Douglas Shulman,Ex IRS Commissioner and Hedge Fund NASDAQ Money Launderer, Screwed Tea Party and Other Tax Exempt Entities For Political Reasons !
Ex IRS Commissioner and hedge fund scamster and money launderer Douglas Shulman protects Israelis who use stock fraud and gambling operations in U.S. to fund illegal settlements on Palestinian lands.:
IRS Commissioner, Doug Shulman, Confronted Over US Donations ...,%20Doug%20Shulman,%20Co...
HEDGE FUND OFFSHORE STOCK MANIPULATOR AS WELL AS USE OF HIS NASD POSITION TO SELL NASDAQ TO FOREIGN AGENTS AND MAKE THAT U.S.STOCK MARKET AN OFFSHORE ENTITY ITSELF THAT WOULD CONVENINTLY BE HARDER TO REGULATE AND HARDER FOR AMERICANS TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ! Doug Shulman's Israeli hedge fund crooks and stock fraudsters no doubt feel much better ripping off Americans through Dubai that going through American 'securities' dealers to unload their latest U.S.or Nevada incorporated stock scams.
And he covered up for his international 'financial military industrial' elite bosses and war and stock criminals whose money laundering accounts were protected by him in Switzerland and elsewhere.........While black American actor Wesley Snipes has been terrorized by the criminal pervert white 'Jewish' IRS Commissioner
Doig Shulman top Israeli money launderes such as convicted in Israel money launderer Menachem Atzmon whose ICTS International fraud is greatly responsible for 9/11 WTC tragedy and terrorism in the first place
as well as Americans and Israelis running stock frauds from Swiss and Cayman Island,etc. accounts Doug Shulman covers up by making a scape goat of an African American actor !So it has not just been right wing
or Tea Party members who were singled out - it was anyone who had social and political views that were contrary of hedge fund scamster and money launderer Douglas Shulman who were targeted and you'd better believe all 'liberals' aren't 'Barack Obama liberals'.In fact it is outrageous to call a known CIA prostitute and flunky like Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro a 'liberal' in the first place.That is a CNN and Fox News lie.
IRS Puts Wesley Snipes in Prison for Tax Evasion - Not Another One ...
as well as Americans and Israelis running stock frauds from Swiss and Cayman Island,etc. accounts Doug Shulman covers up by making a scape goat of an African American actor !So it has not just been right wing
or Tea Party members who were singled out - it was anyone who had social and political views that were contrary of hedge fund scamster and money launderer Douglas Shulman who were targeted and you'd better believe all 'liberals' aren't 'Barack Obama liberals'.In fact it is outrageous to call a known CIA prostitute and flunky like Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro a 'liberal' in the first place.That is a CNN and Fox News lie.
Wesley Snipes to Prison – Big Win for IRS! Comments by White ...
Apr 24, 2008 by chuckgallagher
“The law is very clear: people must pay their taxes,” Internal Revenue Service Commissioner Douglas Shulman said in a statement released by the U.S. Attorney's office just moments after the sentence was handed down.
IRS Puts Wesley Snipes in Prison for Tax Evasion - Not Another One ...
Nov 19, 2010 – Wesley Snipes is the target of the IRS sentenced to three years in prison while white collar criminals run rampant hurting the American worker ...Previously, IRS officials, in congressional testimony, had denied targeting tea-party groups. Then-IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman in March 2012 told the Ways and Means Committee that the agency was not targeting conservative groups. On Friday, when the IRS apologized for doing just that, officials said the improper actions were taken by career employees, not political appointees, implying that senior officials weren't involved.- Wall Street Journal
Ex IRS Commissioner and hedge fund scamster and money launderer Douglas Shulman protects Israelis who use stock fraud and gambling operations in U.S. to fund illegal settlements on Palestinian lands.:
IRS Commissioner, Doug Shulman, Confronted Over US Donations ...,%20Doug%20Shulman,%20Co...
And ex IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman,( whose involvement with hedge funds and thus international stock fraud money laundering should have disqualified him from his IRS position in the first place), covered up for his international 'financial military industrial' elite bosses and war and stock criminals whose money laundering accounts were protected by him in Switzerland and elsewhere.........Maybe the Tea Party bunch are getting what they deserve by following and supporting pro Israeli Zionists like Ron Paul and his son Rand who may be even more NAZI or 'National Zionist' than even his father Ron Paul whose involvemnent with CIA and UK Rothschild entity ,Agora Inc of Baltimore,.Maryland and world wide stock and securities money laundering tentacles. Dougals Shulman's allegiance is more to his fellow Israeli Zionists in the first place and it was him who made the decision to protect rather than prosecute the Israeli Menachem Atzmon and his Shin Bet or Mossad colleagues who ran the stock fraud and airport security fraud that was and still is ICTS International when they claimed a $2.5 million tax return on money they stole in the U.S.stock market while using money they accrued from stock fraud in the U.S.and offshore money laundering to take control of Logan Airport Boston and Newark New Jersey airport just before 9/11!
ICTS International N.V.: IRS Withdraws Criminal Investigation | WND ...
ICTS International N.V. (ICTSF. OB), a leading provider of advanced security services, is pleased to
report that it has been advised that the Internal Revenue ...
Shulman has covered up not millions or billions but TRILLIONS of dollars stolen from the U.S.economy and 'hidden' in offshore accounts and could be prosecuted for his role in selling a huge stake of NASDAQ to the Sheik of Dubai Mohamed Al Rashid bin Maktoum who is a vassel of both Israel's criminal government as well as CIA and mainly Jewish Zionists he has appointed to run this U.S. stock market - now offshore !
The Jewish-Israeli scumbag and money launderer who Barack Obama appointed to head the IRS SHOULD HAVE BEEN DISQUALIFIED BASED UPON HAS PAST 'BUSINESS' RECORD ALONE.As a member of the elitist hedge fund elite he is part of the very offshore money laundering elite who shouyld be investigated not only for tax evasion but for stock fraud and post 9/11 war profiteering that instaed is being covered up by Barack Obama and his appointees in important postions such as the IRS and the SEC,etc..
Douglas Shulman and Mary Schapiro sell major interest in NASDAQ
Douglas Shulman's high level position in the NASD that they renamed FINRA along with Israeli stock fraud money launderer Bernie Madoff 's cronie Mary Schapiro is what allowed him to sell the NASADQ off to who ever he and his Israeli cronies wanted to sell it to including the Israel friendly Sheik Mohamed Al Radhid bin Maktoum of Dubia,,,,so Israeli government stock fraudsters and cotporate saboteurs don't even have to use the to sell or manipulate their fraudulent U.S.incorporated penny stocks !Americans can now be defrauded through the NASDAQ from Dubai THANKS TO EX IRS COMMISSIONER DOUGLAS SHUMAN !:
WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- NASD promoted three top executives as part of a leadership transition, the securities regulator said Thursday. Effective immediately, Douglas Shulman is the organization's vice president, while Stephen Luparello is the new senior executive vice president. Elisse Walter was also promoted to senior executive vice president. Later this year, as previously announced, Mary Schapiro will take over as chairman and CEO from current NASD chief Robert Glauber.
Shulman came to NASD in 2000. He directed NASD's efforts to restructure itself as solely a regulator and spin-off its market subsidiaries. He led the negotiations that resulted in the sale of both the NASDAQ Stock Market and the American Stock Exchange. He also oversaw NASD's efforts to become active in the fixed income markets by launching the Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine (TRACE), NASD's real-time corporate bond market regulatory and information system. Another main area of focus was heading the successful effort by NASD to modernize its technology systems.
Before joining NASD, Shulman co-founded and served as Executive Vice President of FoundryOne, Inc., a company focused on building and spinning off technology-focused startups within major corporations. Previously, Shulman was Vice President of Darby Overseas Investments, Ltd. and served as a senior policy advisor and as Chief of Staff for the National Commission on Restructuring the Internal Revenue Service.[4] Shulman began his career as a consultant at A.T. Kearney in New York City.
Company Overview
FoundryOne Inc. was incorporated in 1998 and is based in San Francisco, California.
49 Stevenson
Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94105
Suite 900
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States
Founded in 1998Key Executives for FoundryOne Inc.
FoundryOne Inc. does not have any Key Executives recorded.
DARBY OVERSEAS INVESTMENTS LTD. - 197750 - Loophole for ...
Loophole for All is a service to democratize offshore business for people who ... DARBY OVERSEAS INVESTMENTS LTD. ... A few DARBY OVERSEAS firms ...A.T. Kearney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A.T. Kearney
is a global management consulting firm, focusing on strategic and
operational CEO-agenda issues for the world's leading organizations
across all ...Senior IRS Officials May Have Known About That Tea Party ...
New York Magazine-5 hours ago
Senator: Obama should apologize for IRS targeting
Yahoo! News-15 hours ago
2, 2012 file photo, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Douglas Shulman testifies on Capitol Hill in Washington, before the House ...
Report: Senior IRS officials knew in 2011 conservative groups targeted 11, 2013
That is months before then-IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress there was no targeting going on, The Washington Post ...
Show more
IRS targeted tea party groups earlier than 2012
CBS News-May 11, 2013
While this was happening, several committees in Congress were writing numerous letters to IRSCommissioner Douglas Shulman to express ...
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IRS knew in 2011 of Tea Party targeting
New York Post-14 hours ago
“There's absolutely no targeting,” Shulman told a House Ways and Means subcommittee hearing. In a statement yesterday, the IRS said the ...
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IRS sorry for targeting Tea Party, conservative groups
Newsday-May 11, 2013
IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress in March 2012 that the IRS was not targeting groups based on politics. "There's absolutely ...
House committee outlines questions for IRS at planned hearing on ...
Fox News-14 hours ago
That information seemingly contradicts public statements by the IRS Commissioner DouglasShulman. The timeline shows that Louisiana Rep.
Republicans slam IRS targeting of Tea Party as 'chilling,' a form of ...
Fox News-14 hours ago
That information seemingly contradicts public statements by IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, who told congressional investigators in ...
White House: Wrong for IRS to target tea party - Daily Herald
Daily Herald-May 11, 2013
The disclosure contradicts public statements by former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, who repeatedly assured Congress that ...
IRS apologizes for targeting tea party organizations
CBS News-May 10, 2013
According to the IRS, Shulman, who was appointed by President George W. Bush and has since retired, did not know about the targeting at the ...
Why the IRS Abruptly Apologized to the Tea Party
National Journal-13 hours ago
The focus will now become whether or not IRS commissioner Doug Shulman knew about the questions when he testified that no Tea Party ...
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