 PM
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