Tuesday, February 28, 2017

9/11:NIST Whistleblower Denounces WTC Cover Up,Media Censors Evidence Of Molten Iron

9/11:NIST Whistleblower Denounces WTC Cover Up,Media Censors Evidence Of Molten  Iron


NIST Employee Speaks Out on WTC-7 Cover-up

January 14, 2017
"Truth is where our healing lies."
A former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has stepped forward and criticized the government agency for ignoring the scientific errors found in its report on the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC 7) more than eight hours after the September 11, 2001, attacks.
Awareness is growing of the disconnect between the NIST WTC reports and logical reasoning. The level of interest in '15 years later' is a good example. Due to the nature of communication in today's world, that awareness may increase approximately exponentially. Why not NIST blow the whistle on itself now while there is still time? - Truth is where our healing lies.
- Peter Michael Ketcham, former NIST employee

The Media's Criminal Censorship of the Molten Iron of 9-11

January 8, 2017

Tons of molten metal, presumably iron, fell from the 81st floor of the South Tower for seven minutes before the building was demolished. Although this is obviously a very important piece of forensic evidence pertaining to the murderous destruction of the tower, it has never been discussed by the mainstream media. Why? What does this tell us about the media's role in supporting the fraudulent War on Terror? What does this say about the media's complicity in a conspiracy to wage a war of aggression?
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.
― Mark Twain
Most people rely on the mass media to understand important events like 9-11. This means, that to a great extent, the public understanding of what happened on 9-11 is limited to the information provided by the mainstream media. By ignoring essential evidence and omitting important facts about 9-11 the media protected the false narrative that was used to initiate the fraudulent War on Terror and take the nation to war in Afghanistan and Iraq. The media moguls behind this censorship need to be held accountable for their complicity in a conspiracy to wage a war of aggression.

The controlled media was quick to call the 9-11 attacks "an act of war", a decision which effectively precluded a criminal investigation from being carried out.

USA Today reported that 86 percent of the population considered the attacks "acts of war" before any investigation of the evidence. The huge amounts of molten iron disprove the official story of 9-11. So who really carried out these "acts of war" and who put tons of thermitic materials in the Twin Towers?
Protecting the false narrative of 9-11 was essential for the War on Terror agenda to go forward. This required censoring any discussion of evidence that contradicted the false narrative being fed to the public. In the beginning, media censorship became obvious in how certain subjects were treated.  Eyewitness reports of explosions, for example, were reported once, if at all, and never repeated.  The BBC's silent treatment of Stephen Evans' reports of having seen and felt a "series of explosions" in the South Tower before it fell is a good example of this censorship.
Other stories, such as the large number of Israeli terror suspects who were arrested on 9-11 and evidently "tied in" to the atrocity were never discussed in the media more than once, if at all.
One very important aspect of the destruction of the World Trade Center that has been completely omitted by the controlled media is the presence of huge amounts of molten iron seen before, during, and after the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers.  Molten metal was seen in television footage falling from the South Tower before it was destroyed, observed by firemen and professional contractors in the rubble, and found in large quantities in the form of tiny iron spheres in the dust of the demolished towers by independent and government scientists. The tiny iron-rich spheres are, in fact, so commonly found in the dust that their presence is called a signature characteristic of WTC dust, which means it is an identifying characteristic of the dust.

Extremely hot molten metal, presumably iron, was seen cascading from the 81st floor for seven minutes before the tower fell.

A large thermitic reaction was seen one minute earlier occurring in the same place.
A huge cascade of molten metal, presumed to be iron, can be seen falling from the 81st floor of the South Tower for about seven minutes before the tower fell. Firemen reported seeing "molten steel" flowing in the rubble pile "like a volcano" while contractors reported finding pools of molten iron, in the molten state, beneath all three collapsed towers when they reached the bedrock of Manhattan.

Firemen and contractors reported seeing "molten steel" in the rubble.
The demolition of the Twin Towers evidently involved energetic and explosive materials that created billions of tiny balls of iron. Chips of a highly energetic nano-composite of thermite were found in the dust by Dr. Steven E. Jones, a discovery that was documented in a peer-reviewed paper published in 2009. When this thermitic material was heated to 430 degrees C, it detonated and released a great deal of heat and produced tiny balls of iron. This energetic explosive material appears to have been the source of the tiny iron spheres found in the dust.

The bi-layered active thermitic material found in the dust of the World Trade Center by Dr. Steven E. Jones, et al.

When the thermitic material was heated to 430 degrees C it detonated, creating intense heat and tiny iron-rich spheres identical to those found in the dust. Source: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe", Steven E. Jones, et al.
These "iron-rich spheres" were documented in every study of the dust, both government and private, but never reported by the mainstream media. The R.J. Lee study of the dust in the Deutsche Bank building at the southern edge of the World Trade Center complex found that iron spheres comprised nearly 6 percent of the dust. The U.S. Geological Survey's (U.S.G.S.) Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust includes high-quality micrographs of these tiny spheres and chemical analysis of their composition. The U.S.G.S. survey also discovered spheres of molybdenum which were not included in the print version. It should be noted that molybdenum has a very high melting point of 2,623 degrees C, or 4,753 degrees F. These spheres of molten iron and molybdenum are proof that the demolition of the towers was much hotter than the government claims.

The iron-rich spheres found in the U.S.G.S. study of the dust
The first evidence of large amounts of molten metal, presumably iron, was seen falling from the 81st floor of the South Tower seven minutes before it fell. Firemen and contractors working on the pile reported seeing "molten steel" running through the rubble and in pools beneath all three collapsed towers.
The R.J. Lee Group analyzed the dust found in the Deutsche Bank building and published their report on the composition and morphology of the dust in December 2003, in which they reported that iron spheres comprised nearly 6 percent of the dust. The U.S.G.S. published the Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust in 2005 in which photographs of the iron spheres were included. In 2006, there were only two copies of theAtlas available in the entire state of California. Fortunately for me, one of them was in the science library at the University of California at Davis, where I was doing research on the dust and smoke of the WTC destruction.

The R.J. Lee study of the dust found iron spheres comprised nearly 6 percent of the dust. That is a very large percentage and can not be explained by the official explanation. 
While 9-11 researchers were aware of these discoveries the general public was not simply because the mainstream media censored any discussion of it. So, why have these fundamental discoveries of forensic evidence pertaining to the destruction of the Twin Towers, in which some 2,700 people were killed, not been reported by the mainstream media?
The evidence of molten iron and other metals had to be omitted from the government and media explanation because its presence completely contradicts the official narrative of 9-11. The government story falls apart when this evidence is presented, so the controlled media has simply omitted any mention of it for the past fifteen years.
This omission was intentional because the evidence of large amounts of molten iron in the towers and rubble destroys the official narrative. This narrative had to be protected because it is the false story the public was sold in order to get public opinion to support waging the Global War on Terror. The evidence of molten iron contradicts that story, so information about it had to be withheld from the public.  
If the media had informed the public of the huge amount of molten iron in the Twin Towers when it was first seen and every time its presence was re-discovered, the entire public understanding of what happened on 9-11 would have been different, and the motivation for waging war in Afghanistan and Iraq would have been completely derailed. The media's betrayal of the American people and the republic in this regard is unforgivable.  The people who conspired to keep this information from the public should be investigated and charged with complicity in a conspiracy to wage a war of aggression, a crime against the peace.
To support Christopher Bollyn's work for 9-11 truth and justice
and his upcoming speaking tour:
Donate by PayPal to bollyn@bollynbooks.com
or click here:  
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe", Steven E. Jones, et al, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009
Particle Atlas of World Trade Center Dust, by Heather A. Lowers and Gregory P. Meeker, U.S. Dept. of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, 2005https://permanent.access.gpo.gov/lps62012/lps62012/pubs.usgs.gov/of/2005/1165/508OF05-1165.html#heading01
"WTC Dust Signature Report, Composition and Morphology ", R.J. Lee Group, December 2003http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/thermite/cache/nyenvirolaw_WTCDustSignatureCompositionAndMorphology.pdf
"Expert Report - WTC Dust Signature", R.J. Lee Group, May 2004http://www1.ae911truth.org/documents/WTCDustSignature_ExpertReport.051304.1646.mp_.pdf

Why Are You Not a 9-11 Truther?

January 13, 2017
I think we can all agree that understanding what really happened on 9-11 is of tremendous importance to the people of the United States, and indeed to the entire world. As the seminal event of the "War on Terror," 9-11 led directly to two wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, and a whole host of military interventions across the Middle East and beyond. It also brought profound changes at home, changes which have affected many aspects of life in America. All of this, of course, has come at great cost to the American people. Since September 2001, the wars and "homeland security" measures have cost the U.S. about $2.5 trillion.

The TSA airport security inspection is just one of the changes imposed on the public as a result of 9-11.
Because 9-11 is of such historical importance it is essential that we know the truth of what really happened and who is behind the terror attacks. Polls have clearly shown that the American people do not think their government has been truthful about 9-11.
In the first five years after 9-11, the New York Times and CBS News did three polls in which they asked the public:
When it comes to what they knew prior to 9/11 about possible terrorist attacks against the U.S., do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?
In 2002, 73 percent thought the administration was "mostly lying" or "hiding something". That number went up to 76 percent in 2004, and to 81 percent in October 2006. When they found that only sixteen percent of the population thought the administration was "telling the truth"… they stopped polling.
With four-out-five Americans convinced the Bush administration was "mostly lying" or "hiding something" a new word entered our vocabulary in 2005 - "truther". An informal word, Merriam-Webster defines "truther" as "one who believes that the truth about an important subject or event is being concealed from the public by a powerful conspiracy." By this definition more than 80 percent of the population would be 9-11 truthers.
If you are not a truther, why aren't you? This is a serious question that needs to be asked of anyone and everyone who is not interested in finding the truth about what really happened on 9-11.
Let's be logical. We certainly agree that 9-11 is of the utmost importance so it is not a matter of someone dismissing 9-11 truth as being unimportant. If you are not a truther there can be only two possible reasons why: either you think that the official story is true, or you have doubts about the government narrative but are afraid to let people know what you think.
If you are in the latter category it is a matter of overcoming your fears and standing up for the truth. The best way to do this is to inform yourself about 9-11 so your knowledge gives you the confidence to stand up and defend your position. Don't worry about others being offended. The facts will turn them around too, when they know them.
If, however, you are in the first category and think the official story is true, then it must be a matter of a lack of awareness of some crucial facts and evidence from the scene of the crime. While there are many facts that raise serious doubts about the veracity of the official story of 9-11, there is also compelling evidence that proves it is false.
The evidence of molten iron seen falling from the South Tower and found in large amounts in the rubble and dust is such compelling evidence. The evidence of molten iron simply rules out the possibility that the government story about the destruction of the Twin Towers is true.

Molten metal, presumed to be iron, cascaded from the 81st floor of the South Tower for seven minutes before the explosive demolition of the tower.
The fact that molten metal, presumed to be iron, was present in large quantities on the 81st floor of the South Tower proves that temperatures much higher than those given by the government were reached in the tower prior to and during the explosive demolition. Such high temperatures could not have been caused by burning jet fuel or office fires, a fact that cannot be squared with the government explanation for the collapse of the towers.
The fact that streams and pools of molten iron were seen in the rubble and at the base of the towers is further proof that the government story is false. The documented evidence is incompatible with the government explanation of the collapses. The problem was quite evident in the video of NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology) engineer John L. Gross where he is asked about the evidence of molten iron being found in the rubble – and denies it even existed. The NIST explanation of the collapses of the towers simply cannot be true in the face of documented evidence of molten iron, so Gross had to deny the existence of the evidence.
The scientific evidence that at least six percent of the dust of the demolished towers is comprised of billions of tiny balls of molten iron (i.e. iron-rich spheres, R.J. Lee study of dust) is another fact that contradicts the government explanation. These extremely small iron-rich spheres are not to be confused with the molten iron seen in large amounts. The micro spheres of iron were evidently produced by a highly energetic nano-composite of super-thermite, chips of which were found in the dust by Dr. Steven E. Jones. When the chips of this material were heated to 430 degrees C, they detonated and produced extreme heat and iron-rich micro spheres identical to those found in the dust. The pools of molten iron were, most likely, created by large amounts of conventional thermite pre-placed in the buildings and perhaps on the planes themselves.

The WTC dust contained billions of tiny balls of molten iron that were created during the explosive demolition of the towers.
In any case, the evidence of molten iron and super-thermite proves that the government (i.e. NIST) and media explanation of what caused the destruction of the Twin Towers is false. The fact that John Gross, one of the NIST engineers who wrote the report, denied any knowledge of molten iron indicates that the report is intentionally false and required the omission of documented evidence in order to be able to come to the conclusions it was meant to come to.
This means that the American public has been intentionally lied to about what really caused the destruction of the Twin Towers. The evidence is clear and compelling: the government explanation for what really happened when nearly 2,700 people were killed during the explosive demolition of the World Trade Center is false and cannot be supported by any reasonable person.
So, if you have not been a 9-11 truther because you believed the government story, you will be a truther as soon as you grasp the meaning of the evidence of molten iron discussed in this article. In order to support the false conclusion of his fraudulent report John Gross of NIST had to deny the existence of molten iron in the rubble, something you now know all about.
To support Christopher Bollyn's work for 9-11 truth and justice
and his upcoming speaking tour:
Donate by PayPal to bollyn@bollynbooks.com
or click here:  
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"The Media's Criminal Censorship of the Molten Iron of 9-11" by Christopher Bollyn, January 8, 2017www.bollyn.com/the-medias-criminal-censorship-of-the-molten-iron-of-9-11/

Angela Merkel:German Jewish Journalist Josef Joffe Suggests Assassination Of U.S. President Donald Trump

Angela Merkel:German Jewish Journalist Suggests Assassination Of U.S. President Donald Trump

Angela Merkel gifts Israel with free nuke capable submarines even knowing its leaders are war criminals and criminally insane.She jails Germans who are simply free thinkers and believe the true history of the holocaust as well as Jewish Zionist collusion with the NaZis has been hidden and covered up to place all guilt on common Jewish citizens who never had the acess to and influence to and influence with Hitler and the NaZIS THAT ELITE JEWISH BANKERS,INDUSTRIALISTS  AND ZIONISTS WHO FOUNDED ISRAEL HAD.We now know of the 'transfer agreemebnt' between Zionists and the NaZis that sent German tax money to Palestine to fund the future Israel..........

German Newspaper Editor: Assassination Easiest Way To End "Trump ...

Jan 27, 2017 - Josef Joffe, the editor-publisher of German weekly Die Zeit, suggests the easiest way to end the "Trump catastrophe" is to murder the president in the White House. ... German Journalist Who Blew Whistle on CIA Media Control Drops Dead at ... Funny he doesn't mention retribution for Angela Merkel and her ...

German Solution to the Trump Problem: “Murder in the White House ...

Jan 24, 2017 - Now there's a “journalist” named Josef Joffe from Die Zeit, who ... Trump as part of a panel discussion and call-in program on German TV.

GERMAN JEWISH ZIONIST WHO ADVOCATES Assassination of Trump hosts Jewish  event in honor of Angels Merkel who gives nuke subs to Israeli war criminals !

Angela Merkel accepts German Reform movement's top honor - JTA

Dec 3, 2015 - Angela Merkel accepts German Reform movement's top honor ... Other speakers wereJewish Museum Director Peter Schaefer and Josef Joffe, publisher-editor ... Jewish journalist sticks up for Trump after being called a 'liar' ...


"Murder in the White House"
In a clear incitement to murder, Josef Joffe, the Jewish publisher-editor (born Poland 1944) of Die Zeit, a weekly German newspaper, suggested "murder in the White House" as a method to remove President Donald Trump from power. His comment aired on German television two days after Trump's inauguration.
Will this German publisher be held accountable for incitement to murder the president of the United States? Having made a comment inciting an act of terror, will Josef Joffe be allowed to enter the United States?
A German reader commented on the anti-Trump atmosphere of the controlled media in Germany: "Even if it was not meant seriously, a flippant remark with such content is very unusual in this context in Germany. His statement builds on and fabricates a hostile atmosphere that is unheard of here."......

During the women's protest march in Washington, D.C., the day after the inauguration, an American singer named Madonna Louise Ciccone spoke to the crowd and said:  "Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House."
This is clearly an incitement to violence, whether she meant it or not.  If she were a Muslim she would have probably been arrested on the spot and charged with inciting an act of terrorism. By saying these words she is putting the idea of violence against the president of the United States into the mind of the public...........

The Media Hyenas Attacking President Trump

January 24, 2017

The controlled media is treating President Donald Trump like a pack of hyenas attacking a lion.

Josef Joffe, the Jewish publisher of Die Zeit, actually suggested "Murder in the White House" on German television as a method to remove Donald Trump from power. The American people need to understand who is behind this incitement - and what it means for our republic.
The media's harsh criticism of President Donald Trump needs a bit of explaining. I have never before seen the media act so much like a gang of hyenas against a newly elected president. I am sure that it has never been so bad for an incoming president in all of U.S. history.
Why is the media so vicious? The first point to remember is that the media in the U.S. is consolidated like never before. Something like 90 percent of the media outlets are owned by only six corporations, like Rupert Murdoch's News Corp.  Some of the family-owned companies, like the New York Times, came out early in support of Hillary Clinton, who also had the support of Madame de Rothschild and the international financial gangster George Soros.
What needs to be understood is that this is the same controlled media that supported going to war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and which has been completely silent about what really happened on 9-11. That is to say this is the very same media that is complicit in the 9-11 cover-up and deception.
If the media had not censored eyewitness testimony of explosions and the evidence of molten metal flowing through the towers before, during, and after their explosive demolition - the American people would have understood they were being lied to and set up for a fake and criminal war. The fraudulent war agenda would have been halted in its tracks. Controlling the media was essential to foisting the 9-11 deception and fraudulent War on Terror on the world.
This is what the Trump-hating media has done for us for the past 15 years. They lied to us about 9-11 and lied us into a criminal Zionist war agenda known as the War on Terror. They had no problem with the fact that both invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were based on huge whopping lies, which they repeated without question to the American people. Their lying about 9-11 continues to this day! They have still not reported on the scientific evidence that at least six percent of the dust of the destroyed Twin Towers is tiny balls of molten iron – discovered in 2003!
The fact that they hate Donald Trump is to be expected. I would worry if they liked him. An honest man would not want to be friends with the media whores who have sold their souls and helped take our nation into illegal wars of aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and elsewhere.
During the women's protest march in Washington, D.C., the day after the inauguration, an American singer named Madonna Louise Ciccone spoke to the crowd and said:  "Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House."
This is clearly an incitement to violence, whether she meant it or not.  If she were a Muslim she would have probably been arrested on the spot and charged with inciting an act of terrorism. By saying these words she is putting the idea of violence against the president of the United States into the mind of the public.
"Murder in the White House"
In a clear incitement to murder, Josef Joffe, the Jewish publisher-editor (born Poland 1944) of Die Zeit, a weekly German newspaper, suggested "murder in the White House" as a method to remove President Donald Trump from power. His comment aired on German television two days after Trump's inauguration.
Will this German publisher be held accountable for incitement to murder the president of the United States? Having made a comment inciting an act of terror, will Josef Joffe be allowed to enter the United States?
A German reader commented on the anti-Trump atmosphere of the controlled media in Germany: "Even if it was not meant seriously, a flippant remark with such content is very unusual in this context in Germany. His statement builds on and fabricates a hostile atmosphere that is unheard of here."

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Pope Francis Friend To Catholic Pedophiles,Israeli Murderers Of Catholic Women In Argentrina

Pope Francis Friend To Catholic Pedophiles,Israeli Murderers Of Catholic Women In Argentrina

While El Salvador Archbishop Romero and Guatemala's Gerardi died exposing war criminals including Israel in Central America,Pope Francis lived safe and secure and silent as tens of thousands of Argentines died at the mercy of  Israeli arms supplied to the Argentine military.No wonder Franis or Gorge Mario Berglioni doesn't want anyone questioning or criticising Israel and Jewish Zionism that

Rape Of Argentine Jewish Women ,A Pope Francis Bergoglio,Israel Zionist Hoax?:No Evidence So Far Of Deaths Or Murder Of Argentine Jewish Women Or Military Rape Pregnancies:

Rape Of Argentine Jewish Women ,A Pope Francis Bergoglio,Israel ...

Jun 1, 2015 - Does the Argentine military's and Israel's friend Pope Francis aka ... Among the "disappeared" were pregnant women, who were kept alive until ...

Pope Francis: questions remain over his role during Argentina's ...

https://www.theguardian.com › World › Pope Francis
Mar 13, 2013 - Argentina's cardinal Jorge Bergoglio greets followers outside the San ... of the church – and its new head – during Argentina's brutal military dictatorship. ... including two pregnant women, when he was in power in the 1980s.

Pope Francis and the Dirty War - The New Yorker

Mar 14, 2013 - Pregnant women were often held until they gave birth, whereupon they ... the Argentine military espoused a brand of anti-Communist ferocity ...

Pope Francis and Argentina's 'disappeared' - BBC News

Apr 11, 2013 - ... about Pope Francis's conduct as a priest during Argentina's military ... toxic affair of "disappeared" pregnant women, who gave birth to their ...

Pope Francis vs. 'Dirty War' Rumors - Bloomberg View

May 3, 2015 - He recently slammed wage inequality between men and women as "a pure ... yet: He has asked the Vatican to open its archives on the Argentine Dirty War, ... old men and pregnant women -- the junta's victims were as varied as the ... were abducted and tortured for several weeks in a militarydungeon.


The Rabbit Pope Goes Easy On Pedophiles -

4 hours ago - Pope Francis has been slammed by church officials and sex abuse survivors for cutting penalties for paedophile priests. The Pope is said to be ...

The Rabbit Pope Goes Easy On Pedophiles

Pope Francis has been slammed by church officials and sex abuse survivors for cutting penalties for paedophile priests.
The Pope is said to be applying his vision of a ‘merciful church’ to sex offenders by reducing punishments to weaker sentences, such as a lifetime of prayer and penance.
It has been revealed by church officials that Pope Francis overruled advice given to him by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about two priests – allowing them to be punished by a lifetime of prayer.
At the least, this move by the Pope shows that he is sympathetic to priests with these drives, and I would wonder if he even has these drives himself......

Pope Trims Sanctions for Some Pedophile Priests Seeking Mercy


1 day ago - Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against a handful of pedophile priests, applying his vision of a merciful church even to its worst ...

Alleged victims of pedophile priests say Pope Francis was made ...

Dec 23, 2016 - The clerical sex abuse scandal unfolding at an institute for hearing impaired children in Argentina is now touching Pope Francis himself, after ...

Pope Francis Scraps Abuse Tribunal for Bishops Who Cover Up ...


Jun 4, 2016 - VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis on Saturday scrapped his proposed tribunal to prosecute bishops who covered up for pedophile priests after it ...

Pope Francis' sex abuse comments draw ire from victims - LA Times


Sep 23, 2015 - Pope Francis on Wednesday appeared to praise the Roman ... people who moved thepedophiles around to prey on kids,” said John Salveson, ...